"Since you asked so directly, then I won't go around in circles anymore... Has the captain received the news from Reinhardt?"

The other expressions on Phyllis' face faded away little by little, replaced by seriousness and earnestness, as well as a trace of exhaustion that was still exposed despite trying her best to conceal it.

Just like what Yun Tian said, Phyllis was indeed too tired during this time.

Because he tried his best and wanted to save someone, someone who held a vital position in his and Crusch's hearts.

But even so, Phyllis had to admit that she was powerless in this matter.

As the well-deserved No.1 among the healers in the Kingdom, Phyllis knows the result better than anyone else.

It's been over a month with no progress.

This fact speaks for itself.

Moreover, judging from the physical condition of the remaining members of the royal family, there is not much time left for Phyllis and the others.

Reinhardt's mission, that 'sage' is the last hope.

Unfortunately. . .

"You guessed it right, Reinhardt's mission report is indeed in the hands of Captain Marcus, and in these two days, the leader will report the results to the Sage Council."

"The result...in the end...could it be..."

Phyllis first asked excitedly, but Yun Tian didn't speak.

However, the silent attitude already explained everything.

Facing this silent and cruel answer, Phyllis didn't growl or show any expression of despair, but Yun Tian still saw the haze covering his heart from his eyes.

"Thank you."

After a moment of silence, Phyllis spoke softly.

"I still have work to do in the treatment facility, let's go first."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left here without waiting for Yun Tian's reply.

. . . . . .

After bidding farewell to Phyllis, Yun Tian also came out of the duty room of the Knights, and left the royal city without stopping.

Outside the royal city palace is the prosperous royal capital.

Walking on the street, Yun Tian seemed to observe the city casually, but the direction of progress was very clear from the center of the city to the outside.

1759 Royal Capital

The capital of the Kingdom of Lugnica was built on a mountain range in a roughly circular layout.

Among them, Wangcheng Castle is located high in the mountains.

The inner circle around Wangcheng as the center is the residence of nobles of all sizes - Noble Street.

On the further periphery of Noble Street, it is described in two parts.

The area to the north and east is a series of towering mountains and peaks, sparsely populated, only the defense line protecting the capital and the city.

The vast flat area to the south and west is the real urban area where the residents of the capital are located.

The terrain of Noble Street is lower than that of Wangcheng, and the city of Wangdu outside Noble Street will be even lower.

On the whole, the entire city is in a climbing trend, but each area is very flat, a bit like a stair structure.

There is a super-large road running through the entire city from the gate of the capital in the southwest to near the entrance of the wall of the royal city, guarded by the duty room of the Knights.

Generally speaking, the avenue in the city and the main entrance refer to this avenue in the southwest direction.

Because of the terrain, it can be regarded as a unique city facing one side.

After Yun Tian left the royal city and passed the checkpoint guarded by the duty room of the Knights, the street he walked on was Noble Street.

Only people with a certain status can live in this area. The closer to the royal city and the mountains to the northeast, the more noble the status.

For example, Crusch, as the highest nobleman, owns the mansion of Duke Karsten in the deepest part.

The reason why Noble Street is called a 'block' rather than a 'residential area' is because there are also shops here.

The locations are mostly on both sides of the Southwest Wangdu Avenue, and only a few of them are similar to the noble mansions, distributed in other places on the noble street.

As a matter of course, the bosses behind the shops that can be opened on Noble Street are either rich or expensive, and the customers facing the products are all dignitaries in Noble Street and even in the royal city.

. . . . . .

After Yuntian walked for a while, he felt a little helpless in his heart.

His original intention was to take a stroll around the capital, but to be honest, Noble Street is a bit boring for Yuntian.

Walking out along the avenue, at a glance, more than [-]% of the shops are luxury goods that have nothing to do with ordinary people.

Jewelry, jewellery, fine clothing, styling, antique collections and more.

They were all the type that Yun Tian didn't intend to enter when he saw the house number.

'Is there no fancy restaurant or tavern? '

While complaining in his heart, Yun Tian also shook his head.

Most nobles employ their own chefs and rarely have the need to eat out.

Even if it's time for dinner and people have to go outside, there are basically subordinates who are responsible for solving the problem.

Therefore, it is not surprising that there are no so-called restaurants on Noble Street, and even if there are, there are only one or two very few shops, not necessarily on both sides of the avenue.

Yun Tian also understood, but he still sighed somewhat in his heart.

Small disappointment.

At this point in his thoughts, Yun Tian observed the dragon carts shuttled back and forth on the avenue, and then reached out to stop a car that was not gorgeous in appearance and did not carry people or goods.

The capital city is really too big, if Yuntian wants to walk from the capital city all the way to the urban area outside Noble Street, he doesn't know how long it will take.

He was ready to let someone give him a ride.

. . .

. . .

. . .


Split this chapter into two parts and post it for free

There are two more updates to be completed before noon

1760 Otto Sauvin

Dragon chariot, if you directly use a horse-drawn carriage as a metaphor, it must be easy to understand.

Therefore, what I want to mention is the special race used by the Kingdom of Lugnica to replace the 'horse' - the earth dragon.

Like water dragons, flying dragons and other races, earth dragons are sub-dragon races that exist in this world.

According to the different species and individual differences of the earth dragon race, there will be considerable differences in body shape, appearance, color and even the environment they are good at.

But at least, they all look like easy-to-understand large lizards, which sound like wingless West Illusion Dragons.

Calling them races is naturally because earth dragons are qualitatively different from wild beasts and monsters. They have enough wisdom to understand the behavior of other creatures, and most of them have very gentle personalities.

At the same time, the earth dragon clan is born with protection from the wind, which can be regarded as a kind of racial talent.

When the earth dragon is running, the protection will protect them from the influence and resistance of the wind, and even the people and vehicles brought by the earth dragon can enjoy the effect together.

In the Kingdom of Lugnica, earth dragons are partners living in harmony with humans, not slaves.

Enslaving and torturing the earth dragon is punishable in Qinlong Kingdom.

Up to now, dragon carts have spread all over the kingdom, and the capital of the kingdom is no exception.

It can even be said that the reason why the avenue running through the capital is so wide is to allow the earth dragons to pass through without hindrance.

At this moment, there are more than one dragon carriage passing through the avenue.

. . . . . .

"Master Guard Knight? I don't know why you stopped the villain?"

Maybe it was because he didn't expect to be stopped at all, or maybe because of Yuntian's status as a knight guard, the gray-haired young man seemed extremely nervous when he was stopped by Yuntian.

"Give me a little ride, just leave Noble Street."

Of course Yun Tian understood how deterrent his current status was to ordinary people, so he didn't care about the nervousness of the young man.

Moreover, this is also the reason why Yuntian specially chose this dragon carriage to stop him.

Leaving aside the types of earth dragons, Yuntian doesn't understand and can't judge, but the driver and the car pulled by the earth dragon can tell the difference.

His fluffy gray hair seems to have been taken care of, and he is also wearing a more formal attire. At first glance, he is not much different from a servant of an ordinary noble family, and he is not conspicuous on the noble street.

But the temperament of the youth cannot be hidden from Yun Tian's eyes.

The feeling of travel and dust, as well as the wandering eyes that look around cautiously from time to time, are not so much suspicious as they are worried about offending someone.

In addition, although it is covered with a decorative cloth for concealment, it is still vaguely visible inside the plain body.

It is not difficult to determine the approximate identity of this young man.

A commoner, a store delivery, or a businessman who came to work for a certain noble.

No matter which one, it is not a status that can offend the guard knight.

"Okay, but the car is a bit messy and there are no suitable seats for carrying people. If you don't mind, Lord Knight..."

"It's okay, let's go."

Yun Tian didn't wait for the young man to finish speaking, he got into the car directly after he agreed, and sat next to the young man's driving seat.

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