Yun Tian felt a little pity when he mentioned this matter.

If it wasn't because he was too busy, he could only spare a little time every day to go around the forest with Marisa, and the harvest could at least be doubled.

The products of that magical primeval forest are much richer than imagined.

"..." Edwards was silent for a moment.

Yun Tian's affirmative expression made her doubt her own judgment.

According to common sense, such colorful mushrooms must not be eaten, and nine out of ten are deadly poisonous mushrooms.

However, Yuntian went to another world after all. Hearing the name 'Fantasy Township', Edelweiss felt that it should not be an ordinary world.

What if, in that world, such colorful mushrooms are not poisonous?

After experiencing a world full of fantasy flavors like Earth Fault, Edelweiss' thinking and vision have also broadened a lot.

So, she tentatively asked:

"Aren't these mushrooms poisonous?"


"Then you still eat!!!"

Edelweiss angrily threw the mushroom in her hand to Yuntian, she felt that she was being played.

"No, no, don't throw it!" Yun Tian carefully caught the flower mushroom, and Edelweiss frowned unconsciously when he saw it.

Yun Tian knew she had misunderstood, and explained:

"These mushrooms are indeed poisonous, but they will not have a serious impact on our current physique. The key is that they can improve the energy quality in the body."

There are more than one kind of poisonous mushrooms in the magic forest, and Yuntian also picked part of each kind.

Some can increase 'quantity', some can temper 'quality', and some can activate energy and improve operating efficiency.

Effects vary.

"Although the improvement for you and me can only be described as weak, a slight improvement is still an improvement, and... it's really delicious."

After listening to Yuntian's explanation, Edelweiss looked again at the dried mushrooms in the bag, and confirmed with a complicated expression:

"really tasty?"

"Really! I promise!"

"Then I'll accept it for the time being, and try to cook later."

Edelweiss is still very attracted by the special ingredients, since Yuntian promises that there will be no problem, she will try it for the time being.

. . . . . .

After counting the harvest of Gensokyo this time, Yun Tian thought for a while, then took out a piece of parchment and handed it to Edelweiss.

"I opened this when I opened the treasure box in Gensokyo. Do you think we should use it, or sell it?"

'Team contract (shared space)'

Grade: C-Grade

Type: team props

Duration: Permanent

Effect: Agents can form a team, and the whole team can obtain a common shared space.

Taking the parchment from Yun Tian, ​​Edelweiss asked casually, "Have you opened the treasure chest?"

"I opened two privilege chests, one resident card allows me to stay in Gensokyo for half a month longer, and the other one is it."

1735 shared space

"Looking at the effect, it should be a team space. If you put things in, I can take them out?"

"Well, it would be very convenient if the distance is not restricted."

Yun Tian and Edelweiss had a discussion about this team contract item.

"So, do you want to use it?"

The two once obtained a team contract, the effect is spiritual protection, and provided Yuntian with help when facing the goddess of beauty Freya in the past.

But overall the sense of presence is not strong.

After all, it is a C-level team skill. For Yuntian and Edelweiss, who have grown into A-level skills, it is better than nothing.

The shared space in front of me is different. Class C means that the space is limited in size, which is not really a restriction.

The only thing to worry about is the distance limit.

"Since it is a team skill, there should be no distance limit."

"I think so too, but it's hard to say, after all, the level is relatively low."

"It would be nice to have no distance limit, but it is not a skill that can improve combat effectiveness after all."

"Don't just think about improving your strength, isn't it good to make life easier?"

There is still a difference between Yuntian and Edelweiss in their thinking angles, which is also the key to their discussion.

It has been said that team building props are very rare, even those without skills can be sold at a high price.

For agents like Yuntian and Edelweiss who already have a team, this item can only add new team skills to them.

But for agents who haven't found a team yet, it is a precious item that can be used to find the partners behind them.

When Edelweiss first came to the Lord God's Dimension, Senior Yas had told Yun Tian about the team.

This is a team mode protected by the main god's space, which guarantees the trust among team members to a certain extent.

Retiring from the team is not allowed in the mission world. Every time a team member dies, the whole team will be punished. If you want to leave the team, you must return to the main god space to operate alone.

Most importantly, the punishment changes depending on the situation.

This main god space is not artificial intelligence, it has subjective judgment ability, so it is difficult to find loopholes to exploit.

Mutual benefit and win-win is the major premise, whether it is between the main god space and the agent, or between the agent and the agent, this is the case.

Closer to home.

If the team skills prescribed were to increase combat effectiveness, then Yuntian would definitely use them without any hesitation.

But for the shared space, now that both Yuntian and Edelweiss have large-scale space props, it's hard to say how effective it can be.

Furthermore, if there is a distance limit, it will be even more useless.

It's better to sell it, and you can exchange it for a lot of exchange points.

"Speaking of which, how many exchange points do we have now?"

"This task was settled with 12500 points, um... a total of more than 11 points."

"Pure Rubik's Cube doesn't need to worry about the energy source for the time being, there are still 11 exchange points, why don't you use it?" Edelweiss thought for a while and gave his own suggestion.

She is still more optimistic about the skill of shared space, mainly because of convenience, while combat power is a secondary consideration for Edelweiss.

There is indeed no shortage of exchange points right now, and neither of them has any urgent problems to solve.

Therefore, Yun Tian thought for a while, then nodded, picked up the parchment, and chose to use it.

Immediately, on his and Edelweiss' personal panels, there was a brand new item in the column of team skills.

At the same time, the two felt a brand new space at the same time.

It was a very strange feeling.

The feeling is different from when using the portable pocket and the space ring, because there is no medium, it feels a little unreal.

Similar to the personal panel of the main god space, it will appear as soon as the mind moves.

The size of the space is similar to the portable pocket of the previous C-level, which is equivalent to a volume of 100 cubic meters.

But since it is a C- grade, it means that there are defects.

Not the size, obviously the function.

The former C-level portable pocket has two very convenient functions, one is to divide the area according to the user's wishes, and the other is to switch the time lapse inside each area.

None of these two functions, shared space.

The inner space is not static, and there is no way to be static, it can only be used for storage.

What is placed inside will also change over time.

But this is not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is that there is no function of dividing the space.

This point was once mentioned by Edelweiss when he upgraded the space ring.

Because there is no function of dividing space, with a volume of 100 cubic meters, the things placed inside must be organized by the user.

Once there are too many things, rummaging through them is just like rummaging through a warehouse, which is very troublesome.

There is no more difference than one using the hand and the other using the mind.

However, there is one thing that makes Yuntian and Edelweiss very satisfied, that is, there is no distance limit for the use of the shared space.

At least there is no limitation in the perception of Yuntian and Edelweiss, and further testing is needed.

From the results, it is still very good.

If there is a situation where two people are separated, there is no need to use other means to send a letter, just write it and put it in the shared space, and the other side can take it out and see it immediately.

"Okay, nothing else for now."

As Yun Tian said, he stood up from the chair and walked towards Edelweiss.

Edelweiss just packed up the sack of poisonous mushrooms and tried the new shared space again, showing a satisfied smile.

Unexpectedly, when he looked up, he found that Yun Tian had already walked beside him.

Edelweiss made a question mark slowly, and immediately, before he could react, Yun Tian grabbed him and directly copied it into his arms in the posture of a princess hug.

Edwards: ? !

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