In addition, there is a chance of roughly one in ten million people having multiple blessings, and these people who have more than one blessing are abnormal existences without exception.

And this last abnormal existence is the excuse Yuntian prepared for his various abilities.

In this world, he can show his strength and all his abilities without any consideration.

Because in the Kingdom of Lugnica there is a monster that has refreshed the recognition of countless people, a sword master who has stood on top of the world since he was 8 years old!

It is also this Juggernaut who is Yuntian's biggest target in the Re0 world this time.

For this reason, Yuntian can even give up the main task.

So, at the moment when the topic was almost at the right moment, he couldn't wait to ask:

"Speaking of which, that famous sword master is also a member of the Guard Knights, right? Is he also in the capital now?"

1750 Legend and Invitation Battle!

"Reinhardt." Hearing Yun Tian's question, Julius fell silent for a while, seeing his expression and the light in his eyes.

He knew that look, and Julius, who had known Reinhardt for more than ten years, had seen similar looks in the eyes of others more than once.

Even including himself, had the same idea.

However, to this day, people who hold such thoughts and such eyes have only one end without exception.

As a friend of Reinhardt, Julius knew better than anyone else.



That's 'Juvenile Master' Reinhardt Van Astrea.

Just uttering the name is enough to replace any explanation as the most powerful proof.

Julius really wanted to persuade Yun Tian to give up those unrealistic ideas and look for some more realistic goals.

But he also understands that a knight, a swordsman, cannot give up lightly before a challenge.

At this point in his thoughts, Julius sighed in his heart, and replied:

"Unfortunately, Reinhardt is not in the capital now, he was sent out on a mission."

"Task?" Yun Tian raised his eyebrows, but did not continue to ask.

Although he was a little curious about what kind of mission would be worthy of the Juggernaut, Yun Tian knew that no matter what the mission was, since Reinhardt was required to take action, it was by no means a trivial matter.

It's probably not something that he, a guard knight, can ask casually.

However, unexpectedly, Julius seemed to see through his thoughts, and said on his own initiative:

"It's not a secret mission. If you had joined the Guard Knights a few days earlier, you would have known that Reinhardt was sent to see the 'sage'."

"Sage..." Yun Tian was silent.

To be honest, Yun Tian originally thought that this Re0 world would be the mission he knew best about the direction of the world, but unexpectedly, something unexpected happened on the first day.

It's not that Yuntian has never heard of the name of this 'sage', on the contrary, it is because he has heard of it that he is confused.

Seeing that Yun Tian was silent, Julius stopped the thought of continuing to explain, and asked:

"How much do you know about the sage, or the 'legend'?"

"It's probably at the level of fairy tales and rumors." Yun Tian recalled the information in his memory and replied like this.

. . . . . .

The World Devourer, the Queen of Shadows, and the most terrifying disaster—the Witch of Envy.

In today's world, the word witch is special because of her existence, and it has become a taboo that is rarely mentioned.

Everyone is afraid, everyone is afraid, no one can disobey her.

In this world, the Witch of Envy is the most widely known name.

Some, she wants love; Some, she doesn't understand human words; Some, she is jealous of everything in the world; Some, no one can see her face and survive; Some, her body will never grow old , decay; it is said that even if it is sealed by the power of dragons, heroes, and sages, it cannot be completely destroyed.

Youyun is a silver-haired half-elf.

Jealousy Witch Shatila

In the past, it devoured the other six witches who were known as felons, and devoured and destroyed half of the world.

Her body was sealed in the crystal by the hero himself, and it is said that she is sleeping in a certain corner of the world now.

. . . . . .

"That is to say, the one who sent the Sword Master to look for it is the legendary sage who sealed the Envious Witch? Is he still alive?"

Yun Tian looked at Julius and asked.

And Julius nodded.

This is not a secret. Although it cannot be regarded as everyone knows it, if you want to know, just find an old man or a scholar who will know the general content.

"Located in the easternmost waterfall of the Kingdom of Lugnica, there is a ancestral temple built with magic-sealing stones. According to legend, the witch is still sealed in that ancestral hall, and will continue to emit a large amount of miasma."

Julius found out that Yuntian didn't seem to know much about the legend, so he explained it in detail.

"About 400 years ago, there were three heroes who contributed to the sealing of the Witch of Envy.

"One of them is the first generation of 'juggernaut', Reid Astrea. Reinhardt should know more about this great man, so I won't go into details. If you have a chance, ask him Bar.

"And the remaining two are the 'Dragon' Polkenika who guards Lugnica, and the 'Sage' Shaula."

As for the Shenlong, Yurius also didn't describe it too much, because that was regarded as common sense in the "Dragon Kingdom" Lugnica.

Yun Tian also knew this, so he didn't ask.

What they are talking about right now is the 'sage' among the three heroes.

"The sage Shaula built a tower close to the witch's shrine to monitor the shrine and eliminate villains who wanted to resurrect the jealous witch."

"So that's how it is." Having said that, Yun Tian almost understood Reinhardt's mission.

In the face of a serious illness that even the contemporary "blue" magician is helpless, if he wants to save the Lugnica royal family, he can only rely on this living legend.

What's more, since the name is 'sage', it must be a strong man with labels such as erudition and knowledge.

Once even the sages are helpless, it is tantamount to announcing the demise of the Lugnica royal family.

This unexpected information made Yun Tian fall into a moment of contemplation.

After all, many of them he had never heard of, and some even conflicted with his known intelligence.

However, without thinking for too long, Yun Tian quickly interrupted his thoughts and asked what he was most concerned about at the moment.

"So how soon will you be back?"

"Whether it goes well or not, it should be about the same time, perhaps in the next few days."

Julius shook his head helplessly while telling Yuntian Juggernaut about his itinerary.

He found that even though he tried his best to divert Yuntian's attention away, he would still return to the 'Juvenile Master' Reinhardt.

The thoughts and purpose in Yuntian's heart are almost self-evident.

In fact, Yuntian didn't try to hide it at all.

As I said before, if he can fight the Juggernaut, he can even give up the mission of the Lord God Space.

Factors such as the so-called identity and kingdom are even more unlikely to make him stop.

Of course, on the premise of guaranteeing a battle with the Juggernaut, it would be best if the mission of the Lord God Space can be completed.

For this reason, it is not impossible to wait a little bit patiently, Yun Tian still has this bit of patience.

However, as a bystander and a friend who knows Reinhardt very well, Julius has his own views on this matter.

Therefore, after the conversation was interrupted and both sides were silent for a while, Yurius sent out an invitation that surprised Yun Tian.

"Do you have any arrangements later, Yuntian?"

"Not really."

"Then, would you like to come to the training ground with me?"


Listening to Julius' words, Yuntian's eyes flashed with strong interest.

"Are you asking me to fight?"

"The members of the knight order are exercising for the purpose of exercising, if this is the case, even the head of the order will not say anything.

Julius looked at Yuntian and smiled back.

1751 Purpose of Urius

The training ground is located behind the duty room of the King City Knights.

It is said to be the duty room, but it is just a nice name to reflect the main function.

To be more precise, this is actually the residence and barracks of the Kingdom Knights and Guards Knights, so things like restaurants, lounges and even training grounds will be set up here.

The location is on the edge of the royal city, adjacent to the royal castle and palace, which can be regarded as included in the scope of the royal city.

Yun Tian, ​​who followed Yurius all the way to the training ground, looked around.

It's a bit like an arena or arena. The space is much larger than expected, but it can't be regarded as shocking.

In comparison, it is almost a school playground with a 400-meter runway.

Yun Tian guessed that this place should be used exclusively by the Knights of the Guards. If it was used by the Knights of the Kingdom with 2000 people, it might not be enough.

However, if the first army to the fourth army are used separately, it is not impossible.

Surrounded by sturdy high walls that look weather-beaten, the reddish-brown solid land underfoot is densely covered with a layer of sand, which should be to imitate the real ground environment.

Above the wall, many seats are arranged in order to form a circular auditorium, which is the main reason why Yuntian feels like an arena.

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