The remaining four props are all healing, and they are all B-level.

Now that Yuntian already had A-level potions for backup, B-level healing items were meaningless to him.

It's better to take it out and sell it for exchange points.

It’s not like playing a game. A bottle of medicine can be used separately or diluted with water. A bottle of A-level medicine can be diluted to B-level effect and can be used many times. There is no need to keep low-level items specially.

However, considering that the raw materials of the divine potion and will potion contained his own blood, Yun Tian hesitated for a while and still did not take it out.

In a place like the Lord God's Dimension, where anything can happen, it is always right to be cautious.

He and the pharmacist Yaowan had to sign the contract of witnessing the space of the Lord God when they traded, otherwise, who knew if his blood would be used in some weird place.

In the end, only the first two props were actually taken out by Yuntian.

The Scroll of Healing and Baptism has a large-scale and wide-area healing effect, which is special and Yuntian chose to keep it after consideration.

And the spar fragments and blessing spring water are really useless to Yuntian today.

1739 Junior!

Yuntian chose to sell the small purification crystal fragments directly to the exchange.

After checking, he found that there were quite a lot of purification items, and the price of one-off items with defects like spar fragments was not high.

The exchange offered a purchase price of 4, and Yuntian was already very satisfied.

After deducting 10%, 3600 exchange points were recorded, and Yuntian's exchange points also had more than 6000, close to [-].

As for the spring water of the holy spring of blessing, Yuntian chose to sell it at a high price, and handed it over to the exchange for safekeeping after signing a contract.

The B-level Holy Spring of Blessing was bought by Yuntian from other agents a long time ago, and the price was [-] at that time.

Until now, after seeing the prices of healing items on the exchange, Yun Tian realized how much advantage he took.

I also have a more profound concept of how much I can earn from the transaction between myself and the pill.

Five thousand is the standard price in the market, and eight thousand is the premium price that often appears.

However, in the exchange at this time, the cheapest healing items that have the ability to regenerate broken limbs like the spring water of the Holy Spring of Blessing are not less than 1.

The most important thing is that there are not many goods, only two.

It has been said that the main god space is to provide all-round recovery functions for the performers, and the regeneration of severed limbs is not a problem at all.

This also means that once someone needs props for the regeneration of severed limbs, it must be a special need and there is a high probability that it is an urgent need.

Under this premise, no matter how much the premium is, the demanders can only grit their teeth and accept the reality.

When Yuntian bought other types of props before, he was cheated for exactly the same reason.

Therefore, he unceremoniously listed the Holy Spring of Blessing with an original price of [-] points on the exchange at a high price of [-] points.

Then, he left contentedly.

. . . . . .

"The next step is to wait for the items to be sold, and then the points will be credited to the account." Yun Tian thought in his heart as he walked home.

He wasn't worried about not being able to sell it at all, anyway, he didn't urgently need exchange points for the time being, so he just hung it up.

No one bought it, and the price will be lowered next time when I come back. There is no shortage of market for healing items.

Unknowingly, Yuntian, who used to not even know how to bargain, now gradually understands some principles of business.

Darkness and treachery, um, it's all Bert's fault!

Just as Yun Tianchao was about to arrive at his house, a clear and clear reminder sounded in his ear.


[The target world 'Study War City Asterisk', based on the requirements for the release of the second-level authority and the additional requirements set by the agent Yuntian and the agent Edelweiss, the trial channel is opened. 】

[The trial is in progress, please wait. . . 】

Yun Tian stopped walking on the road.

He listened to the voice in his ears, looked at the panel that popped up in front of him, and slowly typed a question mark.

"Someone fulfilled those requirements??"

Yun Tian never expected that he just went to Gensokyo, and someone would satisfy the requirements set by Edelweiss himself.

The release of the second-level authority and the activation of the trial channel were finalized by Yuntian and Edelweiss before returning to the world of Godslayer and heading to the world of Gensokyo.

The trial itself is the screening of the main god's space, but Yuntian and Edelweiss added additional requirements on this basis, raising the difficulty of opening the trial channel to the extreme.

[-]. Only those who have a deep bond with Yuntian can hear the 'voice' conveyed by the world.

[-]. The parties must make a decision and have the awareness to give up everything in the current world to pursue Yuntian.

[-]. The parties must clearly understand and agree to put everything under Yuntian's control, and come to the main god's space as a subordinate agent.

Only when the above three points are met, the trial channel of the main god space will be opened.

Such harsh and even difficult conditions have ushered in the first achiever in such a short period of time.

Yun Tian silently looked at the panel that appeared in front of him, until tens of seconds later, the notification sounded again.


[The target person has to pass the trial, arrange a residence, coordinates xxx, xxx]

[Please travel agent Yun Tian go there as soon as possible, contact the new temporary agent, and fulfill the responsibility of the guide. 】

Yun Tian compared the coordinates and found that it was near his and Edelweiss' homes.

So, after identifying the location, Yun Tian walked towards the location indicated by the coordinates.

After a while, they came outside a house.

With an inexplicable mood, Yun Tian stepped forward and knocked on the door.

Boom, boom——!


The door opened almost instantly, as if the owner of the house had been standing at the door waiting for him to knock.

"Senior Yuntian!"

Accompanied by that familiar and crisp voice, a petite girl with long silver-purple hair rushed into Yuntian's embrace with joy on her face.

"Qirin...I didn't expect you to meet the conditions."

Yun Tian stretched out his hand to touch the long hair of the girl in his arms, with a hint of emotion in his tone.

That's right, this petite girl who is wearing a plain top, short skirt and black silk pantyhose with extraordinary growth is exactly the junior Yun Tian met in Xuezhan City.

The first place in the Star Guidance Academy's sequence, 'Wind Blade Lightning' Kirin Toto!

"But Qi Lin, what about your family?"

Yun Tian had actually imagined that if anyone in Xuezhan City could fulfill Edelweiss' requirements and pass the trial, who would it be.

To be honest, he first thought of senior brother Wu Xiaohui, followed by third senior brother Zhao Hufeng.

From Yun Tian's point of view, there may be other people who have a deeper bond than them, but in terms of being free from worries, there are probably only two people who can meet the requirements.

After all, the requirement to give up everything in the world in front of you is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Even if it was the third senior brother Zhao Hufeng, Yun Tian felt that he might not be able to let go of the second senior sister.

Only senior brother Wu Xiaohui, now that Master Fan Xinglu has left, he should be truly carefree.

As for Qi Lin, Yun Tian was the one that was initially excluded.

Her parents are still alive, and after solving the matter of her father's arrest, she can be called a happy family. She also has close girlfriends and friends, and her studies are going well.

There is nothing to be dissatisfied with.

It stands to reason that there are too many things that Kirin Totten cannot let go of. Yun Tian really didn't expect that she would be the first to meet such a harsh requirement.

Facing Yuntian's question, Qi Lin walked away from Yuntian's arms a little embarrassedly, and replied shyly:

"My mother supported me. As soon as she heard that I was going to look for my seniors, she immediately kicked me out of the house."

Qi Lin recalled the scene at that time, and her expression gradually became a little subtle.

"Father and aunt were also persuaded by my mother. This is the first time I have seen such a tough mother. Even my aunt was suppressed by my mother's aura."

Having said that, Qi Lin stuck out her little tongue at Yuntian and made a mischievous expression.

"Hey, that's why I came to look for Senior Yuntian."

1740 Senior's Help

In the space of the Lord God, in the residence of Yuntian and Edelweiss.

At this time, the three of them were sitting at the wooden table. There were various desserts on the table in front of them, and the teacups also exuded a strong fragrance.

However, there is only one person who takes action.

Yun Tian lightly took a bite of the freshly baked apple pie, and the hot meringue made a crisp sound, and the soft sweetness inside flowed into his mouth, refreshing his heart.

Picking up the teacup again, he took a sip of the scented tea brewed by himself.

The rich scent of flowers, tea, and the unique bitterness of the tea neutralized the sweetness of the apple pie, pulling Yun Tian back from the sweet happiness, and replaced it with a contented tranquility.

Edelweiss's desserts need not be repeated, and apple pie is her best and favorite dessert, and the taste is indescribable.

The tea was brewed by Yun Tian himself, using special ingredients like the apple pie, a unique flower bought in the Lord God Space.

'Pure Heart Flowers'

Grade: C

Efficacy: It has a certain effect of calming the nerves.

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