Feeling the sword intent contained in this sword, Yun Tian nodded, and said under everyone's terrified eyes:

"not bad."


Immediately, it was the same muffled sound as before!

Exactly the same sound, exactly the same hit, as well. . .Even the distance is exactly the same two steps back.

Julius stepped on the footprints he left just now, and covered his numb right wrist with his left hand, feeling the unloading force that happened to be completed at this position, and his face showed shock that could not be concealed.

Not only him, but all the knights in the audience had similar expressions, even more incredible than Julius.

Although they still couldn't see clearly the trajectory of Yun Tian's swinging the scabbard, it was impossible for them to miss Julius's backward movement that was exactly the same as the previous moment.

Once was by accident, what about the two?

Even the backward distance was the same, plus Julius's right wrist could not stop shaking after being hit twice in a row.

Looking at Julius, who couldn't even hold his sword steady, who could lie to himself that it was just a coincidence?

"First of all, I want to apologize to you, I'm sorry, Yun Tian."

Julius looked at his trembling right hand, took a deep breath and said:

"I shouldn't underestimate you. I'm sorry and ashamed for my rash remarks. Maybe...you really have the ability to challenge the name of 'Juvenile Saint'."

"Oh? I realized it so quickly, don't you think it's the power of protection or magic?"

Yuntian was a little surprised, and could clearly recognize that the gap was due to swordsmanship, and Julius was more excellent than Yuntian imagined.

"If I can't recognize whether it's protection or swordsmanship, I will have known Reinhardt for so long."

When Julius faced Yun Tian's rhetorical question, a trace of helplessness and bitterness flashed across his face.

"As for magic..."

As he spoke, a blue spot of light suddenly flew out from Julius's clothes, and circled twice around his injured right wrist.

Immediately afterwards, Julius' right hand stopped shaking, and he clenched the knight's sword firmly again.

"That's the elf..."

Yun Tian looked at that spot of light, thoughtfully.

This elf is not talking about the elf race with long ears, but the elemental elves in fantasy stories, which belong to elemental life, not flesh and blood creatures.

In this world, people who can sign contracts with elves and use magic with the power of elves are called elf magicians, who are different from ordinary magicians.

And Julius, who is a master of both swords and magic, calls himself this way.

"Elf Knight Yurius Eucleius, ask Your Excellency for advice!"

1753 Elf Knight!

Mana is the name for magic power in this world.

People can drive the mana in their body subconsciously, letting it flow through the whole body to strengthen the body's strength, speed, reflex nerves and self-healing ability.

As a result, all kinds of fighters, swordsmen and knights showed superhuman strength.

The greater the amount of mana that can be used and the higher the body and spirit can afford to strengthen, the greater the improvement based on pure energy.

If you go further to use Mana more efficiently and methodically, the supernatural power displayed is magic.

To use magic, generally speaking, the caster needs to make Mana pass through his own 'door', which is something similar to a spell-casting organ or meridian.

Everyone has a door, even people from different worlds who have crossed over are no exception.

So in theory, anyone has the possibility to use magic, but if we want to turn the possibility into reality, we need to be familiar with our talents and talents.

And what people in this world often say, the size of the door.

Generally speaking, ordinary people can only adapt to one magic attribute, and after becoming a magician, they can only use magic of the corresponding attribute.

But there will always be geniuses in the world, and it is not uncommon for people to use two, three or even all of the six magic attributes together.

These refer to magicians in the usual sense.

If you want to use magic, there is another route you can choose, and that is the elf magician.

Literally, an elf magician is a person who signs a contract with an elf.

There are two biggest differences between an elf wizard and a magician. One is that both the wizard and the elves can fight, and they have a natural advantage in firepower.

The second, and most important point, is the way of using Mana is different.

The mana used by the magician is the amount stored in its own door, and it will be gone when it is used up, while the elf magician can use the mana in the air to release magic with the help of the elves.

Therefore, theoretically, the magical power of an elf wizard is unlimited.

These two advantages have resulted in the absolute oppression of elf magicians in their profession.

However, if one relies solely on elves to use magic, then the upper limit of magic output power is also limited by the elves themselves.

The more powerful the elf, the more powerful magic he can use.

Signing a contract with an elf is not something that can be done casually, even if it is an extremely weak elf, you cannot sign a contract successfully without that special qualification.

And Yurius, as an elf magician, his aptitude in this area is undoubtedly the top in the world.

There are a total of six elves in the contract he signed, one for each attribute of fire, water, wind, earth, yin, and yang.

This is theoretically impossible.

The reason for its success lies in Julius's outstanding talent, which can satisfy the different thoughts of the six elves at the same time.

On the other hand, it is he who has the credit for protection.

The protection of seduction, this protection made Julius more loved by elves, and raised his already extremely high affinity to elves to the limit.

It is this power, the contract of these six elves, that created the unique 'Elf Knight' Yurius.

Six light spots flew out, and at the same time, six colors of light began to shine as they circled Julius.

These six rays of light are not only beautiful, but also represent the blessings of the six magical attributes to Julius.

Mana flows through the whole body, increasing the energy increase to the limit that the body can bear.

This time, Julius, who exploded with all his strength, finally showed the strength that his Kingdom Sword should have.

Surrounded by emerald green light, the moment he took a step, he increased his speed to the limit, like a gust of wind, coming in an instant!

The magic in this world is not simply elemental manipulation, but each attribute corresponds to a separate category, which is more inclined to changes in nature, and can also cause corresponding or even different types of elemental expressions.

And what Yurius is using at this moment is the wind attribute, the magic that controls external power!

Surrounded by the emerald green wind, his speed and dexterity were improved, making this third breakthrough a qualitative change.

However, in Yuntian's eyes, after all, it was still a bit unsatisfactory.

Or to put it mildly, compared to the previous two swords, Julius at this moment finally had a performance that made Yun Tian look him squarely.

Yuntian's response did not change at all.

Still using the hand as the sheath, and using the sheath as the sword, the unseen lightning-quick sword-drawing technique flickered away, and the Meditation scabbard once again aimed at the knight's sword-holding wrist.

However, this time, Julius was not defeated by the same trick again.

His eyes moved slightly, and at the critical moment, he caught the movement and trajectory of Yun Tian swinging out the scabbard.

Flipping his wrist, he avoided Yuntian's attack, and at the same time, the red slash struck Yuntian's chest!

The change of this sword made Yun Tian a little surprised, and a little interest was also ignited in his eyes.

The six colors of light represent the effects of the six magical attributes.

In addition to the wind, the white light represents the yang attribute, and the magic effect corresponds to the positive increase, providing Yulius with extraordinary reflexes.

It was this power that was able to capture Yuntian's knife drawing technique.

But even this is not enough, seeing does not mean being able to avoid it.

Also working together is the attribute of earth, the magic that controls the inner power!

The yellow light stimulated the potential of Yurius' body, raising his physical strength to the limit that his body could bear.

Under the joint effect of the three attributes of wind, earth, and yang, Yurius successfully avoided Yuntian's first blow.

Attacked with a flame slash that added fire attributes and controlled temperature changes!

Yuntian planned to change his tactics at the first time. With his speed, it is not difficult to complete the attack first.

But the hand holding the hilt of the sword stagnated uncoordinatedly at this critical moment.

Black rays represent negative effects.

In the midst of this fleeting moment, Yurius, who had been prepared for a long time, weakened Yuntian's body strength and reflex nerves with Yin magic.

The unnatural pause is precisely due to the discomfort caused by the dislocation of the body and perception.

This is the fighting method of elf knights. Julius, who has six elves and can release six kinds of magic at the same time, is a veritable powerhouse!


What he faced was a monster beyond imagination.


Accompanied by a roar, the sword intent that pierced through heaven and earth swept up!


In an instant, Julius was blown away by the violent momentum, and hit the distant wall directly with a loud noise.

The pure sword intent, pure momentum, and the power displayed under the explosion made all the people in the audience tremble with fear.

This is world class!

A world apart!

Looking at Julius who was shrouded in smoke and blasted a huge depression on the wall, there was no sound in the training ground.

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