He was silent for a long time before he took out a letter from the drawer under the desk and put it on the table.

He signaled Yuntian to take a look, and at the same time said with a sigh:

"The news of the Lugnica royal family's serious illness cannot be hidden from other countries for too long. In the worst case, the empire may have already started preparing for war."

The paralysis of the royal family has brought great unrest to the Kingdom of Lugnica, but in the end, that's not everyone's focus.

What they really care about is whether even one person in the Lugnica royal family can survive to inherit the throne.

Because, that represents whether the covenant between the Qinlong Kingdom and the Guardian Dragon is still valid!

Once the blood of the royal family is cut off and no one from the Lugnica family inherits the throne, Shenlong will not protect the kingdom from external disasters according to the covenant.

At that time, the Kingdom of Lugnica, which has just recovered from the continuous heavy damage caused by the Asian War and the Black Dragon turmoil, will collapse in the face of the iron-blooded soldiers of the "Empire" as literally.

1758 Mission failed

"As the head of the Knights of the Guards and the commander-in-chief of the Knights of the Kingdom, I must consider the possibility of war in this situation.

"For this reason, Yun Tian, ​​the powerful strength you have shown may become a new force for us to deter the empire."

While listening to Marcus' words, Yun Tian picked up the letter on the table and read it.

There is only a short sentence above, which is to report the results of a mission to Marcus.

[I'm very sorry, my subordinate is incompetent, unable to reach the watch tower to meet the sage, the mission ended in failure, and the detailed situation will be reported back in the near future. 】

— Reinhardt Van Astrea

Seeing the contents of the letter, Yun Tian understood the current situation.

When he heard about the existence of the "sage" from Julius in the restaurant, he wondered whether the royal family of Lugnica was really destroyed in the end since the sage existed.

Now it seems that even Reinhardt has not been able to meet the sage. In this way, the ending of the Lugnica royal family may be foreseen by anyone.

The magician of 'Blue' led the treatment center to work hard for so long but failed to make a breakthrough in the disease. Now that the dead appear continuously, many people acquiesce in the powerlessness of 'Blue'.

Therefore, that sage can be said to be the last hope for the survival of the Lugnica royal family.

And the report that symbolizes the shattered hope is now in Yuntian's hands.

"The letter from Reinhardt just arrived today, and I haven't had time to report it to the Council of Sages...you should understand what it means."

Of course Yun Tian understood.

The royal family is dead, there is no successor, the army is weak, and the country is uneasy. As long as this situation is known to the neighboring countries, the "Empire", which has always been in hostile forces, will inevitably send troops to declare war, regardless of the other two countries.

After all, without the Shenlong Covenant, the greatest means of deterring the empire would no longer exist.

"I hope that you will take over the title of 'Sword of the Kingdom', and I also hope that you can become the real Sword of the Kingdom. However, I know that it is unrealistic to ask you to die loyal to the Kingdom."

Marcus is now loyal to the Kingdom of Lugnica and to His Majesty the King of this generation.

Apart from his ability and strength, being able to sit in the position of head of the knight guards is more important than his loyalty.

But this was not the case with Marcus in the past. He also had a "rebellious" period when he gave up his knighthood.

Therefore, Marcus knows better than anyone that loyalty cannot be forced.

Especially for a powerful man like Yuntian, it is simply nonsense to ask him to be loyal to the kingdom for the rest of his life at the cost of his status and conditions.

The head of the knight group saw very clearly that he couldn't follow through on himself, so how could he demand others.

So, he chose another way.

"If you admit my favor, then keep in mind the friendship Lugnica and I have for you, and then promise me just one request."

What Marcus chose was to make Yuntian owe him and Lugnica a favor.

In this way, at least it can be guaranteed that Lugnica Kingdom will become Yuntian's own side.

For the powerful who cannot be bound by threats and interests, such human bondage is more effective than anything else.

What Marcus asked for was not too much, he simply hoped that a strong man like Yuntian would not stand against Lugnica.

"What is the request?" Yuntian had no reason to refuse.

As long as it can facilitate the battle between him and the Juggernaut, other things are negotiable.

"The time for you to fight Reinhardt will wait until the royal family's incident is over and the kingdom returns to peace and stability.

"Before then, you are all important forces to deter the empire, and there must be no mistakes."

Marcus gave his request.

One favor, one patience.

After listening to his words, Yun Tian pondered for a moment, nodded and said:

"I agreed."

. . . . . .

After the conversation was over, Yun Tian left the head's office.

The Sword of the Kingdom promised by Marcus does not need Yuntian to worry too much, but he has to wait until Reinhardt returns to the capital to find the best time.

At that time, he will send someone to notify Yuntian. Before that, Mr. Yuntian, the guard knight, still has to accept the punishment of dismantling the training ground and become an idle knight for a period of time.

"It's more like a reward to me." Yun Tian rubbed his forehead.

A lot of things happened on the first day of Advent, and now it has finally come to an end.

The tickets for the battle with the Juggernaut have also been obtained. As for the waiting time, Yun Tian knows it well.

By the time the plot of the original book began, that is, when the five dragon maidens officially started the election of King Qi, the Kingdom of Lugnica had almost stabilized.

Even though it's been a full year, Yuntian still has this little bit of patience.

"It's just right, and I can also complete the main and side missions by the way, without delay."

While calculating the gains and losses, Yun Tian walked outside the duty room of the Knights.

Until the door, he found an unexpected figure waiting there, Yun Tian paused for a moment, walked over quietly, and said hello.

"Are you waiting for me, Felix."


Yun Tian's sudden conversation startled Phyllis.

Literally 'jump', really.

Phyllis's cat ears suddenly stood up, she darted a few steps away as if her hairs were blown, and turned her head to stare at her nervously.

Seeing that it was Yun Tian, ​​he complained as if he was relieved:

"Hey! No matter how you walk, you can't make a sound. You can't be considered a human being if you avoid Feili-chan's perception. It's scary meow!"

Thanks to her demihuman blood, Phyllis' facial features and perception are exceptionally excellent.

Especially the pair of cat ears, which are very sensitive to changes in the air and small sounds, even if a strong man like Rius or even Marcus deliberately restrains his breath, he can't hide it from him.

That's why he was taken aback by Yuntian's 'absence and disappearance'.

"Sorry, I'll pay more attention next time." Yun Tian didn't expect Phyllis to have such a big reaction. He stood still and looked at the cat's ears and tail, feeling a little embarrassed.

"... Forget it, anyway, it's not the first time. I should have thought of it a long time ago. The guy who can injure Yurius like that must be a monster."

Phyllis sighed, waved her hand at Yuntian to show that she didn't mind, and then stroked her tail and cat ears.

Noticing that Yun Tian's eyes moved unconsciously, Phyllis suddenly showed a smirk on her face, and asked again:

"Hey, you really had a cat, right? Do you want to pet it~~"

As he said that, Maowei swayed around from behind in front of Yuntian, as if trying to lure Yuntian to reach out his hand.

Regarding this, Yun Tian squinted his eyes, and ruthlessly exposed the opponent's tricks.

"You just want to see the expression on my face after I know your gender, right, but I know you are a man."

"What?! How did you see it! No, it was Rius who told you, right!"

Hearing Yun Tian's words, Phyllis had a visible disappointment on her face.

Explanation: The content of Chapter 1758 is repeated

As the title, I made a mistake in pasting chapter 1758, so I copied it again

Now the hedgehog cat can’t modify the number of words lower than the original chapter, so I can’t delete it. I will ask the editor to see if I can delete it.

I'm very sorry, as a compensation, the next chapter 1759 will be a free chapter.

I am so sorry!

. . . . . . . . . .

1759 Royal Capital

The cat man in front of him has an unexpectedly bad personality. One of his hobbies is to tease men who don't know their gender, and then admire their expressions when they know their true gender.

Now trying to play a prank was exposed by Yun Tian, ​​Phyllis showed obvious disappointment on her face, and a pair of cat ears drooped.

"You stayed here and waited for me. It's not because you want to play a prank. In the current situation, 'Qing' should not be so free."

Yun Tian ignored Felice's exaggerated performance, and opened his mouth to bring the topic back on track.

Now that all members of the royal family are seriously ill, Phyllis, who has the title of "green", is undoubtedly the busiest person.

It's not easy to spare time to treat Yulius, so how can I spare time to play tricks in front of Yuntian, a strange colleague I just met today.

With this time, he should go to the treatment center and the depths of the royal city to study how to solve unknown diseases or relieve the pain of recovering royal family members.

Even such an important job can be temporarily put aside, Phyllis must have more important things to ask when she came to Yuntian.

This is true.

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