1754 Rainbow Sword!

The violent sword intent unscrupulously vented, forming a storm of sword pressure visible to the naked eye.

Yun Tian just stood there, completely let go of his aura, and the movement caused was as literal as - earth-shattering!

The sweeping sword wind was mixed with sharp sword energy, leaving deep sword marks on the ground and walls, turning the interior of this weather-beaten training ground into a purgatory of swords.

In the distance, Julius, who was blasted against the wall, fell heavily to the ground.

Caught off guard by a zero-distance sword storm, this best knight felt like all the bones in his body were in pieces, and there was no place that didn't hurt.

However, he still tried his best to stand up.

At the same time, blue light spots rotated around him, and soft blue light constantly shone on Julius.

It was water-attribute magic, representing the brilliance of vitality and healing.

The elf he contracted is desperately healing his injuries, trying to relieve Yurius' physical and mental burden and fatigue as much as possible.

Thanks to this, when Yurius stood firm, the pain on his body had largely subsided.

However, the mental burden is not so easy to dissolve.

Yurius raised his head, stood on the edge of the field and looked at the opponent in the center.

He still has the power to fight, and he has mastered the ultimate kill but failed to release it.

Step forward, charge like just now, and swing the sword that marks the second act!

Julius really wanted to do that if he could.

only. . .

The purple-haired young man clenched the knight's sword with both hands. Even though he tried his best, he couldn't suppress the trembling caused by a certain emotion quietly rising in his heart.

The reason why he was nailed to the spot so that his feet could not move no matter what.

It is the instinct of living things - the fear of death!

The body of Rius, the instincts tempered through many battles, and even the six spirits of the contract all issued warnings to him at the same time.

Go forward and die!

Huge pressure was upon him, and the terrifying aura that enveloped the entire training ground was like a peak that could not be seen from the top of the mountain pressing on him.

Can't move!

However, there is no need to laugh at him.

After all, Julius was still standing, still holding the sword in his hand, and there was no loss of fighting spirit in his eyes.

That alone is good enough for him.

Yuntian's aura suppressed the entire training ground. Looking around the auditorium, there were no more knights who could guarantee the same faith in Julius's eyes.

This was when Yuntian only aimed at Julius, and he bore most of the pressure.

The best knight, with the performance of the scene in front of him, Julius is worthy of the name.

However, when it comes to 'Kingdom Sword', this level is far from enough.

"Is this the end, Julius?"

Yun Tian spoke calmly, as if he wasn't the one who overwhelmed the audience with arrogance, and his attitude remained the same as when the two were in the restaurant just now.

Neither in his eyes nor in his tone of voice, Yuntian showed any disappointment-like emotions, but he was calm as a matter of course.

'Sure enough, it's really similar. . . '

Julius recognized that look, and also recognized that tone.

It was an attitude that didn't put the opponent in the eyes at all, and it was the look that clearly knew that Yurius would never be his opponent.

It's not haughty, it's not arrogance, but that's what's hardest to accept.

Because that represents a ruthless and cruel reality.

That is the look that can only be possessed if one has a clear understanding of one's own strength and understands what kind of unattainable position one is in.

strong. . .Do not.

Julius didn't want to describe it like this. He didn't like to compare his friends like this, but he really couldn't find a more appropriate adjective.

'The eyes of the monster. . .Really, exactly like Reinhardt. '

That kind of condescending look down, as if the opponent's defeat is 'natural' calmness, which Yurius often sees in friends who have known each other for more than ten years.

The stares that have already determined the outcome before the battle begins are more breathless than pure contempt or arrogance.

Because they even hope that you can do better and be able to give surprises.

But you can't do it no matter what, no matter how much you reach out, it's hard to reach that distant place.

Looking at the same gaze as his friend, Julius suddenly ignited anger in his heart.

Not to Yuntian, and of course it is impossible to be Reinhardt, but to himself, to the anger of 'Julius'.

I am as weak as ever!

The bitter fruit of unwillingness ignites the flame in the heart called 'regret', driven by this blazing anger fueled by complex emotions.

Gritting his teeth, Yurius forced himself to take a crucial step.

"No! The competition is not over yet, Yun Tian!"

The trembling stopped, Julius held the sword in both hands, and walked back to Yuntian step by step in a stiff posture.

At this moment, the eyes of the purple-haired young knight gleamed with completely different beliefs.

"Finally, take my sword with all my strength!"

Before the words fell, the iridescent light bloomed in the hands of Julius!

That is the rainbow light that was born by gathering all six magical attributes. It is only Yulius can use it, and it symbolizes everything in his name 'Yurius'.

Elf sword!

"Al Clausista!"

In an instant, iridescent light replaced everything in sight.

Yun Tian looked at the knight's sword shining with an incredible iridescent aurora, and for the first time there was an expression of approval on his face.

Even for this outstanding sword skill, it is also because of Yurius' belief in surpassing his own limits.

Facing a swordsman and a knight who really challenged him with faith and unyielding, Yuntian decided to show respect.


With a soft sound, the Black Furnace Demon Sword was unsheathed.

The next moment, the monstrous black flame rose up in a state of destroying everything!

In fact, Yuntian has been thinking since the beginning of the show, how to finish it to perfectly achieve his goal.

The attitude of Julius has been shown clearly.

In this kingdom and this world, the power of the 'Juvenile Master' Reinhardt Van Astrea is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Its unrivaled posture and absolutely invincible strength are recognized, so, if you want to challenge the 'Juvenile Master', I'm afraid it is not something that will be accepted casually.

Yuntian needs qualifications.

Then, it is the easiest way to show your own unimaginable strength.

For this reason, the sword skill that Yuntian used to end this battle had better be shocking enough.

The lethality does not need to be considered, but the destructive power must be high, and it must be accompanied by terrifying special effects and power that anyone can easily understand.

Counting Yuntian's commonly used sword skills, it seems that there are really not many of them.

Limited by the development of the world, I am afraid Zhan Xing will not be able to achieve the best results.

Fortunately, in Yuntian's memory, there really is such a sword skill that perfectly meets the current requirements!


The pitch-black demonic flames climbed from the Heishu Demonic Sword to the sky like an endless one, and in an instant, a huge pillar of black flames piercing through the sky and the earth suddenly formed.

Yun Tian looked at the rainbow sword that was close at hand, and the corner of his mouth raised a slight arc, and he swung the blade down.

At the same time, a name echoed in everyone's ears.

"Burning Heaven and Earth, Dragon King Flame—!"

1755 Impact and punishment

"Do you have anything to defend? Knight Yuntian."

"Not at all, everything is consistent with what is stated in the report, without any additions or deletions."

In a slightly dim room, two men are talking.

This is the deepest part of the duty room of the knight order adjacent to Wangcheng, which is the office of the head.

The two men are Marcus Gildaku, the leader of the knight guards sitting behind the desk, and Yun Tian standing in front of the desk.

Yun Tian's last sword 'Burning Heaven and Earth Burning Dragon King Yan' undoubtedly ended the competition.

This sword technique from Stella of the Fallen Knight World is actually very simple to say, it is pure violence formed by overwhelming light and heat.

It's not a skill, but it's perfect for showing your absolute crushing power.

Especially in this 'Dragon Kingdom', even the name fits the country's culture.

The only problem is that the damage caused is a little bit bigger.

"The training ground was completely destroyed, and the walls of the nearby royal city collapsed. More than two hundred kingdom knights were injured, including many guard knights. Julius would have to lie down in the treatment hospital for at least a week.

"Do you know how much trouble you have made, Yun Tian!"

The head of Marcus with short light green hair is about 40 years old, and his appearance is said to be sharp, but it is more suitable to be described as serious.

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