"'The Best Knight' by Rius Euclius, current Sword of the Kingdom."

1747 Unexpected leisure duties

"It's my honor to be remembered by you. I've also heard about you, Yun Tian, ​​who was promoted as a guard knight as an exception. There have been various rumors in the circle of the knight order."

The purple-haired handsome man said so, but Yun Tian just curled his lips, showing a little bored expression on his face.

"What about the rumors, huh?"

"Not interested?" Julius asked unexpectedly.

"I'm not interested at all, and I can mostly imagine what kind of rumors it will be."

Skipping multiple ranks such as knights and kingdom knights and directly obtaining the status of guard knights, which symbolizes the status of elites and powerhouses in the kingdom, has no merit or commendable performance.

How could those knights who took the guard knight as their lifelong goal and highest honor be convinced casually.

Too common phenomenon.

"I hope this will not affect your impression of the Guard Knights and the Kingdom Knights. They are all outstanding talents in the Kingdom, and it is inevitable that they will have some confidence in themselves."

While Julius defended the knights, he slightly apologized to Yun Tian on their behalf.

In every gesture, words such as self-restraint and demeanor are vividly interpreted by him.

The friendliness shown by Yulius made Yuntian look at him more, recalling the status of this purple-haired young man in the Knights of the Guards, Yuntian asked:

"The head of the knight order asked you to come?"

"Oh? Can you see this? No wonder Captain Marcus spoke highly of you."

Julius did not answer Yuntian's question directly, but his words also confirmed Yuntian's thoughts from the side.

"Although I really want to tell you that 'the members of the knight order are very good, you don't need to worry too much', but unfortunately, this is not the case."

When Julius spoke, his expression also looked a little helpless, and at the same time, there seemed to be a trace of reminiscence.

"I have an acquaintance who was once promoted to be a knight guard just like you, and your situation is similar, but his situation back then was more serious than yours now.

"Not only status, but more importantly, strength."

Saying that, Julius took a deep look at Yuntian.

He doesn't have the unique judgment formed by Crusch's protection, so he can't accurately judge Yuntian's strength.

But Julius also has his own methods. He is not only a knight with superb sword skills, but also an excellent elf warlock.

Through the reaction of the elves, Yulius knew that Yuntian definitely had the strength to be promoted as an exception.

His attitude and self-cultivation can be seen from the current conversation and the reaction to the waiter just now, at least not too bad, no doubt he has experienced higher education.

That's enough.

The rest of the so-called codes of knights and noble etiquette can be cultivated slowly the day after tomorrow. The Knights of the Guards are not that stubborn and rigid organization.

After all, to be able to become a guard knight, strength is the most important part.

Otherwise, even if you are very tactful in dealing with people and abide by the code of knighthood, you will still not be able to perform the most critical task of the guard knight.

Protecting the safety of the Kingdom of Lugnica and the royal family cannot be achieved by relying on any rules or etiquette.

"In order to prevent serious consequences, the head of the knight order will ask you to show kindness to me like you are doing now. In this way, with your prestige among the guard knights, there will be no one who can't think of troubles for me. Right."

"The head of the group really meant that, but...it's somewhat hurtful to say that my behavior is very utilitarian."

Julius said so, but there was no hurt expression on his face.

"In short, feel free to come to me to discuss any matter, it would be even better if you can see that it is not an order from the leader."

Chao Yuntian, a new guard knight, exudes goodwill, and there is indeed the commander's instructions as the reason for it.

But even without the leader's instructions, Julius would have made the same choice after discovering that Yuntian was 'out of line'.

'The best knight', this title is not self-proclaimed, but recognized.

Yurius is the best knight that even the Knights convincingly admit, his character is beyond doubt.

Helping others and helping others is no longer an obligation, but an instinctive and natural behavior.

Yun Tian knew a little about Julius, so he didn't intend to reject this kindness.

Coincidentally, he does have some questions to ask right now.

"As for the Knights of the Guards, what do you usually do?"

Yuntian raised the first question.

His original intention was to understand what work his current identity should accomplish.

To be honest, if it's troublesome, then Yun Tian has to make plans early, he doesn't want to be bound by a busy job as a knight.

However, Julius obviously misunderstood.

After all, although Yuntian is a newly joined knight order according to the background, but it has been a few days, so it is not completely ignorant of the work.

So, upon hearing Yun Tian's question, Julius showed an expression of "I knew it" on his face, and said in a very helpless tone:

"You're bored, right? The acquaintance I mentioned earlier had the same attitude when he first joined the Knights of the Guards. If he hadn't been too busy recently, you probably would have had a good chat."

Julius' words made Yuntian's pre-prepared reasons and excuses useless, but it happened that this misunderstanding saved Yuntian trouble.

He immediately spread his hands and made a non-denial response, which made Julius sigh more helplessly.

"I want to emphasize to you how important the responsibility of the guard knight is, but...it is true that the chances of the guard knight to be dispatched in their duties are really limited, and I do not deny this."

Having said that, Julius straightened his expression, and tentatively asked Yuntian:

"What happened in the capital recently, even if you don't know the details, you should probably have heard the rumors, right?"

"You mean the royal family?" Yun Tian raised his eyebrows.

"That's right, it's not something that is suitable to be mentioned in public. I won't say anything superfluous. The guard knights will be as leisurely as they are now. Part of the reason is that there are not many opportunities to be dispatched, and the other part is because of this incident. .”

Yurius gave Yuntian a look of 'you understand', and then continued:

"The guard knights will only be dispatched when they are called, and the only ones who are qualified to summon the guard knights are the Lugnica royal family."

Yun Tian understood what Julius was hiding in his words.

Now that the royal family is paralyzed, there are no people who can nominally arrange jobs for their guard knights.

"So, at this stage, except that you need to be on standby in the duty room when it's your turn to be on duty, you can act as you like."

1748 Yuntian: Unlimited?This is what you said!

As a unit directly under the royal family, the guard knights have many privileges that even the nobles do not have.

For example, the privilege of entering and exiting at will in the royal capital and even the various parts of the royal city, as well as the almost unreasonable law enforcement power, etc.

Compared with the excessive power, the knight guards have very few obligations to fulfill.

There are only three in total.

The first and most important point is to protect the royal family and be there whenever the royal family needs it.

This item can be said to account for more than [-]% of the work content of the guard knights, and it is also the fundamental purpose of the establishment of the most elite knights.

It's a pity that now that the royal family is paralyzed, no one is qualified to request the guard knights with 'orders'.

If it weren't for this matter, Yuntian's promotion to the sky might have attracted more attention.

As for the other two points, one is on duty, and the other is the summons and arrangement of the head of the Guards Knights.

The former is regarded as an obligation to perform duties.

Although the patrolling and on-duty work in the royal city is mainly in charge of by the Knights of the Kingdom, the Knights of the Guards also need to stay on duty, just in case to solve some problems that the Knights of the Kingdom are difficult to solve.

After all, in terms of strength, there is an obvious gap between the guard knights and the kingdom knights.

As for the missions arranged by the head of the knight group, the gatekeeper that Yuntian just finished today is of this type.

When guard knights are not within the scope of duties of the guard knights, but they need guard knights, those nobles have to consult with the head of the guard knights.

Only after the head of the Knights agreed, will the specific tasks be arranged.

For example, guards at important meetings are guarded by guard knights in shifts. Today it happens to be Yuntian, and tomorrow it will be someone else.

After a while, if the meeting is still going on, it will be Yuntian's turn to guard the gate of the meeting hall again.

This arrangement is similar to being on duty. To put it simply, Yuntian only needs to go to work every few days.

At other times, you just need to wait for the summons. If there is a mission, someone will naturally be sent to him. When there is no mission, it is no different from an idler.

"Of course, that's what I said, but the vast majority of guard knights report to the duty room almost every day."

Looking at Yun Tian's thoughtful expression, Julius felt an inexplicable premonition in his heart.

I always feel that if I don't say a word more, it is very likely that I will never see him in the duty room except for necessary time in the future.

So, after hesitating for a while, Julius reminded:

"Maybe I'm talking too much, but not showing up here often will not help you ease your interpersonal relationship, and at the same time, your reputation and evaluation from the team leader will also decline."

As Julius said, he paused for a moment, quietly observed Yun Tian and found his disapproving expression, then added helplessly:

"In addition, there is also a training ground specially arranged for the guard knights. The team leader will also organize the members present on the day to conduct drills from time to time, which is very helpful for improving their own strength."

Compared with the last reason, the second reason is much more realistic, and Yun Tian is also a little moved.

However, this alone is clearly not enough reason for Yuntian to come and report every day.

Julius also noticed the change in his attitude, put his hand on his forehead, and sighed in an 'I surrender' tone:

"The restaurant here of the Knights is open to the guard knights for free, and the quality and style of the dishes are far superior to other places inside and outside the capital."

Before he finished speaking, he noticed that Yun Tian's eyes lit up, and he seemed to be impatiently asking:

"Is there no limit?"

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