At this moment, he was slapping the report document on the table vigorously, staring at Yun Tian with serious eyes.

In this regard, Yun Tian spread his hands and threw out the words of Julius before the war.

"It's just a training session among the members of the knight order. It's just that the movement is a little louder. No one else was seriously injured, right?"

Yun Tian is still very confident in his ability to control, he is not what he used to be, he is no longer a half-bad guy who can't even fully control the energy in his body.

After the skill 'Precise Operation' was upgraded to A-level, Yuntian regained that ability to control as he pleases.

That sword Dragon King Yan itself was deliberately kept by him. Except for Julius who was hard-pressed head-on, the others were at most slightly injured and nothing more than a trip to the treatment center.

Most of the power of the sword skill was blasted into the ground by Yuntian, in order to cause enough shocking destructive power.

Of course, this must not be said to the leader of the Knights, if he knew that Yuntian was deliberately damaging public property, then the serious leader would definitely go mad.

But now, he just sighed deeply, glared at Yun Tian and said:

"Just know to make trouble for me, don't you understand that now is the critical period."

After all, Marcos also knows that it is because there will be no major events during the critical period.

The royal family was paralyzed like that, who would be idle to add to the obstacles of the Knights of the Guards at this time.Heaped affairs, redistribution of power, etc., there are too many more important things.

Yun Tianxia's hands were very measured, no one was killed, not even seriously injured or even slandered.

Isn't it just a training ground that collapsed? Oh, and there is still a wall.

Can having royal paralysis matter?

Furthermore, no one in the royal family can give orders at present, which means that no one can stop the knight guards.

The special law enforcement power in their hands is no different from the Shangfang sword hanging over everyone's heads at this moment.

As long as Marcus speaks, this major event that would inevitably be held accountable in normal times can be written off with just a few polite words.

It is precisely because Yuntian knows this that he behaves so 'unscrupulously', and it can be regarded as the first time to make full use of the convenience brought by his identity.

Marcus also knew Yuntian's purpose in doing so.

After all, the report was in his hands, and if he couldn't see what Yun Tian wanted to do, he just sat in the head of the regiment for nothing.

"In any case, the competition between you and Julius has exceeded the level that a simulated battle should have. Punishment is unavoidable."

Marcus looked at Yun Tian and pondered for a while, then he opened his mouth and announced the punishment.

"Punish you and Julius' three-year salary. In addition, temporarily remove the two of you from patrolling and guarding the king's capital. Reflect on yourself!"

Hearing this sentence, Yun Tian was slightly taken aback.

He had already guessed that the punishment would be symbolic, but he didn't expect it to be so light.

Three years' salary, even if Yuntian and Julius were added together, would not be enough to rebuild a training ground.

The guard knight's salary is indeed generous, but it is not an exaggeration that three years is enough for the two of them to build a training ground of the size of a knight order, let alone a large collapsed wall of the royal city.

Marcus' punishment, from another perspective, is a tacit agreement that this matter will be settled by him, and the money does not need to be paid by Yuntian and Julius.

As for the second half of the sentence, it is more like a reward than a punishment for Yuntian.

Even the missions of patrolling and guarding have been cancelled, and Yun Tian is literally an idler.

As long as Marcus doesn't look for him, Yuntian can do whatever he wants, and the most important thing is that his status as a guard knight has not changed, which means that his power will not be reduced at all.

"It's more protective than expected." Yun Tian muttered.

"Stop talking nonsense." Marcus glared at him when he heard it, but he didn't deny Yun Tian's statement.

As the head of the Knights of the Guards, his subordinates should be punished and reprimanded for something they do, but they still have to be protected.

After all, this is the only way to be called one of our own.

The current cohesion of the Knights of the Guards is directly related to the style of Marcus, the head of the regiment.

Just when the conversation between Yuntian and Marcus came to an end, they were about to enter the next topic.

"Is the leader here? Feili sauce come in."

A pleasant voice came from outside the door, and at the same time, the owner of the voice also casually pushed open the door of the head's office and walked in.

The one who called himself 'Fei Lijiang' walked in was a guard knight wearing the same white knight uniform as Yuntian.

On top of the short flaxen hair is tied a blue and white ribbon woven bow hair accessory, as well as a pair of particularly conspicuous cat ears.

Behind him, there is a cat's tail of the same color that sways slightly, together with the cat's ears, it tells the identity of the visitor as a 'sub-human'.

Because the features are so obvious, Yun Tian immediately recognized the identity of this 'girl' with a delicate and pretty face.

Felix Argyle, the contemporary "green" magician, the most outstanding therapist of this era.

In addition, there is one thing that must be emphasized.

He is male!

. . . . . .

"Oh, this is the legendary super knight rookie who beat Julius to the ground? Tsk tsk tsk, unexpectedly handsome~"

While Yun Tian was observing him, Felix also noticed him standing opposite Marcus.

He came up on catwalks, circled Yuntian twice, and even Felix sniffed it closely, showing that he was a big cat.

Seeing his pretty face approaching him, Yun Tian couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said silently in his heart:

'This guy is a man. . .It turned out to be a man! '

. . .

. . .

. . .


I'm actually quite curious about whether Felix's picture will be caught. . .After all, it's a man

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After being surrounded by Felix twice, Yun Tian couldn't help but move his gaze to the pair of cat ears.

To be honest, as a person who raised cats in the world of Godslayer, he really wanted to touch them.

You don't need to care about the male and female cats, and most male cats are actually more clingy than female cats.

But the problem is, this one is not a cat, but a cat person!

Not even Catwoman, but Catboy!

At the thought of reaching out to touch a man's ear, the weird feeling in Yun Tian's heart suppressed his love for Furry.

'I kind of miss Chun Ji's big tail. '

While looking at plum blossoms in his heart to quench his thirst, Yun Tian silently took two steps back to avoid the cat man in front of him.

But Yuntian's movements and sights made Felix aware of the clues, and his wild intuition made him squint his eyes, and asked Yuntian with a smile on the corner of his mouth:

"Hum, have you ever had a cat?"

However, before Yun Tian could speak, Marcos, who was sitting behind the desk, swept over with stern eyes, interrupting the cat boy's subsequent actions.


"Hey, leader, how many times have people told me to call her Phyllis, that name is Taiyanggang, meow."

However, Felix still complained in a very girlish tone with a casual expression in the face of the serious-looking captain.

"There's nothing wrong with being masculine, you're a man, and 'Felix' is your real name."

Marcus was indifferent, obviously used to Felix's behavior.

On that, Felix. . .Or Phyllis expressed her displeasure at his words.

"I'm not a child, please don't think that you can say the facts casually, Feili sauce doesn't like such a leader who doesn't understand girls' minds."

"Stop being so talkative, you should learn from Yuntian, and don't say those useless nonsense."

Phyllis pouted, and Marcus reprimanded him rudely.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Yun Tian couldn't help but interjected:

"Just now you said I was poor-mouthed."

"Hey?!" As soon as the voice fell, Phyllis looked over with bright eyes, and a sound like cheering came out of her mouth.

On the other side, Marcus fell silent and rubbed his temples with his hands.

He felt some headaches.

At this moment, Marcus suddenly had an idea that in the future, no exception should be made to recruit talents to the Knights of the Guards.

These two exceptions stood in front of my eyes, and they were all troubled children.

"On the road, you are much more interesting than Julius and Reinhardt."

"Where is it, I thought that the guard knights were all rigid types, but I didn't expect there to be someone like you, so I feel relieved."

Listening to the conversation between the two troubled children across the desk, the veins on Marcus' forehead twitched furiously.


He slapped the table hard, and the group leader said angrily: "Shut up!"

"Oh." x2

Seeing that the group leader was in a hurry, Yun Tian and Phyllis unanimously responded perfunctorily.

"Hmph! Felix, report quickly."

Marcus wasn't really angry, he said to Phyllis when he saw the two were quiet.

"The treatment has been completed, and I can come down to report the situation after lying down for a while. Julius' body is still quite strong."

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