"??" Julius was stunned for not being able to keep up with Yuntian's brain circuit for the first time, he was stunned for a moment before replying with a delicate expression:

"Of course there is no limit, you can eat as much as you want."

This restaurant is specially prepared for the benefits of Kingdom Knights and Guard Knights. In fact, many Guard Knights come to report every day to eat in this restaurant.

However, it was the first time that Yurius had heard someone ask such a question since he had been in the Knights of the Guards for so many years.

However, he soon understood the reason, after witnessing the scene in front of him.

. . . . . .

The Knights' restaurant serves food very fast.

Yun Tian chatted with Julius for a while, before the topic was finished, all kinds of dishes were brought over by two waiters pushing the dining car.

Afterwards, a large number of exquisite dishes were placed on the table in front of Yuntian and Julius.

Because a round table is about the size that is suitable for about six people to sit down, the three people that Yuntian wants plus the one for Julius can still be set.

However, a large amount of food is placed on the dining table but only two people are seated, which will inevitably attract attention.

Yun Tian himself is the most recent topic figure of the Knights, and Julius is quite prestigious in the Knights.

The two of them have already become the focus of attention just by sitting together. Now that there are more food with exaggerated portions, the attention has instantly evolved into conspicuous.

The eyes of almost the entire restaurant were focused at this moment.

Rao is somewhat unnatural to face this situation with Yulius' cultivation.

However, soon, this unnaturalness disappeared.

Turned into the same stupefied as everyone else, looking at the opposite figure in amazement.

Because in public places, he was temporarily wearing the identity of a knight, so Yun Tian restrained a lot.

He took out the etiquette he had learned in the world of Earth, and enjoyed the food in front of him with an extraordinarily elegant and standardized movement.

However, even so, the speed at which he ate did not slow down much.

A table full of dishes 'disappeared' from everyone's eyes at a speed almost visible to the naked eye.

That's right, it's literally disappearing.

Including Julius, everyone who watched Yun Tian eating couldn't find a more appropriate description.

That damn expression lasted for a minute.

too short?

No, that's because Yun Tian finished eating.

He put down the knife and fork, picked up the paper and wiped his mouth, nodded in satisfaction, turned to look at the waiter who hadn't had time to leave, and said:

"Just take this amount and serve me three more times."

After speaking, Yuntian noticed Julius who was frozen with a knife and fork in his opposite hand.

Looking at the untouched dishes in front of him, Yun Tian asked curiously:

"Aren't you going to eat?"

"Uh... huh? Oh... I... eat, eat."

Julius' tone was particularly blunt, full of pauses and bewilderment.

His reaction is obviously not suitable for a knight, but at the moment, no one will blame him for his faux pas.

After all, the others were so shocked that they couldn't even speak.

There is a weird and subtle atmosphere in the air.

1749 Protection and Target!

Gobble it up, gobble it up, magic tricks, space magic.

Various words emerged from the minds of the knights in the restaurant, trying to describe and generalize the incomprehensible scene before them.

In less than an hour of meal time, Yun Tian subverted the three views of these knights with his actions.

Speaking of this, I have to praise the excellence of the restaurant in the duty room of the Wangcheng Knights.

The taste is not picky, and the evaluation given by Rius is worthy of the name. Even Yun Tian, ​​who is used to Edelweiss cuisine, can give a good evaluation.

Unknown ingredients, unique spices and seasonings, novel techniques, some dishes even caught Yun Tian's eyes, so he specially wrote them down and planned to let Edelweiss study them later.

However, the most commendable thing is the speed of the restaurant's serving.

Simple dishes take 3-5 minutes, and most complex dishes do not exceed 20 minutes.

Yuntian added three more dishes according to the amount of three people, but they were all served together, and it took about 20 minutes.

So, overjoyed, he ordered two more times like this, and it took him enough to eat for an hour.

Roughly calculating, there is only food for 30 people, not too much, not too much.

Satisfied, Yun Tian rubbed his stomach, and decided to do this on the first day.

'Anyway, there will be more opportunities in the future, with unlimited food and such a fast serving speed, um, it's decided, I come to the duty room to report every day, but I don't know if breakfast is provided here. '

Thinking of this, Yun Tian put down the knife and fork, picked up the water on the table and took a sip.

But it was this ordinary movement that made the air in the restaurant stagnate.

After all, in the hour just now, whenever Yun Tian put down the knife and fork, it meant one thing.

'Does he want more? ! '

This thought came to everyone's minds.

Julius, who was sitting across from Yuntian, and the waiter standing by the table couldn't help shivering, holding their breath and looking at Yuntian with a stiff expression.

For a moment, the restaurant fell into an eerie silence.

Yun Tian took a sip of water, and after putting down the water glass, he noticed the waiter standing beside him, a look of surprise flashed across his face, and he said:

"The same goes for the dessert after dinner. I'll leave it to you. Let's watch it. One serving is fine."

Hearing this sentence, the waiter felt as if a big stone fell to the ground in his heart.

At this moment, he had only one thought left.

'it is finally over! '

. . . . . .

The waiter resigned and ordered the kitchen to prepare desserts, and the surrounding knights also looked away one after another.

However, they still looked towards Yuntian from time to time, and their voices unconsciously lowered a lot.

"Is he really human?!"

"It's a bit impolite for you to say that. Although I feel dissatisfied with him becoming a guard knight, there is no need to use words to slander..."

"Then tell me, can humans eat so many things?"

"Uh, this, this..."

"That's for 30 people! 30 people! This is a restaurant for the Knights, and a single serving can be used as a serving for two or three people outside."

"...I can't find a place to refute it."

Yun Tian heard similar discussions in his ears, but he didn't pay attention to them, or in other words, he deliberately guided them.

The rumors and conversations about the big eater are much stronger than the suspicions and thoughts of "it's him" and "relationships" when he first sat in the restaurant.

Ignoring other people's whispered comments, Yun Tian looked at Julius on the opposite side again, and said in a slightly teasing tone:

"Wasting food is not a knight's code."

"...I understand." Julius looked at the dishes he hadn't finished, and shook his head helplessly.

He patronized Yuntian, and he hadn't finished his portion an hour later, and now it was cold, so the taste naturally declined.

But Julius really didn't have the idea of ​​wasting, he sped up his movements a little, and quickly finished his food.

After eating, he put down the knife and fork and wiped his mouth. Julius didn't leave the table immediately, but looked at Yuntian and hesitated to speak.

To this, Yun Tian just smiled and said:

"It's true, human."

"I'm very sorry, I didn't mean to question your race, it's just just now..."

Julius knew that his mind had been seen through, and after earnestly apologizing, he wanted to explain, but he couldn't find the words to describe it accurately and without being rude.

For a moment, I was so embarrassed that I didn't know what to say.

The amount of food that Yuntian showed just now obviously cannot be possessed by normal human beings, it is not an abnormality that can be simply summed up in one sentence.

But this belongs to personal privacy, and it is a bit inappropriate to be curious about this matter and intend to ask after all.

As the best knight, Julius, who is obsessed with the knight's code, feels that it is impolite for him to pry into other people's secrets.

However, Yuntian was already prepared for this.

After knowing that this world is Re0, he prepared many excuses to deal with his own peculiarities.

such as now

"You can understand it as a side effect of my protection."

"Protection...that's how it is."

Hearing this explanation, Yulius paused for a moment, then smiled back in relief, and said with a little apology:

"I should think of it, let you see your immature side."

'Protection' is a unique power in this world. It is said that when people are born, lucky people will get this power that symbolizes the blessing of the world.

Protection is not only possessed by humans, other races such as demihumans, dragons, monsters, etc. may have protection.

The vast majority of people do not have protection, and only about 1% of the lucky ones can obtain this power, and a large part of this 1% are useless types.

The protection that can be used to assist in the battle can be said to be one in a million, and it takes one in a hundred thousand or even a million people to be born with a protection that is truly powerful.

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