While teasing himself in his heart, Yun Tian opened the personal panel and began to check the identity implanted in this mission.

However, after discovering that he had changed into a standard knight uniform, Yun Tian actually had some speculations about his identity.

Therefore, while checking his identity, Yun Tian put more energy and thoughts into the door behind him.

No sound can be heard from the outside, obviously this room like a meeting hall has excellent sound insulation.

Unfortunately, Yun Tian couldn't be stopped after all.

The power of the stars gathered quietly, and opened the door silently, causing a slight gap to appear.

Then, the soundproof barrier was covered on the door, replacing the magic barrier that would have taken effect when the door was closed.

Listening outside, there was still no sound from inside the door.

It's just that Yun Tian can hear the contents through his star fairy enchantment.

IMPORTANT: Advance note about re0

Because the novel is not yet finished, the pits in many places have not been filled, and some foreshadowings will not be revealed when the logic is not smooth.

Therefore, in some places, I will use speculation, guessing, second design and even magic modification to complete the setting by myself.

Of course, I will try my best to round it up instead of changing it.

A statement in advance, I hope readers understand.

. . . . . .

In addition, there are differences between animation and novels, and I will make a choice between the two.

If the character image is different from your impression, the reason will be the above two.

For example, Emilia is a pure mage in the anime, and a melee mage in the novel. The fighting style is completely different, and the personality expression is also somewhat different.

. . . . . .

Still the same sentence, if there is something unreasonable, welcome to discuss, I will refer to or modify it as appropriate

Thank you for your support!

1743 Royal paralysis

In the meeting hall in the palace of the king's city, there are rare high-ranking officials, celebrities, high-ranking nobles, and the only member of the Sage Council who can decide the will of the kingdom.

So many dignitaries of the Kingdom of Lugnica gathered together to discuss how to solve the crisis in the kingdom.

It's just that this kind of meeting has lasted for more than one and a half months, and almost everyone here has clearly realized one thing.

That is the major meeting they have held every day for the past one and a half months, and the most important issue cannot be resolved at all.

That is—the paralysis of the royal family!

. . . . . .

At the beginning, this matter was not taken seriously at all. One or two Lugnica royal family members fell ill, and the magicians from the treatment center were invited to cure them.

Even after two or three days of treatment, the sick royal family members still haven't improved, and this matter has only developed into an after-tea chat among the princes and nobles.

Some of them lamented the unpredictability of the world, some laughed at the incompetence of the treatment center, and some remembered the former "green" magician who passed away, the best therapist in the kingdom.

'Blue' is a title, and it is only granted to special magicians in the Kingdom of Lugnica.

It is the highest title of magician awarded only when the water attribute magic reaches a certain level and is unmatched in the kingdom.

Corresponding to it are 'red' of fire attribute, 'green' of wind attribute, 'yellow' of earth attribute, 'black' of yin attribute and 'white' of yang attribute.

This is the magic of this world, the six attributes and the six symbolic colors that represent them.

. . .

With such a serious illness, even the treatment center where the kingdom's elites gather can do nothing, but there is a reason why no one cares too much.

That is, after the previous generation of "green" magicians were assassinated and died, a new generation of "green" magicians has been born, and there is a trend of green out of blue.

The current generation of 'Qing' has something to do and is not in Wangcheng, but everyone believes that as long as he comes back, the illnesses that the treatment center can't solve will be cured.

This view lasted for a while, and finally changed due to unexpected circumstances.

The condition expanded.

Starting with one or two members of the royal family at first, the disease gradually spread to all members of the royal family, and even the offspring of the royal family were not spared.

In just a few days, the Lugnica royal family was paralyzed when no one expected it.

The upper echelon of the kingdom immediately began to be in turmoil.

And this chaos reached its apogee after the current king Randhal Lugnica also fell due to illness.

The therapists at the Kingdom Therapy Institute were helpless for the unknown disease that could not determine the source of the infection.

Just then, good news came.

This generation of 'blue' magicians have finally returned.

Unfortunately, there is another fact that is difficult for everyone to accept.

That is, even 'Qing' cannot cure the unknown disease contracted by Lugnica's royal family!

This fact is simply earth-shattering for the dignitaries of the kingdom, and the unprecedented situation may even lead to the collapse of the kingdom.

The activities and sacrifices that require the presence of the king must find a suitable reason to suspend, and it is necessary to prevent such a terrible situation from being leaked to the other three big countries.

The work and affairs that were originally in charge of by the members of the royal family must also find suitable candidates to take over in the shortest possible time.

Coupled with funding, conscientiously looking for ways to fight diseases with unknown causes, and completing work within one's original authority or jurisdiction.

The great people of Lugnica were exhausted from the sudden emergency, and everyone sighed at the unprecedented chaos.

Is this an ideal kingdom where everyone is united?

Of course not.

The top management of the Kingdom of Lugnica may not be called corrupt, but it is definitely not a country where integrity prevails and the monarch and ministers are united.

It's just a very common structure of powerful, high-level, and politicians.

The reason why they are so dedicated is because the royal family of Lugnica has a reason that cannot be broken no matter what - the covenant with Shenlong!

Even if there is only one person, someone from the Lugnica royal family must survive. This is the root of the prosperity of the country's "Dragon Kingdom" Lugnica.

only. . .

"Following the death of the first prince Jabinier half a month ago, the third prince also passed away last night. This is already the seventh person..."

It has been more than a month since the incident happened, and the chaos in the royal city and even the kingdom has finally stabilized with the rare and concerted efforts of all the dignitaries.

However, no one in this room is in an optimistic mood.

The therapist in the treatment center was full of self-blame and remorse, and his report shocked everyone in the meeting hall.

The first prince Jebniel Lugnica was the first person to be diagnosed with the disease, so his worsening condition was expected by everyone.

But the speed is too fast.

"How is it possible! There was nothing wrong in the first month, but now seven people have died in half a month."

"It shouldn't be like this. I only visited the Third Highness at noon yesterday. Although he was not in a good state at that time, it didn't look like he was dying... It's hard to imagine that he would leave so suddenly."

Sadness and shock were on everyone's faces.

The entire royal family was seriously ill, and a large number of deaths began to appear, but the cause and treatment have not been the slightest progress until today.

Panic has begun to spread in some people's hearts.

It's not that no one among them thought of blaming 'Qing' for his incompetence, but those who can be listed here are all key figures in charge of the kingdom, and there are no idiots sitting in this seat.

No one in the whole kingdom is more aware of the gold content of the title 'Qing' than the group of them. This generation of 'Qing' is not only the pinnacle of water attribute magic in the kingdom, but also the strongest healer that no one can match in the mainland.

Since he was powerless, it meant that this was an unshakable fact at the moment.

. . .

Crusch Karsten, as a duke, although his qualifications are still relatively young, but as the highest nobleman in the kingdom, he is of course obliged to participate in this meeting that convened all the nobles.

But unlike the others, Crusch neither complained nor participated in the discussion.

She was also heartbroken and saddened by the therapist's report, but more concerned.

Worried about His Royal Highness who was also bedridden due to illness, the fourth prince of Lugnica--Flier Lugnica.

In recent days, due to the illness of members of the royal family, the work and affairs of the major nobles have increased day by day.

As the Duke, Crusch was the first to bear the brunt, so she hadn't been able to take time to visit His Royal Highness Ferrier for a while.

Now that the first prince to the third prince have passed away, could the next one be the fourth prince?

As long as Crusch thought of this possibility, it was really difficult for him to focus on this meaningless meeting in front of him.

'Instead of saying something that can't change the reality here, it's better to end the meeting early, so that I can still have a chance to visit His Highness. '

While thinking this way, Crusch stared in the direction of the gate of the council hall in a daze.

It was this distracted behavior that made her notice the gap in which the door was quietly opened.

1744 Guard Knight·Yuntian

'Someone overheard? ! '

Crusch immediately became alert, but she immediately recalled something, and her expression changed slightly.

It's still a little unnatural, but it's not as vigilant as before.

Relying on his own protection, Crusch further confirmed that the eavesdropper outside the door was not a thief, so after a moment of contemplation, he gave up speaking to remind other people present.

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