At this moment, she realized something.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

Yun Tian, ​​who hasn't had any meat for a whole month, won't let her get out of bed for at least three days.

. . . . . .

three days later.

Yuntian left the residential area refreshed.


Don't ask, asking is just sleeping.

I know everything, I can't describe it.

Yun Tian first went to the trading area, and wandered around casually, wanting to see if he could find some useful props.

But sure enough, for A-level agents, the trading area can no longer meet the needs.

Therefore, Yuntian, who had found nothing, walked through the trading area and found the building without any sign in the middle of the trading area and the facility area.

That's right, it was the exchange he visited after the last mission.

Hanging the badge on his chest, Yun Tian pushed the door and walked in, the empty house still appeared in front of him.

However, this time there was no prompting sound in my ears.

Having been here once, Yuntian also knew what to do.

He closed his eyes, and only a second later, a female voice came from his ear.

"You are welcome, guest."

1736 Identity Implantation Card

Opening his eyes, Yun Tian appeared in the same room as the last time he came.

In the center of the room is a table, an empty chair, and a woman whose face is still unclear across the table.

With long black hair, a plain long skirt, and a mist covering her face, judging the woman in front of her simply by her appearance, it is likely to be the same person as last time.

But Yuntian's intuition reminded him that the woman in front of him was not the same person as last time, but a stranger he had never seen before.

This kind of intuition is not a simple sixth sense, but a way of using the power of fate, which Yun Tian learned from Remilia.

This technique itself has no name, but because of its similar effect, Yuntian named it 'Super Intuition'.

"You are welcome, guest."

The woman spoke, even the voice was consistent with Yun Tian's memory, but he became more and more sure that the person in front of him was different from last time.

"If I remember correctly, the waiter should have said last time that as long as I don't ask for a replacement, the same person should receive me every time I come."

Yun Tian walked over and sat down on the chair, and said casually at the same time.

In fact, he is not interested in whether the waiter is replaced, but judging from the last experience, this exchange seems to attach great importance to rules.

This store is trustworthy.

But if he tried to deceive customers by relying on his ability to conceal his identity, then Yuntian would have to be more careful when buying things.

"I'm very sorry, you are right, I am not the same waiter who received you last time, and I am planning to explain this to you."

The waitress did not express any doubt or shock at Yun Tian seeing through the replacement, but instead showed a 'should be so' attitude.

"The gap between A-level and below A-level, shouldn't I need to explain too much to you?"

The waitress spread her hands, her covered face seemed to show a helpless expression.

"We will not find out the identity and strength of the guests, but in order to prevent unnecessary misunderstandings, the reception of guests above A level must be handled by the corresponding level of waiter, only in this way can we guarantee an equal dialogue with you.

"You raised your proxy level to A-level between the last time you visited our store and this time, right?"

"Well, that's right." Yun Tian didn't intend to hide it, but he also felt the difference of A-level agent again.

Even if his strength was A-level, before the agent level was not raised, no matter where he was, he never received such attention.

He had a deep understanding of the meaning of the sentence that Roberts, the deputy head of the Yas team, said, "Only when you reach the A level can you be regarded as a real agent."

"Thank you for your understanding, and please accept this."

Seeing Yun Tian nodding, the waitress took out a badge, put it on the table and pushed it over.

"This is?" Yun Tian has naturally seen this badge before, and he still has the exact same one hanging on his chest.

It is the qualification to enter this shop.

"This is the entrance ticket to this exchange. If ordinary customers want to get it, they need to meet the consumption limit to buy it at the price of [-] exchange points.

"As for A-level agents, we will give one free, and you can give it to anyone at will."

"I see." Yun Tian raised his eyebrows, and accepted the badge unceremoniously.

The value of [-] exchange points is not for nothing.

He also understands that this is a way for the other party to gain rapport. With five thousand points in hand, the trivial matter of changing the waiter is not something worth paying attention to.

For a big exchange with a big business, [-] points is not an unreasonable amount. If it can be exchanged for the favor of an A-level agent, even a little bit is a bloody profit.

Once the level is raised to A-level, the agent's spending power will also rise in a straight line, and [-] points can be earned back in just one transaction.

"So, how can I help you?"

Seeing Yun Tian accepting the badge, the waitress stopped talking nonsense and went straight to the point of the question.

"Is there any identity implant card, or props for related functions?"

Yuntian wanted to get this kind of props from a long time ago, and almost every time he returned to the main god's space, he would go to the trading area to look for them.

It's a pity that this type of props is the most sought-after type, and it will never enter the market at all, so every time Yuntian returns without success.

When he came to the exchange last time, he wanted to ask, but because of the ability to conceal his breath, he was even more anxious, so there were not many exchange points left after purchasing.

In addition to buying two gifts for Edelweiss, Yuntian simply didn't ask any more questions.

After all, if you ask, you can’t afford it, out of sight, out of mind.

You don't need to think about it to know that such props that cannot be seen on the market, even if they are really available, must be extremely expensive.

"Identity implant card... found."

The waitress took out the piece of paper that Yuntian had seen before, manipulated it a few times, and handed it to Yuntian.

"There is one for B-level, one for C-level, and more for D-level. There are five in total. There are no other similar items for the time being."

Yun Tian took the paper and glanced at it. The content on it was the same as what the waiter said, so he asked:

"What's the difference between the grades of identity implant cards?"

"The difference is roughly two aspects, the importance of identity and the probability of character relationship."

As soon as the waitress waved her hand, three cards appeared on the table, which were the identity implantation cards of all levels of BCD.

She picked up the C-level one in the middle and showed it to Yun Tian, ​​while explaining.

'Identity Implantation Card'

Grade: Grade C

Effect: You can choose to use it at the beginning of the mission. After using it, the identity of the agent will be implanted in this mission.

Note: If there is already an identity implant in this mission, the implanted identity will be appropriately increased after using this prop, increasing the chance of obtaining the background relationship of the aboriginal characters.

"The introduction of the identity implantation card at each level is roughly the same. The higher the level, the more important, nobler, safer, easier to obtain benefits, etc. The higher the level, the more important, the more noble, the safer, and the easier it is to obtain benefits.

"If you're lucky, you can get a high-yield status, and if you're unlucky, you can get a noble or safe status, which doesn't add much to the completion of the task.

"But no matter what, it can help the representative to obtain a reasonable identity background, and there is no need to explain it to the aborigines as a black household."

The waiter first explained the first difference 'importance', and then paused for a while to give Yuntian time to digest the information.

Then went on to say:

"As for obtaining the relationship between the aboriginal characters, there is a general classification after sorting out.

"S-level can replace the protagonist itself, A-level can obtain an identity related to the protagonist, B-level is an important person, C-level is an unimportant person, D-level is basically a reasonable identity, and it is only a passerby role if it is related. .”

1737 Weapon Improvement

Yuntian once obtained a C-level identity implant card, and used it in the mission of the world of fallen knights.

'At that time, what I obtained was the relationship of Tojiro Nango, the fighting god, that is, the so-called unimportant person. '

Yun Tian listened to the waiter's explanation and thought deeply.

An unimportant character may mean 'unimportant' from the perspective of the world, or it may refer to 'unimportant' in the plot.

'So, the identity implant that comes with my authority title is equivalent to a D-level, which has almost nothing to do with it, and there are only background panels or passers-by who will not show up.

'As for the title of swordsman, it has increased some importance in the designated direction. '

In other words, Yuntian's default status every time is equivalent to C-.

The gifted students in Xuezhan City and members of the Loki family in the Wrong World all meet this standard.

The follow-up Fan Xinglu's personal disciples and the high-level members of the Luoji family were all obtained by Yuntian himself, not identity setting.

Only by using an additional identity implant card, the World of Fallen Knights with an additional increase on the basis of the original C-, has a relatively high initial background.

Just as Yun Tian was thinking, the voice of the waitress came again.

"What kind of identity is obtained is random, and the relationship with aboriginal characters is also obtained by chance.

"Using the A-level identity implantation card but not obtaining any relationship, or only obtaining the relationship of characters below the B-level, similar situations have happened.

"The importance of identity is roughly consistent with the level, and there will not be a particularly large gap."

The waitress wanted to say something more, but at this moment, a sudden change interrupted her.

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