As she said that, Phyllis glanced at Yun Tian and blinked playfully.

"It's also thanks to Xinren Jiang's mercy, otherwise it wouldn't be the training ground that would be wiped out."

The treatment Phyllis spoke of refers to Julius.

Yun Tian knew the power of his own sword very well, Julius, who was head-on, did not say that he was seriously injured, but he would not even think about getting out of bed for at least a week.

Being able to heal such an injury in a blink of an eye, even before Yuntian's report was over, Julius was already able to go to the ground.

The methods and abilities of this treatment are worthy of being a healer who has inherited the title of 'green'.

"But speaking of it, it's really an exaggeration, meow. If you show mercy, you can blow up the training ground with one blow. Reinhardt is the only knight who can do this kind of thing."

Felice's emotion made Marcus fall into silence.

Marcus Gildaku, as the head of the Guard Knights, is also the second strongest person in the Kingdom of Lugnica after the Juggernaut.

There is only another chief court magician who can compare with him.

It is not particularly difficult for Marcus to suppress Yulius or even defeat him easily.

But precisely because of this strength, Marcus knew better than Phyllis how terrifying Yuntian's strength was.

On the premise of keeping hands, ensure that everyone involved is safe and sound, and at the same time destroy the training ground and the walls of the king's capital with one blow.

Marcus couldn't do it himself.

But looking at the kingdom, the only person stronger than him is the Juggernaut.

Marcus did not expect that his love of talents would discover such a monster.

Coincidentally, he made an exception and recruited two members. The former became 'Qing', and the latter showed the strength enough to challenge the Juggernaut.

'Really. . .Unimaginable surprise. '

However, if you really want to compare Yun Tian with Juggernaut. . .

After pondering for a moment, Marcus made a decision.

"Felix, I understand the situation of Yurius, you can go first."

Marcus's words made Phyllis have an unexpected expression on her face, and the pair of cat ears trembled twice.

He looked at Yuntian and Marcus one after another, then waved his hands without saying a word, turned and left the head's office.

After Phyllis left, the air in the room seemed a little dignified.

Yun Tian didn't speak, and let time go by little by little.

After a while, Marcus finally spoke:

"I can report and grant you the title of 'Kingdom Sword'."

"The Sword of the Kingdom?" Now, even Yun Tian couldn't help repeating it in surprise.

Kingdom Sword, this is one of the titles currently held by Rius.

More than one title is held by Rius.

Among them, 'elf knight' is a professional description of his combination of elf magician and knight, and it is also the name most recognized by Rius himself.

The second is "the best knight", which is a compliment to his character and behavior as a knight, and is a title recognized by everyone.

Furthermore, it is the 'Deputy Head of the Knights of the Guards'.

To be precise, this title does not exist, because the Knights of the Guards only set up a leader, and there is no so-called deputy leader.

It's just that Julius's strength and prestige among the guard knights are far from those of ordinary guard knights, and Marcus often uses Yurius as his deputy when handing over work.

So, from the beginning as the deputy head of the regiment, it gradually evolved into the deputy commander of the Knights of the Guards, and finally became the current deputy head.

Even if such a position does not exist in the Knights of the Guards, Yurius himself rarely calls himself this way, but in the eyes of everyone, he is actually the deputy head.

The above three titles are all aimed at Julius personally. It can be said that these titles would not appear without Yulius.

But only, Kingdom Sword is different!

The true meaning of this title, behind the glory, is strength!

1757 Sword of the Kingdom!

Kingdom Sword, the meaning of this title in Lugnica Kingdom is very simple.

It is the strongest sword of the kingdom!

Once upon a time, the Sword of the Kingdom was not a separate title, but a title specially used to describe and describe the 'Sword Master' of the past dynasties.

After all, every generation of Juggernaut is the strongest in the kingdom, and has the power to deter other big countries.

But just a few decades ago, something happened that allowed the title of 'Sword of the Kingdom' to become independent from Juggernaut, and even once became the highest honor of the kingdom beyond the name of 'Sword Master'.

It was the Juggernaut of the previous generation, who just ended the proof of the Asian Human War, and proved that she has a powerful strength that is not inferior to the Juggernaut of the past.

However, he was defeated by a swordsman in the commendation ceremony after the war.

It was that incident at that time and a series of subsequent developments that made the 'Kingdom Sword' an honor superior to that of the 'Juvenile Master' at that time.

This special situation continued until the previous Juggernaut passed away, and Reinhardt, the beloved of heaven, succeeded the Juggernaut.

After the honorary title of Sword of the Kingdom became independent, it symbolized not only the strongest sword in the kingdom, but also the ultimate sword that could surpass even a sword master.

But after inheriting the name of Juggernaut from Reinhardt, surpassing Juggernaut has become a joke and an unrealistic vision.

As the second strongest man in the kingdom, Marcus knew that he couldn't do it.

That's why the title of Sword of the Kingdom fell into the hands of Julius and became the driving force for him to move forward.

In fact, because of the existence of Reinhardt, no one cares about the once popular Sword of the Kingdom.

Maybe after a while, when Julius gives up or fails, or the situation remains unchanged in the next generation.

The title of Kingdom Sword will return to the original, referring to Lugnica's strongest sword master again.

"However, if you really have that kind of ability, I can report it so that you can truly inherit the title of 'Kingdom Sword'."

Marcus emphasized the word 'true'.

That means that if Yun Tian nodded, what he would get would not be the fame that Yulius now cares about.

But the sword of the kingdom that actually holds glory and power!

That's right, the Sword of the Kingdom not only represents a name, but also a status symbol.

For example, knights are of this type.

It is almost wishful thinking for a commoner to become an aristocrat overnight. The simplest and most direct way is to become a knight.

Knight is not only a profession, but also a proof of identity that has stepped into the aristocracy with one foot.

It is both a name and an identity.

Unlike knights, who only stepped into the noble class with one foot, the true owner of the title of Sword of the Kingdom had a status comparable to that of the highest nobleman in the glorious moment of the previous generation.

Because it symbolizes the absolute force above the sword master!

Once you get this title, even if you don't have real power, your status will change drastically.

Just like the meeting held by Yuntian before, having the title of Sword of the Kingdom means having the qualification to sit at the same table and even the right to speak.

However, these things are not what Yuntian values, what he values ​​is the prerequisites for having this title.

Defeat Juggernaut!

Being able to obtain the true status of the honorary title of Sword of the Kingdom, Yuntian has a justifiable reason to challenge Reinhardt.

Moreover, it is the reason why Reinhardt is not allowed to refuse!

This last point is crucial to Yuntian.

Yuntian, who has watched anime, knows the character of Reinhardt, a contemporary sword master, very well. To be honest, his biggest headache is how to make the opponent accept his challenge.

If it is a discussion or a competition, then Reinhardt will definitely not refuse.

But the battle that Yuntian wants is not that kind of child's play.

What he hopes is that Reinhardt will show his belief in victory and go all out to fight and kill him with all his strength!

For this reason, Yuntian actually considered whether the method of overthrowing the Kingdom of Lugnica could force Reinhardt to do it.

Otherwise, based on Yun Tian's understanding of that sword master, the other party would definitely not fight him desperately.

However, if it is the sword of the kingdom.

If it is about the honor of the 'Sword Master', the honor of the Astrea family, it is about the honor and past of the grandfather and grandmother that Reinhardt cannot ignore no matter what.

It is related to the entanglement between the sword of the previous kingdom and the sword master of the previous generation.

Then even Reinhardt must have to use all his strength to respond to this fateful decisive battle!

After understanding this, Yun Tian was moved.

Nothing attracts Yun Tian more than the event of 'fighting Reinhardt at full strength'.

However, before that, there is one more thing to ask in advance.

"So, what's the price?"

Marcus would not help him obtain the status of a superior nobleman of the Contrast Kingdom for no reason, even if Yuntian showed amazing strength, even if he defeated Julius.

Without him doing anything, the title of Sword of the Kingdom would have fallen on Yuntian's head, it was nothing more than an empty title like the current Julius.

To restore the status of the Sword of the Kingdom, Marcus needs to vouch for Yuntian and offend a considerable number of nobles.

The point is that after the royal turmoil subsides, he will inevitably face the king's questioning and even accountability.

At that time, if Yuntian can't defeat Reinhardt to prove himself, then Marcus will be labeled as an unknown person at the very least.

With this kind of evaluation, the military and political career of the head of the Knights of the Guards can be declared over.

Bearing such a serious price, Marcus still opened his mouth and said that he would invite the status of the Sword of the Kingdom for Yuntian.

It is impossible to have no reason without relatives.

Facing Yuntian's inquiry, Marcus didn't speak immediately.

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