At this time, the auditorium was almost full of people, all of them were kingdom knights and guard knights, as well as a few nobles who heard the news.

Not only that, people continued to come in one after another. Even if the auditorium was full of people, they still had to stand and witness the next battle.

The reason why it is so eye-catching is mainly because neither Yuntian nor Julius has concealed the course of action.

After the two left the restaurant, they walked almost straight to the training ground. Yuntian was the focus of attention because of the public opinion and Julius because of his prestige.

The news that the two were going to the training ground immediately detonated all the knights in the capital.

On one side is the recognized deputy head of the Knights of the Guards, the best knight, and the current owner of the title of Sword of the Kingdom.

On the other side is the only new star who was promoted by the head of the Knights of the Guards to become a Knight of the Guards. It is rumored that he has such a strong strength that the head of the Knights makes an exception and is unwilling to be snatched away by other departments.

You know, before Yuntian, there was only one person who was promoted as an exception, and that was the contemporary "green" magician, the pinnacle of water attribute magic in the kingdom and even the four continents.

If Yuntian can really compete against 'Qing' in terms of strength, then this competition is absolutely not to be missed.

"It doesn't matter whether I win or lose, as long as I can show the level that a guard knight should have, the voice of doubt will naturally disappear. You have considered it well."

Yun Tian looked at Julius who was standing opposite him, then looked around the crowd of people in the auditorium, and smiled.

"For the time being, I am also respected by everyone as the deputy of the Knights. It is my job to ensure the harmony within the Knights."

Julius spread his hands, expressing that Yuntian didn't need to care about it, and he didn't need to thank him.

But it has to be said that his act of kindness did save Yuntian a lot of trouble. At least after this war, Yuntian didn't need to worry about the interpersonal relationship within the Knights.

There are so many little troubles, and sometimes it's pretty bad.

Accepting his affection, Yuntian decided to restrain himself a little bit and give Yurius a decent way to exit.

However, Julius, who specially brought Yuntian to the training ground for a competition, had more than this purpose.

He shook the saber at his waist, and said to Yun Tian in a persuasive tone before the start of the competition:

"Yun Tian, ​​no matter what the outcome of this battle is, I hope you can temporarily give up the idea of ​​challenging Reinhardt... to the Juggernaut."

Regarding Julius' words, Yun Tian's expression paused for a moment.

But maybe because he guessed what he was going to say, Yulius didn't give Yuntian a chance to speak, and continued first:

"I know that it is unrealistic for you to give up the idea of ​​challenging the Juggernaut, and even I have similar thoughts.

"It's just that Reinhardt is different. His field is qualitatively different from ours. I don't want you to experience that kind of powerlessness and despair."

Yurius' voice didn't hide anything, and even deliberately raised the pitch.

His earnest words reached Yuntian's ears, and even everyone in the audience.

Together with Yuntian's desire to challenge the Juggernaut, he turned the purpose of this battle into a warning to everyone.

And when he heard that Yun Tian had the idea to challenge the sword master Reinhardt, unexpectedly there was no sound of ridicule.

Instead, a strange silence enveloped the entire training ground.

Yun Tian was slightly taken aback by this reaction, but he immediately understood the reason.

it's actually really easy.

Those who are eligible to become guard knights are the proud sons of heaven in the kingdom. They are the true elites who have been born through hard training and hard work in the unforgettable battlefields and trials.

Kingdom knights are all 2000 people selected by the whole country, and guard knights are the result of careful selection among these 2000 people.

Every guard knight is a strong man, a genius, the focus of attention and a young talent in the former kingdom.

Such them, who has never had the idea of ​​challenging the name of the 'Juvenile Master'.

It can even be said that if they don't even have this bit of energy, they won't be able to grow to the present stage at all.

Yuntian's thoughts at this moment, every guard knight has had it before, laughing at Yuntian is not the same as laughing at themselves.

However, just look at the silence covering the training ground right now.

Fantasy is fantasy after all, longing is still longing, and sometimes people have to be forced to accept reality.

Even so, that reality is very cruel.

It's not that 'Jugger' cannot surpass, but 'Reinhardt' happens to be the Juggernaut of this generation.

The name itself, in the Kingdom of Lugnica. . .No, it symbolizes invincibility throughout the world.

What Julius said was not only for Yun Tian, ​​but also for those proud young people who also joined the Kingdom Knights and Guards Knights not long ago.

"Although I am very unwilling, I am not even qualified to let Reinhardt draw his sword."

Julius's tone was full of complex emotions that he could hardly discern, but the thoughts he wanted to express were clearly passed into the hearts of every knight present.

It is not to give up the challenge, but to recognize the reality and move forward in a down-to-earth manner!

The knights have been full of uneasiness and anxiety recently due to the changes in the royal family. Yulius just took advantage of Reinhardt's absence and used Yuntian's exception to promote him as a breakthrough to divert their minds from the changes in the royal family.

In this way, regardless of whether the result of the competition is a win or a loss, the Knights will not have a greater riot before the end of the royal family's change.

Coupled with dispelling Yuntian's idea of ​​challenging, and solving the doubts brought about by his promotion.

Three birds with one stone!

1752 Overwhelming!

Julius had a good idea.

If Yuntian is really a strong man of an ordinary level, then at most he can defeat Julius.

There are many people who can do the same thing in the Kingdom of Lugnica, for example, Marcus Gildaku, the head of the Knights of the Guards, can do it.

But even so, there is still an insurmountable distance from Reinhardt's height.

But. . .

"If you want me to give up the idea of ​​fighting the Juggernaut, it depends on whether you have that ability, Julius."

Yun Tian raised his eyebrows, and beckoned to the best knight on the opposite side.

His actions are obviously telling Julius that if he wants to change my mind, he must win first.

Regarding this, Julius sighed, but didn't say anything more.

Instead, he pulled out the knight sword at his waist and stood in front of his chest, his expression became serious and he declared to the sky.

"Then, I'm sorry!"

In the next second, the purple-haired knight rushed towards Yuntian in one step, the sharp blade in his hand turned into a flash of silver light, and instantly crossed the distance between the two of them and slashed towards Yuntian's chest!

That's right, they used real swords for their competition.

Yuntian needs to show his strength, and Julius wants to persuade him to give up challenging the Juggernaut, so real combat is essential.

However, Yun Tian didn't draw his sword when facing the sword blade that was slashed by Lius at high speed.

The Black Furnace Demon Sword and Jingxin's scabbard quietly emerged in Yuntian's hands, and then the scabbard drew an invisible trajectory.


With a muffled sound, Julius, who was approaching Yuntian with a slashing speed, suddenly took two steps back.

He covered the right wrist holding the sword with his left hand, and looked in the direction of Yuntian in surprise.

At the same time, there was quite a commotion in the auditorium because of Yulius's sudden retreat.

"what happened?!"

"Why did Julius back away suddenly?"

"The initial sword was sharp enough, but Mr. Yulius chose to withdraw the sword. Did he feel some danger that we don't know?"

" look at Master Julius' actions, why does he look like he was injured?"

"What did the other side do? How is it possible! Didn't he not move at all?"

Most of the knights simply couldn't understand what was going on.

In their eyes, Julius just charged forward on his own, and then took two steps back inexplicably.

But Julius, who was confronting Yuntian, knew very well that it was neither a feeling nor an illusion.

Just at that moment, his wrist was indeed hit.

But the crux of the problem is that even Yurius failed to see clearly the sword that hit his wrist.

"The sword didn't fly out of your hand, which means that your basic skills are in place, and your body has been trained for a long time without slack. Generally speaking, you are still qualified."

At this time, Yuntian's voice rang out, echoing in the training ground, causing everyone to fall into unbelievable shock.

"He said... qualified?"

"Just now, did he force that Julius back when we couldn't see?!"

"Just kidding..."

"Y-maybe it's some kind of protective effect? ​​Did the captain make an exception and let him become a guard knight because he valued his special power?"

'No, that's not protection. Julius looked at Yuntian with a solemn expression, his eyes drifted away from him, and finally fixed on the strange light green scabbard at his waist.

Although he couldn't be 100% sure, Yurius felt that it should be the one that hit his wrist just now.

An absurd idea came to the bottom of my heart after this blow, and was immediately forcibly dispelled by Yulius.

'It's so similar, that posture, simply. . . '

Julius shook his head vigorously, and looked again at Yuntian, who had never moved half a step, as if waiting for him to make a move.

Gritting his teeth, he moved his wrist.


Silver light reappears!

call out--!

If it is said that Julius had reservations about the last blow because he was not sure about Yuntian's strength, then this sword was an attack that he had already regarded Yuntian as a stronger opponent than himself!

The silver light pierced the air, and the sword pressure struck!

The sword energy gathers in the sword body of the knight sword, and the belief of belonging to the 'best knight' is condensed in it!

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