
Suddenly one of the three cards placed on the table turned into white smoke and disappeared in front of Yun Tian and the waiter.

This unexpected situation made the waitress obviously stunned for a moment, then quickly checked the piece of paper, and said to Yun Tian:

"Someone bought five D-level identity implant cards, and now there is only one B-level and one C-level..."

"I want it all, give me the things first." Yun Tian made a decision without hesitation.

A B-level identity implant card is priced at 2 exchange points, and a C-level is 5. They are not cheap, and the price is far higher than that of items of the same level.

Yuntian had inquired in the trading area before, so he knew the value of the identity implantation card. Although these two cards are a bit premium, they are generally within the floating range of market standards, which is not outrageous.

This thing itself is extremely expensive.

Even the D-level identity implant card that was just bought has a price tag ranging from 5 to 8.

Yuntian has the title of authorized person, so he has never had much experience.

But for other agents, the problem of black households after the arrival can be regarded as the biggest obstacle to the completion of the task.

For example, in the urban world of Xuezhan, an agent without identity must find a way to join a college as a black household, and then participate in the Xingwu Festival.

In Dicuo, you have to face difficulties. Before joining the family, you must first get rid of the interrogation of the Ganesha family. If you are not careful, you will be hunted down.

In the eyes of many agents, even if the D-level identity implant card is twice as expensive, it is still worth buying.

It can effectively improve the efficiency of completing tasks and exploring the world. More than 1 points per task can be easily earned back with some utilitarianism.

"Originally, A-level agents have the priority to buy things in this store. The content you are browsing will be locked by agents below A-level."

The waitress explained something to Yuntian apologetically.

It is also because of the existence of this mechanism that she explained a lot of content to Yuntian first, instead of asking him to buy this kind of hot goods earlier.

Unexpectedly, there was another A-level agent in the store at the same time, and the goal was also to implant the identity card.

If they are also A-level agents, the priority will naturally not take effect.

"It doesn't matter, two cards are enough for me anyway." Yun Tian didn't care about this matter, it was enough to buy an identity implant card.

Now, the title effect of Edelweiss in the next world can finally take effect.

Yuntian, who had achieved his goal, was in a good mood. He looked at the exchange points with more than 7w4k left, and asked after thinking for a while:

"Is there a blank skill book? There are also props that can improve the soul armament."

These two are the secondary goals of Yuntian coming to the exchange today.

The former is because it was used once in the wrong world before, and Yuntian felt it was very convenient.

The blank skill book he had originally was used to learn sacred characters, otherwise Yun Tian really couldn't have learned a language with special powers in such a short period of time just by relying on ordinary learning.

Considering similar situations that may arise in the future, Yuntian decided to prepare a few more copies for emergencies.

Anyway, low-level skill books are not too expensive. The price of this blank skill book may be higher, and it is not as outrageous as an identity implant card.

"Blank skill books range from C-level to A-level."

The waitress first took the paper and manipulated it and handed it to Yun Tian, ​​then took out another one, hesitated for a while and asked tentatively:

"Can you describe the props for improving the soul armament? Of course, if you feel that privacy is involved, it doesn't matter if you don't answer."

Improving the soul armament is a bit general, and the props found will be all kinds of things.

If the waiter wanted to give suggestions according to Yuntian's request and find props that met his expectations, he had to learn more about what Yuntian said about the soul weapon.

Otherwise, she can only draw a rough range, and then let Yun Tian choose slowly by himself.

Soul, armament, no matter which keywords are related to the sensitive information of the agent, so the waitress is not easy to make up her mind.

Yun Tian understood her concerns, after thinking for a while, he added:

"It is a weapon that manifests its own soul characteristics. It is born and will become stronger with its own improvement, but the speed is extremely slow.

"I need props to speed up this promotion process, or it can be directly promoted, and the level requirements are from B to A."

That's right, after listening to it, you know that Yuntian is preparing for Edelweiss.

Yuntian's own star perishing sword itself was born relying on the props 'soul armament seeds' produced in the main god's space.

It was during the process of birth that he absorbed Loki's divine blood and divine power when he engraved God's favor for him, which led to today's transformation.

Lovely Dwyeth's inherent spiritual outfit 'The Instrument of the Covenant' does not have this adventure.

As Edelweiss became stronger, the instrument of the covenant also advanced from a B-level weapon to a B+-level weapon.

It's just that compared with Edelweiss' current A-level strength, the gap is not usually big, and she has begun to be unable to keep up with her growth.

Perhaps the instrument of the covenant will continue to transform, but this process will be relatively long, but Edelweiss' strength has never stagnated.

1738 Buying and selling

"A weapon made from the manifestation of one's own soul traits, the promotion from B to do you see this?"

After listening to Yuntian's description, the waitress thought for a moment, then manipulated the paper and showed it to Yuntian.

'Spirit remains'

Grade: A

Effect: After absorption, the quality of the soul will be improved, the energy of the soul will be transformed, and the effect of the ability of the soul will be improved.

Explanation: The treasure bred in a special world is unfortunately a failure, but it still has a strong effect.

Note: Those who do not possess soul-related abilities should use it with caution.

Price: 6w1k exchange points

"You have also seen the remark information. I can't confirm whether the ability you mentioned is really the soul system, so please choose carefully."

Out of kindness, the waitress reminded Yun Tian one more time, the purpose is to let him confirm the type of his ability before choosing whether to buy it.

There is no need to worry about this.

On the personal panel of the main god space, each skill and ability can be further clicked to view a more detailed description, so there is no need to worry about misjudging the type of ability.

For example, Yuntian's Xingjian Sword now only has a name and level in the skill column.

But if you click further, you can see related descriptions such as "soul" and "concept".

These contents are not static, but will change according to Yuntian's own cognition and development of this ability.

Yun Tian didn't rush to make a decision, he sent a message to Edelweiss through the panel of the main god space, asking her to confirm whether the classification of the inherent spiritual equipment is considered as the soul system.

Then, while waiting for a reply, his gaze continued to sweep down the paper, looking at the options other than 'soul and body remains'.

The waitress listed many types of props, but there was really no better option than the one recommended.

Either there are some small flaws, or they look good but are too expensive to buy, and some even Yuntian can tell at a glance that the premium is serious.

In short, if the price is not considered, there is more than one better thing.

But if you consider the price/performance ratio, this 'soul body wreckage' is undoubtedly the best choice.

Yun Tian also found more than one piece of this kind of soul body wreckage, so he clicked on the paper, and after pulling out the list, he found that there were all from C-level to A-level.

I looked at the instructions again, and felt that the agent who took out these to sell probably had a tragic experience.

At this moment, Edelweiss' reply letter was also sent, confirming that the inherent spiritual equipment is a soul-type ability.

So Yun Tian said to the waiter:

"That's all. There are also blank skill books, two for C-level and one for B-level."

The price of the blank skill book is [-] for B-level and [-] for C-level.

Compared to the tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of price of A-level props and skills, B-level and C-level items are really quite cheap.

After buying the identity implant card, Yuntian still has more than 7w4k exchange points left, and now he bought the 'soul body wreckage' and three blank skill books, totaling 7w1k points.

After the consumption is over, there are only more than 3 points left on Yuntian.

Looking at the few exchange points left, Yun Tian pondered for a while, then asked:

"In addition to buying things, you also accept selling things here, right?"

"That's right, guest, do you have anything you want to sell?"

When the waitress heard that Yun Tian was going to sell something, she did not know where to take out a small double-sided transparent square mirror and put it by her hand.

At the same time, she also opened her mouth and explained to Yun Tian:

"You have three options for selling, one is auction, one is listing, and the other is selling directly to our exchange.

"Just like your previous transaction, the listing will appear on the list for other customers to choose. Once someone buys the item you listed, the exchange point will be automatically credited to your account.

"The advantage of this model is that you don't need to worry about it, but the disadvantage is also obvious. If no one is interested in your stuff, it will always be on the list and cannot be sold."

Hearing what the waiter said that it couldn't be sold, Yun Tian immediately remembered the skill 'Natural Affinity' that he bought here last time.

That is, it has been listed on the exchange for a long time, and the price dropped again and again before being bought by Yuntian.

"In addition, we will charge 5% of the transaction price as a handling fee. Of course, we will only charge 1% of the handling fee for A-level agents."

The waitress paused a bit when she said this, took a sip of the water glass that had been prepared on the table from the beginning, and then continued:

"If you need exchange points urgently, you can also choose to sell the items directly to our exchange. In principle, we will purchase them at a price 20% lower than the normal price.

"Similarly, A-level agents have preferential treatment, and the price will only be 10% lower

"As for the auction, the format is similar to that of an auction, except that the price will fluctuate.

"However, the props that we want to sell in the form of auction must be above grade A, and they must be rare or high-quality goods, otherwise we will not be able to meet the prerequisites for participating in the auction.

"The rules of the auction are set by the above, please understand."

After talking for a long time and ending with an apology, the waitress explained to Yun Tian clearly about the three modes of selling things.

And Yuntian, after thinking about it for a while, prepared to take out five items to sell.

Small Purification Spar Fragments (B-), Blessed Spring Water (B), Healing Baptism Scroll (B+), Divinity Potion 'Blood of the Son of God' (B+), Will Potion 'Sword Heart' (B+).

Small purification spar fragments are almost useless now that there is no shortage of energy from the pure Rubik's Cube.

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