Description: It is relatively common and usually grows on high mountains, suitable as a material.

Yuntian is good at green tea, and Edelweiss is good at black tea, but the two also dabble in other types of tea.

The pot of Qingxin scented tea in front of him was specially prepared by Yuntian, one is to welcome Qi Lin, and the other is to prepare for the petals of the cherry blossoms brought out from Gensokyo.

With the help of the pure Rubik's Cube, purify the dead and evil spirits left on the petals of Saigoyemon Sakura, leaving only pure energy, making the petals an edible material rated as high as A-.

Then, Edelweiss can be used to cook, and Yuntian can be used to make tea.

After all, it is an A-level material. Although Yuntian collected a lot and brought it back, he didn't want to waste it.

If it's green tea, it's okay, but if it's scented tea, it's a waste of money to use A-grade ingredients with Yuntian's current tea making level.

The Qingxin flower was bought by Yuntian to practice his hands. When he raises the level of scented tea to be similar to green tea, Xixingyao cherry blossom tea will come out.

Somo wine from Dicuo, fragrant ghost king wine, black dragon meat and poisonous mushrooms from the magic forest, all these things can help Yuntian.

As soon as he thought of this, Yun Tian couldn't help but look forward to whether the petals of Xixing Yaoying Sakura would have a similar effect.

As thoughts flowed, the other two ladies besides Yun Tian were silently looking at each other.

Edelweiss looked at Kirin Totou, and Kirin looked at Edelweiss directly without looking away, although his expression was slightly unnatural.

After a while, Edelweiss asked:

"is this okay?"

"This is my own decision, Elder Sister Edelweiss." There was no hesitation or confusion in Kirin's answer, only a firm will.

Hearing her answer, Edelweiss nodded, and at the same time, Yun Tian's voice sounded.

"You should know about the 'subordinate agents' from the main god's space, right?"

"Yes." Qi Lin nodded her head seriously.

Those who come to the main god's space through the trial opened by the second-level authority will become subordinate agents of the authority owner.

Because Yuntian is an explorer in Xuezhan World, and Edelweiss is a helper, so Qi Lin was placed under Yuntian's command as a subordinate agent.

When subordinate agents complete tasks and explore the world, superior agents will get some extra rewards according to the situation.

This reward is not deducted from the subordinate agents, but is additionally provided by the main god space.

At the same time, superior agents have a certain degree of command and restriction power over subordinate agents.

This "certain degree" is very subtle, and it mainly depends on the judgment of the main god's space.

For example, if Yuntian restricts Qilin from entering the trading area, it will not succeed, but if Qilin tries to attack the facilities in the main god's space, then Yuntian will forcibly stop her actions if she says 'stop'.

To make full use of this power, Yuntian needs to make a lot of attempts, or ask the senior agent directly.

However, Yuntian himself had no intention of using this kind of power at all, so he didn't take it to heart at all.

Qi Lin knew all of these contents, and she would only open the trial channel on the premise of understanding and agreeing.

Including the request to give up everything, the girl only appeared in front of Yun Tian and Edelweiss with all her consciousness.

According to her mother Kotoha Toto, that is 'you should take the initiative to pursue the happiness you want'.

Don't look at Qi Lin who seems to be relatively young in appearance, but she is already 16 years old this year.

From the perspective of Xingmai generation, she is undoubtedly an adult.

After experiencing a series of events after her father was imprisoned, Kirin's mind is also far more mature than her peers.

She is far stronger and more determined than she appears.

"I will try my best to follow in the footsteps of Senior Yuntian, and wait until that moment in the future comes..."

Kirin didn't finish her words, but the look she cast on Edelweiss said everything.

In the future, she will challenge Edelweiss with dignity!

Before that, not to mention whether Edelweiss agreed with her to stay with Yuntian, even Qi Lin herself didn't think so.

She is no longer the elementary school girl who only hides behind Yuntian and quietly chases after her back, but is a real swordsman who, together with Yuntian, is regarded as the object of transcendence—Kirin Toto.

Seeing her expression, Yun Tian and Edelweiss were very pleased.

It can be said that Qi Lin was handed over by the two of them, and they watched the girl grow step by step to the height she is today.

Qi Lin, who possesses both pure Xinghuang-style armament and inherent spiritual outfit, is now starting to attack the sword domain in the realm of swordsmanship.

It may not be as good as Yuntian in the past, but it is definitely not an ordinary B-level, at least a B+ evaluation is indispensable.

For such a Kirin, the three novice missions before becoming an official agent will not be too difficult.

Although the task will change according to the strength, according to Yuntian's understanding, it is almost impossible for Qi Lin to fail.

The only thing to pay attention to is whether you can get three perfect evaluations and get the very useful title of 'authorized person'.

Thinking of this, Yuntian decided to fulfill his duties as a senior and guide, and provide some help to his lovely juniors.

"There will be three novice missions, the evaluation of these three missions is very important, and the first novice mission is not just you as an agent..."

When it comes to Yuntian's past, not only Qi Lin listened attentively, but even Edelweiss listened with relish.

Yun Tian talked for a long time, and it was very detailed. He hoped that Qi Lin could get the title of authorized person, which would help her grow rapidly to a large extent.

After the lecture, Yun Tian also took out some props that he no longer needed and gave them to Qi Lin.

Although most of the tasks in the main god space are relatively safe, how can one become a strong person without experiencing danger.

Qi Lin, who is determined to catch up with or even surpass Yuntian and Edelweiss, will never be satisfied with completing the task with a passing score.

. . .

. . .

. . .


Let me make an update today, and open a new volume re0 tomorrow, let me finally sort out the outline content

I owe a lot of updates in February, and I will try to add a few more chapters in March

Volume [-] Life in Another World from Zero

1741 Edelweiss first identity implantation

Yuntian handed over some props to Qilin.

The first is a small waist bag, this waist bag is the first thing Yuntian eliminated.

The portable pocket in the past was the D-level space equipment that Yuntian bought for himself before the first official mission after completing three novice missions.

And before that, the pseudo-space equipment he used was this small pocket.

A waist bag about the size of a palm, with an interior space only the size of a school bag, without any special abilities, and even increases the weight of some holders proportionally.

In a certain sense, none of them can be regarded as space equipment, so they are given the prefix of 'pseudo'.

In addition, there is also a D-level prop 'portable computer' purchased together with the portable pocket, which was also given to Qi Lin by Yuntian and the small pocket.

'Pocket PC'

Grade: D

Effect: A wristband-type portable general-purpose computer that can connect to a portable computer on the basic network under normal network conditions.

This thing looks as described in the description, it is just a bracelet, which can pop up a light curtain-style operation panel, and can also display some simple information directly on the bracelet.

Such as time, date, etc.

This portable computer was bought by Yuntian out of various considerations and in preparation.

Naturally, it turned out to be completely useless, and ended up being reduced to a watch for checking time and date. Usually, when it comes to Yuntian checking the time, most people look at this wristband computer.

But it is useless to him now, in today's Yuntian, the biological clock is terribly accurate, and there is no need to read the time and date, so this portable computer will not have a chance to appear for a long time.

Anyway, it wasn't anything valuable, so I handed it to Qi Lin casually.

For girls, if the world they will go to is relatively primitive, or in an environment without Internet-connected devices, it may still come in handy.

For people who come out of modern society, it is sometimes inconvenient to have no place to read the time.

It is obviously impossible to use the equipment and mobile phones in Xuezhan World when they come to the Lord God Space.

These two props can be regarded as the novice benefits provided by Yuntian as the guide senior to Qilin, and there are some daily necessities in his pocket.

For example, a common medical kit in modern society, a few pieces of paper and a few pens, a few pieces of hard currency metal and so on.

Carrying these small things with you can greatly facilitate tasks, and Yun Tian only noticed it at first when Senior Yas reminded him.

Apart from these, there were only a few bottles of potions left by Yuntian to Qi Lin, excluding the common healing potions, it is worth mentioning that the two bottles were almost sold on the exchange.

Divine Potion 'Blood of the Son of God' (B+), Will Potion 'Heart of the Sword' (B+).

Yuntian is no longer needed, but it is a precious tool enough to save Qi Lin's life.

If the previous things were all based on Yuntian's help from the seniors to the younger generation, then the last two bottles of potions were all out of selfishness of personal feelings.

After all, he came here from Xuezhan World to pursue himself, what kind of feelings Qi Lin has in his heart, the current Yuntian is not so dull that he doesn't understand at all.

The help with props ends here. As for more things, or skills, equipment, etc., including exchange points, Yun Tian prefers that Qi Lin can get them by himself.

And in the end, Yuntian gave Qi Lin a gift to accelerate her growth - the grace of God.

Once in the world of Godslayer, Yuntian successfully completed this ability that originated from the gods of the earth-wrong world, and even improved on this basis to become a brand new God's Grace.

However, unlike in the world of Godslayer, what Yuntian inscribed on Qi Lin was the original version of the god pattern, not the improved version that can borrow power from him.

Qi Lin's growth has been largely influenced by Yuntian and Edelweiss, and now she has a tendency to walk out of different paths independently, Yuntian does not want to be interfered by her own power again.

That would be a waste of Kirin's talent.

The original version of God's Grace completed by the gods of Earth Error is obviously better than Yuntian's improved version in this regard.

As Yuntian's blood swiped behind Qilin's back, the sword was surrounded by a pattern of celestial phenomena covered by starry sky, which gradually took shape.

At the moment when the sword pattern that symbolized Yuntian himself was fully formed, the swordsman named Kirin Toto also started his own growth path.

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