. . . . . .

There isn't much to describe about the time after that.

Yuntian and Edelweiss took Qi Lin around the space of the main god, after spending a period of peaceful days.

A new mission is ushered in!

World: Life in a different world starting from zero

Task Difficulty: A-level—A+level

"It is detected that the agent Yuntian has special authority, and the identity of the agent will be implanted."


"It was detected that Edelweiss, the agent, is holding an 'identity implantation card'. Do you want to use it for identity implantation?"

The two identity implant cards purchased by Yuntian were handed over to Edelweiss, so the reminder to use the props was only for Edelweiss.

The identity implant card was bought for use, but before using it, Edelweiss cast a questioning look at Yun Tian.

Yun Tian, ​​on the other hand, looked at the world written on the panel and fell into deep thought.

He once said that Yuntian is a standard animation party. He has only watched animations and has not studied the so-called original works too much.

But even so, there are worlds of more and less.

For example, Xue Zhan City and Lost Knights only have one anime, so Yun Tian's understanding of the world is relatively weak, and for things like Oriental Fantasy Township, he is almost completely ignorant.

On the contrary, it was a mistake, because I have watched two seasons of anime and know relatively more.

And the life in another world from zero in front of him belongs to the latter, and it can even be said that Yuntian knows more about Zero than Earth Error.

The reason is simple, because there is a 'juggernaut' in this world.

This title alone was enough to arouse Yuntian's interest at that time, allowing him to learn more about this work and this world.

Yuntian has watched all three animations, including the theatrical version, and has a little more understanding of the background and character settings.

Compared with the worlds he has experienced before, Yuntian's "plot advantage" can be said to be the greatest from zero.

But precisely because of this, Yuntian also knows that there are more contents in this world that are not mentioned in the anime.

Among them is the Witch Cult, an organization that is likely to have a relationship with Edelweiss. What Yuntian thinks about is the pros and cons of it.

Legendary Title: World's Worst Criminal


When the wearer does it, those whose strength, state, and will are not up to the standard will feel fear.

When doing evil, get a small luck bonus and world protection.

If there is identity implantation during the task, there is a high probability of obtaining the status of 'world-class criminal organization leader' or the corresponding status of other evil forces.

The title held by Edelweiss is likely to allow her to join the so-called 'criminal organization'.

Although according to the description, the 'high probability' is not necessarily triggered, but it must be considered carefully to be on the safe side.

1742 Yun Tian, ​​who is in charge of the gatekeeper?

When mentioning the criminal organizations in the Zero World, the first thing that comes to Yuntian's mind is the Witch Cult.

Others, such as assassination organizations, are not impossible, but only the Witch Cult deserves Yuntian's attention, and it is very likely that it will be linked to the mission.

After serious thought for a while, Yun Tian took out a prop from his portable pocket and showed it to Edelweiss.

'task aborted'

Grade: C

Effect: Give up the current task and forcefully return to the main god's space.

Yun Tian held this A4-sized contract paper full of unknown symbols and said:

"I put it in the team's shared space. At the same time, I also open the captain's authority to you. If you encounter any accidents, don't hesitate to give up the team mission directly with the captain's authority."

"Accident?" Edelweiss looked at Yun Tian with a surprised expression.

Yuntian knows her strength best, especially after experiencing the world of Godslayer, not only Yuntian has improved by leaps and bounds, but Edelweiss has also improved.

The A-level item 'Soul Body Remains' that Yuntian bought back from the exchange has also been used by Edelweiss. Now her strength can be described as unfathomable.

As long as he can use the power of destiny, Edelweiss' combat power is even close to A+.

Fate combined with cause and effect, this power is a bit unreasonable in Yuntian's view.

"That is to say, is there someone in this world who can threaten me?" A hint of curiosity flashed in Edelweiss' eyes.

But Yun Tian shook his head and gave a vague answer.

"I can't be 100% sure, but if you have something to do with the Witch Cult after implanting your identity, you're likely to meet a woman called 'False Witch' Pandora. ability."

"Pandora? She doesn't want to call herself my mother, does she?" After hearing Yun Tian's words, Edelweiss' expression immediately became a little subtle.

But Yun Tian paused for a moment, and returned her a subtle expression, saying:

"This is what you care about..."

In the world of godslayers, there is a goddess Pandora, who is known as the mother of all godslayers. After Edweis became a godslayer, she tried to make her call her mother.

"If I have another mother, you will be a generation shorter."

"Uh... that's really not good."

Yun Tian's breath stagnates, and he has to admit that what Edelweiss said makes sense.

"But the Pandora of this world probably wouldn't want to be your mother, it's because of her ability that you have to guard against it."

Yun Tian said, after thinking about it, he looked at Edelweiss again, and added:

"Although I think you can resist her ability, just in case, you should be prepared to give up the mission at any time."

After Yun Tian finished speaking, he briefly described the contents of Witch Cult to Edelweiss.

It's not that he doesn't want to go into more detail, but that Yun Tian and Edelweiss can't delay too long now when they are preparing to set off for the mission.

【Please make a decision as soon as possible! 】

The reminder of the main god's space urging has been lit up, and after three times, the task will be automatically triggered with a completely default choice.

After a brief communication, Edelweiss chose 'confirm' and used a C-level identity implantation card.

The stagnant panel content also continues to be displayed.

"Detected agent Edelweiss using identity implant card..."


"Because of the influence of the title 'the most evil criminal in the world', there is a possibility that Edelweiss' camp will change."

[Reminder: Due to factors such as identities and camps, team members may arrive in different positions, please pay attention to the agent. 】

"Please select a camp."

After a few prompts, the familiar camp choice appeared in front of Yun Tian.

Yuntian had made similar choices when he first performed the missions of learning battles, ground errors, and failures.

He asked Senior Yas, the choice of this kind of camp is to have the hidden preferential treatment of identity implantation, and the general agent will not have this option.

Both Yuntian and Edelweiss have identities implanted, and they can make different choices, and the place of arrival will also change accordingly.

In order to obtain more world exploration progress, other teams generally choose different camps to ensure efficiency.

But Yuntian and Edelweiss are not the same, they don't want to separate.

Therefore, after looking at the options, Yuntian chose the familiar 'Kingdom of Lugnica'.

Edelweiss also made the same choice.

"It is detected that the agent Yuntian holds the title 'Swordsman', which will affect the identity implantation."

"It is detected that the agent Edelweiss holds the titles 'The End of the World's Sword Way' and 'The World's Worst Criminal', which will affect the identity implantation."

"I wish you two good luck, Yuntian the authority, and Edelweiss the agent."

"Mission begins!"

. . . . . .

After regaining consciousness for a moment, Yun Tian looked around for the first time.

However, this time he didn't want to confirm the environment he was in, but to find the pure white figure.


'No? 'Yun Tian stood there calmly, maintaining his posture.

He didn't panic because it was expected.

Yuntian silently mobilized the contractual connection between himself and Edelweiss, launching a 'vibration' with a specific frequency.

A few seconds later, he got a response.

Edelweiss fed back information in the same way.

Safe, far away, unknown location, a way like a cipher can only express something as simple as this.

But it was enough for Yuntian to get the information he wanted.

After confirming that Edelweiss was fine, Yuntian relaxed and re-observed his position.

Luxurious buildings, wide avenues like avenues, luxurious decorations and ornaments, precious building materials and carpets.

'palace. . .No, inside the palace? '

Yun Tian looked back and saw a gate standing there.

After a little perception of the inner space and the people gathered inside, Yun Tian had a guess about his location.

In the Kingdom of Lugnica, the meeting hall in the royal palace, or a similar room.

'So, this time I'm a janitor? '

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