Anyway, for the Knights of the Guards, these things are not secrets at all. If it is not out of etiquette and rules, people outside the door are not completely unqualified to come in and listen.

' Still, remind him after the meeting. '

Just as Crusch was thinking this way, a deep and hoarse voice overwhelmed everyone, and his words echoed clearly in the room.

"...If this goes on, perhaps, we have to consider the possibility of His Majesty's death."

Crusch raised his head, and looked at an old man together with everyone who heard those words.

It was located at the core of the council hall, and it was also the representative of the 'Sage Council' who temporarily acted as the highest authority in the kingdom when no one in the royal family was able to govern.

His words once again caused an uproar.

"Sir Mycrotov, you've said too much, how could His Majesty's death be so casual..."

"Well, I understand the disrespect in the words better than you." The white-haired and long-bearded old man, Mycrotov, interrupted others' reminders.

"But even if we close our eyes and don't face up to the reality, we cannot avoid what will happen. We may be optimistic, but what is more important is to prepare for pessimism.

"Otherwise, how do we deal with the worst possible outcome? This is what we should do as people in important positions in the kingdom, isn't it?

"Considering the rapid deterioration of the disease in a short period of time, the worst situation that we don't want to see may happen at any time, and once it does, the kingdom will be on the verge of collapse.

"We must support the kingdom at this time, and we must not allow the situation to develop in a more serious direction, which will cause the people to suffer."

"This..." Mycrotov's words silenced the others.

The person who reminded him of disrespect also closed his mouth with a dejected expression.

That was a ruthless opinion as an important minister of the kingdom, but it was also a necessary opinion in the current situation.

"As Sir Mycrotov said, if misfortune really befalls His Majesty, the kingdom will not disappear because of it. We must maintain its stability and stability."

Crusch was the first to speak in agreement when the others were silent and hesitant to support the old man's opinion.

In fact, she was the one who least wanted that scene to happen.

After all, the death of His Majesty that Mycrotov refers to is not only referring to the current king, but also implying the severance of the royal family.

If that was the case, it meant that the fourth prince whom Crusch had mentioned would also pass away.

However, Crusch still suppressed his personal emotions, and immediately stood up to support Mycrotov.

The reason is simple, because that is what the Kingdom of Lugnica and its people need most.

Although Crusch holds the highest title, she lacks actual achievements and qualifications, so every time she attends such a meeting, she consciously tries not to speak up.

But this time, everyone present clearly understood what her voice meant.

A wise man will agree with the highest noble!

Immediately, many people had a judgment in their hearts.

"Thank you for your approval." Mycrotov took a deep look at Crusch, and nodded to thank her.

Then he said to the crowd:

"It is our common expectation that His Majesty and other members of the royal family can recover. After all, with the Dragon Covenant, I don't think any of you here will go in the wrong direction.

"But just in case... what should the kingdom do is what we should discuss when we get together."

However, Crusch, who was the first to voice his support, was still not interested in the old man's previous thanks and the subsequent discussions.

In her heart, there were only sighs, helplessness, and a trace of guilt.

Obviously His Royal Highness Flier is still alive, lying in a hospital bed and suffering from torture, but here I am discussing with these people how to deal with the matter after his death.

To be honest, this disgusted Crusch from the bottom of his heart.

Sacrificing the time to visit him and letting the duties of a nobleman bind him, this is what he got in exchange. . .

However, as a duke, Crusch couldn't ignore the future of the kingdom, and couldn't ignore the kingdom's numerous subjects.

Intertwined with personal feelings and mission responsibilities, Crusch threw himself into the meeting helplessly.

. . . . . .

Outside the door, Yun Tian heard the contents inside clearly.

Combined with what they said about the serious illness of members of the royal family, Yun Tian roughly determined the timeline he was in.

Almost less than a year before the plot begins.

And the ending of this matter is also clear to Yun Tian, ​​it will end with the complete severance of Lugnica's royal family, and then the story begins with Wang Xuanxuan.

Yun Tian noticed that his eavesdropping was discovered, but he didn't care.

A member of the Guards Knights, this is Yun Tian's identity this time.

In the army of Lugnica Kingdom, there is a force named 'Knights of the Kingdom', with a total number of about [-].

Most of the Knights of the Kingdom are composed of descendants of nobles, landlords, and knights, and there are also a small number of children of commoners.

They are the most elite troops, and all members have the strength far beyond ordinary soldiers.

Ordinary knights themselves received more training in combat and magic than soldiers, and kingdom knights went beyond that.

At the same time, it has an inclusive court culture that follows the principles of knighthood, and it needs to accept etiquette and other related knowledge and skill training.

In the kingdom of Lugnica, the knights of the kingdom have quite high prestige and influence, and every member is qualified to call himself an outstanding warrior of the kingdom.

Among the Knights of the Kingdom, there is a more elite and extremely rare Guards Knights.

They are responsible for the security of the royal family and the country. They are a veritable elite group. Simply put, they are the high-end power of the kingdom.

Their main task is to protect the safety of the king and royal family members, and to solve major problems at the national level.

That's why Crusch thought that Yuntian outside the door was qualified to come in and listen.

It should even be said that theoretically, the guard knights who guarantee the safety of members of the royal family are qualified to know the status quo of the royal family.

About ten years ago, the Knights of the Guards were disbanded and reorganized once.

It was after that incident that the Knights of the Guards completely eradicated the influence of the nobles and became the most trusted force of the royal family today.

And Yuntian's current identity is one of them.

It was for this reason that he would stand at the door to watch the door. If it were someone else, he really wouldn't be qualified to guarantee the safety of those important people inside the door.

"It's a little surprising."

Yun Tian tugged on the white knight uniform on his body, and then tugged on the white cloak on his back, and sighed a little uncomfortable.

"It stands to reason that the status of the guard knight is not bad, so it must be considered a C+.

"Is it because I am lucky to be able to obtain such an identity, or has the benefits improved after becoming an A-level agent?"

1745 Crusio Karsten

While standing at the door, Yun Tian listened to the conversation in the meeting hall, while digesting and absorbing the background settings about himself on the personal panel.

There are no relatives alive, and there are no special interpersonal relationships worthy of attention, but there is one thing that must be paid attention to.

Every member of the Knights of the Guards is personally selected by the leader Marcus, so in theory, Yun Tian has at least met the leader, so he is not considered a stranger.

As for the reason why Yun Tian was chosen as the guard knight, the most important reason was his excellent swordsmanship and strong strength.

After being discovered by Marcus, in order to prevent such an excellent seedling from being snatched away by other places, after investigation, Marcus first absorbed Yuntian into the Knights of the Guards.

The identity background provided by the main god space is not absolute, which has been reflected in the world of Godslayer, but at least on paper, there will be no loopholes in Yuntian's identity.

Including the name, there is a reasonable explanation.

The ancestors were not from the Kingdom of Lugnica, but settled by outsiders. After being appreciated by a certain king, he joined the Knights of the Kingdom to hold an important position.

Tracing back to the origin can be regarded as the local knight family in Lugnica. Although it is not a nobleman, the knight's inheritance has not been cut off.

In Yuntian's generation, there was even a guard knight.

According to the information, his parents died in a certain mission some time ago, and Yun Tian was able to inherit the family line and joined the Knights of the Guards.

"In other words, I haven't joined the Knights of the Guards for a long time. In terms of trust, I have the guarantee of the leader Marcus, and I don't have any special acquaintances other than that... it's appropriate."

Yun Tian nodded.

Not having too much relationship is something he would rather see, at least not having to face all kinds of greetings from strangers.

The label of joining the regiment not long ago can also explain a lot of what he doesn't know about the Knights and the Royal City.

As for more things, Yun Tian thought about it for a while and almost figured out the excuses to deal with most situations.

While Yun Tian was thinking, the voices in the meeting hall gradually disappeared, and the meeting came to an end.

Now that the royal family is paralyzed, the work of these big shots has increased a lot, and the busy status may continue until the serious illness of all members of the royal family is finally settled.

Right now, they can't delay the meeting for too long, otherwise today's work cannot be completed.

. . . . . .

With the sound of the door opening, the dignitaries of the meeting hall left here one after another.

Some of them directly ignored Yun Tian, ​​some cast interested glances at him, and some nodded in a friendly manner.

No one showed malice, and the worst attitude was just passing by.

This made Yun Tian a little surprised, but it made sense when he thought about it carefully.

The head of the regiment, Marcus, personally selected him, and his identity can be traced. It is said that no one would deliberately offend Yun Tian for a guard knight with excellent strength.

Rather, if Yuntian's strength recorded in the materials they have read is true and credible, it is a manifestation of self-cultivation that they did not directly come up to win him over.

No matter how bad a guard knight was, he could crush a fully armed ordinary soldier, and no one would dislike the fact that he had too many talents under his command.

However, Yun Tian didn't care about these people.

No matter what his attitude was, he ignored it equally, and stood at the door with a 'conscientious' expression, like a real knight.

Yun Tian naturally doesn't know knight etiquette, but he understands the so-called aristocratic etiquette.

He was once in the wrong world, and he had participated in several banquets of the gods with Loki, and he was forced to learn some from the deputy head, Riveria.

It is sufficient for surface work.

After no one came out of the room, Yuntian was about to close the door and set off to take a look around the royal city.

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