As a guard knight, Yun Tian can be said to have no restrictions on walking in the royal palace except a few important places.

However, just as he was about to close the door of the meeting hall, Yun Tian suddenly found that there was only one person left inside.

A head of dark green long hair hangs down behind him, and the end of the hair over the waist is tied with a white ribbon.

He was wearing complicated and luxurious aristocratic costumes, which looked a bit like military uniforms.

The only thing that was wrong was that she was obviously a beautiful girl, but she wore masculine clothes.

At this moment, she was looking at Yun Tian with those amber eyes.

"Aren't you going to leave? The nobles, especially the great nobles, should be so busy that they don't have time to sit here."

Yun Tian recognized her.

Crusch Karsten also played an important role in many scenes in the original novel. At the same time, Yun Tian also knew that she was the one who found out that he was eavesdropping.

"Well, you are right. Even I feel a little tired from the busyness of the recent period, but I still have time to remind others a few words."

Crusch looked Yuntian up and down, and an imperceptible surprise flashed in his eyes.

She has learned swordsmanship since she was a child, and her swordsmanship is not bad, and her vision is even more precise.

At a glance, she could see Yuntian's bottomless swordsmanship realm, that kind of invisible pressure, and only a few people in the kingdom could bring her a similar feeling.

And those people, without exception, are strong men and monsters that are famous throughout the country and even the whole continent.

"Marco Shiqing's vision of seeing people is really admirable. No wonder he will agree with you to skip the two stages of knight and kingdom knight and directly join the guard knight."

Crusch nodded, and praised without hesitation.

But immediately changed the subject, and said in a very serious tone:

"As a member of the Guards Knights, you are logically entitled to know the current situation of the royal family, but this time the situation is urgent, it is best not to have meaningless curiosity if it is not necessary.

"That's not good for your future. If you are not careful, you may step into an inexplicable vortex, and you will regret it later, but you won't be able to help yourself."

Crusch's reminder was out of kindness, Yun Tian paused, then nodded to show that he understood.

"thanks for reminding."

"No thanks, it's just me meddling in my own business."

After finishing speaking, Crusch didn't stay any longer, and left the meeting room directly.

Just like what she said, she just reminded Yun Tian a few words, it won't delay too long.

Yun Tian looked at the back of the heroic princess leaving, and took note of the kindness she released, then observed the direction, and walked to the other side.

. . . . . .

Qinlong Kingdom Lugnica, the capital, the royal city.

The so-called royal city is a luxurious castle standing inside the royal capital.

This is not only the place where the royal family lives, but also the palace where the king, the sages and ministers govern.

Luxurious, magnificent, spacious, luxurious, all kinds of words of praise cannot be overstated.

But Yun Tian, ​​who is now considered to be well-informed, would not be surprised by the palaces and castles of the kingdom.

Ignoring these unbelievably dazzling scenes in the eyes of ordinary people, Yuntian's goal is very firm.

"In short, find a place to eat first!"

1746 Dining Room of the Order of the Knights

The Knights of the Guards is a unit directly under the royal family, and it is also the main force responsible for the safety of the royal city.

Therefore, both the stronghold and the duty room are set up within the royal city.

Not only the Knights of the Guards, but even the stronghold of the Knights of the Kingdom is also set up inside the royal city.

There are only more than 2000 kingdom knights in total, and the number of knights stationed in a royal city is too small.

And the activities are all within the royal city, and naturally the place to eat is also here.

The duty room of the knight order is the only place where a large number of people gather in the capital, so Yun Tian didn't spend too much time finding it.

The good news is that the dining room and the rest room are also set up here, so there is no need for Yuntian to look for it.

The time when the sky descended was very close to noon. After the conference was over, I chatted with Crusch for a few more words, and by the time I found the duty room of the Knights, I had already arrived at the hotel.

Looking at the large number of people lined up orderly at the entrance of the restaurant, Yun Tian couldn't help raising his eyebrows, thinking:

'It's not like more than 2000 people are eating in this one place. '

The dining room of the Knights seemed very large and luxurious, but Yun Tian made a rough estimate, unless it was arranged side by side like a university cafeteria, it might be difficult to accommodate 2000 people.

You can tell by the line at the door, it's obviously not the case.

After a little observation, Yun Tian, ​​who had some guesses in his heart, planned to queue up.

After all, he is a knight now, and everyone is queuing up, so he has no plans to do something special for the time being.

However, at this moment, Yun Tian saw a person cross the queue from the other side, and walked in directly through the door next to the queue.

Seeing that person's back, and the pure white knight uniform he was wearing that was exactly the same as his own, Yun Tiangang's plan to queue up stopped.

He observed the knights who lined up in an orderly manner, then looked at the white shawl and cloak behind him, pondered for a while, and imitated the man just now who crossed the line and walked in through the door next to him.

During this process, Yuntian did not forget to observe the reactions of the people around him.

He found that many people were staring at him, and their gazes were full of various complex emotions, but no one spoke to stop him.

Seeing the situation, Yun Tian had a judgment in his heart.

What made him confirm this judgment was the scene he saw after entering the restaurant.

The more than 2000 members of the Knights of the Kingdom are also divided into different groups, from the first army to the fourth army, not only the team number, but also the rank of the knights of the kingdom.

They all wore uniform knight uniforms, and in the restaurant of the Knights Order, which was laid out like a banquet venue, it was almost like a party that only belonged to the knights.

However, although the knight uniforms are unified, you can still find the difference if you look closely.

That is the cloak on the shoulders.

Near the entrance are all knights of the Kingdom of the Fourth Army in black cloaks, and inwards in order, green, blue, and red represent the Third Army to the First Army respectively.

The colors distinguish the knights of different affiliations, making the restaurant into five distinct seating areas.

This is a customary rule within the Kingdom Knights, the higher the position, the higher the rank of the knight.

On the innermost tables, guard knights wearing white cloaks sat on their shoulders, and they were the only ones who could directly enter the restaurant without queuing.

This is a symbol of the gap in status and status, and it is also a symbol that the Knights of the Guards are higher than the Knights of the Kingdom.

Yun Tian walked into the innermost part of the restaurant, and deliberately chose a seat in the corner where no one was around.

At the same time, a waiter came over immediately, asked him respectfully what he wanted to eat and handed him the menu.

That's right, the waiter, and the menu.

The restaurant behind the duty room of the Knights is called a 'restaurant' rather than a 'canteen' because it is an order system.

The layout is also extremely luxurious, completely different from the cafeteria that Yun Tian guessed outside at first.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a high-end hotel or a high-end restaurant. . .No, it's more exaggerated than that, as described before, it's simply a banquet venue.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being a royal city of a country. Its internal configuration and even the places where the troops eat are unimaginable from the outside.

"This steak." Yun Tian quickly found his target on the menu.

To be honest, at least [-]% of the content above are entries that he can't understand at all, not because he can't understand the words, but because he can't correspond to what type of cuisine it will be.

But no matter what, you can’t go wrong with steak.

"Do you have any other side dishes that you would like to eat? Even if they are not on the menu, as long as they are common dishes in the kingdom, we can make them."

The waiter wrote down the steak Yuntian ordered, and was very shrewd when he noticed something was wrong when Yuntian was flipping through the menu.

Feeling that he might not like today's fixed menu very much, he recommended another way of ordering.

Yun Tian couldn't help but look sideways just because of his ability to perceive words and expressions. He thought he didn't reveal too many unnatural things, but in the end he still noticed something strange.

"I'll leave the side dishes to you. I'm not picky about food. The only requirement is that the portion should be large."

Yun Tian closed the menu, handed it to the waiter, and asked the other party a difficult question to test the service limit here.

As a result, the waiter took the menu naturally, nodded and asked:

"Understood, do you have any preference for drinks?"

"White water is fine." Yun Tian wanted tea, but he didn't know the details about this world, so he decided to ask for white water first.

After all, I recalled the contents of the anime a little bit, and it seems that I didn't say anything about tea.

If there is no tea in this world, or the Kingdom of Lugnica is not happy to drink such drinks, it will cause some troubles.

"By the way, I have a good appetite today. Remember to increase the portion size and prepare, um... let's say there are more than three people."

At the end when the waiter bowed and turned around, Yun Tian couldn't help reminding him one more thing.

No way, I'm really worried that I won't be full.

As for this, he was still conservative. If he hadn't hesitated for a moment, he would have said that ten people would start.

Hearing this sentence, the waiter's standard movements and expressions finally came to a halt.

But he still replied respectfully: "Please rest assured."

And just three seconds after the waiter left, a voice came from the side.

"Order too much, in case of wasting food, it is not in line with the knight's code."

A man got up from a table not far away, apologized to the several knights sitting with him, then went straight to Yun Tian's table and sat directly opposite him.

The male has purple hair that is not dark in color, and has both a noble and capable appearance, and his gestures are full of the temperament that a knight should have.

His tone was not ironic, but a gentle and kind reminder, as if he was worried that Yun Tian would make wrong judgments and actions because he was not familiar with this place.

When Yun Tian saw this purple-haired man, there was a gleam of interest in his eyes.

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