Seeing this, the gray-haired young man's expression was a little stiff, but he managed to suppress the tension in his heart and drove the dragon carriage forward again.

However, during the driving process, he still couldn't help but often look sideways at Yuntian.

"It's just a ride, you don't need to be so nervous."

Yun Tian noticed this and took a little extra look at the young man.

One is that he is worried that the other party's absent-minded driving is prone to accidents, and the other is that he feels that his nervousness is a bit too much, as if he has a ghost in his heart.

But at this glance, Yun Tian felt that this gray-haired young man looked familiar.

Therefore, Yun Tian asked one more question.

"Are you a businessman? What's your name?"

"Ah, yes, yes, the villain's name is Otto, and he is a traveling merchant."

" that's how it is." Yun Tian thought about the name for a while, and suddenly remembered who he was.

"Eh?" It was Otto who was a little at a loss by Yun Tian's words.

He came to the king this time to get the customs clearance documents to the holy kingdom of Gustico, the great northern country, but who knows that the atmosphere in the king's capital is a bit weird, and the documents that were not difficult to obtain in the past have never been approved this time. .

As a businessman, everyone knows that time is money.

Therefore, Otto, who didn't want to wait foolishly, found some obscure connections and helped a nobleman a little in exchange for priority signing of the document.

The process went very smoothly. Otto came here to pick up the documents today, and the things were already in hand, and all that was left was to leave Noble Street.

Then, he was caught by a guard knight.

"What a ride, it must be an excuse, how could the knight master not have his own dragon!" '

'No, don't panic, calm down, it's not a big deal, the knight guards didn't do it directly, which means they are still in the stage of doubt. '

'Just, even if you are really caught, it is nothing more than detention and a fine. The matter is not serious enough to panic, panic, calm down!Otto!calm! '

The gray-haired young man kept comforting himself in his heart, but the beads of sweat on his forehead could not be wiped away.

At this moment, Yun Tian who was sitting beside him suddenly asked:

"Your next stop is going to the Holy Kingdom in the north?"

"Hey?! Me, me, me, me, this... just, that's..."

Otto, who was already extremely nervous, was terrified by Yuntian's sudden question. At this moment, he hated his bad luck very much. He wanted to explain but was incoherent and didn't know what to do.

Seeing his reaction, Yun Tian was a little speechless.

I don't know whether to say that he can't help being scared, or whether I should feel that my pressure is too great.

"Calm down, I'm not interested in tracking down the dirty things of those nobles, I just want to remind you that it may not be a wise decision to do business in other countries in the past year."

In Yuntian's memory, Otto would encounter Lugnica Kingdom on the way to the Holy Kingdom and close the road due to the severance of the royal family.

Forced to turn back, he was almost bankrupt and quite unlucky.

As a reward for taking a ride, Yun Tian wanted to remind the other party a little bit, but Otto was almost scared to death unexpectedly.

It can only be said that this is the price of having ghosts in your heart.

"Can't you go to other countries to do business?" Otto's expression suddenly changed when he heard about the business.

For a moment, the tension and panic of the last second seemed to be fake, and the gray-haired youth frowned.

"You can't do business in other countries... No, it's impossible, that is to say, the key point is 'can't go'... No wonder the customs clearance documents are not approved!"

In less than 2 minutes of thinking, Otto used Yuntian's reminder to connect all the unreasonable situations encountered in the recent period together.

Finally a conclusion was drawn.

"Is there an important change in Lugnica's diplomatic relations with other countries?"

1761 Residence and letters


To be honest, Yuntian didn't take Otto too seriously.

After all, with such a personality, he often pays attention to whether he is strong or not, and Otto is obviously not on the list of Yuntian's attention.

So Yuntian didn't recognize him immediately.

But right now, the reaction ability shown by Otto made Yun Tian look sideways.

"And then?" So he asked with interest.

"Huh? Ah, no..."

But Otto was awakened from thinking by Yun Tian's question, and realized that he had just talked about the kingdom's important affairs in front of a guard knight.

Immediately, cold sweat began to flow, and his expression began to turn pale and hopeless.

"If you make such a 'dying' expression again, I will immediately find someone to send you to prison."

Otto's reaction made Yuntian unable to complain, and decided to talk to him in another way.

Sure enough, the effect was immediate.

As soon as he heard that he was about to be arrested, Otto cheered up immediately, ignoring the sweat streaming down his forehead, and hurriedly said:

"It is not allowed to travel to other countries, and it is certainly not businessmen like us that are really prevented.

"However, even if you want to accidentally injure, you must prohibit the passage to other countries, which means that a major event at the kingdom level has occurred. Based on the recent folk rumors, I am afraid that the royal family...

"Is that news true?"

In the middle of Otto's words, he suddenly stopped and then spoke cryptically.

However, he expressed his meaning clearly, and Yun Tian understood that he was referring to the serious illness of the royal family.

"Have there been rumors in the capital?"

"Yes, yes, this kind of thing will definitely not be concealed for a long time, after all, His Majesty the King has not shown up for more than a month."

Otto answered Yuntian's question, and at the same time he realized the reason for the road closure.

"Slow down the transmission of news to other countries as much as possible? Doesn't this one-size-fits-all behavior show that..."

Otto swallowed, but in the end he couldn't erase the words 'powerless' from his heart.

Seeing his expression, Yun Tian suddenly smiled, and asked an irrelevant question inexplicably.

"Do you have any dreams, Otto."

"Dream, dream?"

Otto froze for a moment, then replied with some hesitation:

"I want to...have a store of my own."

"What do you think of the capital?"

"Eh? Of course it's very good."

"I mean opening a shop."

"Open...?!" Suddenly, Otto's breathing became rapid.

He realized the meaning of Yuntian's words.

"City or Noble Street, choose a place you like, and then, how about following me?"

Yun Tian patted Otto on the shoulder and handed over the power of choice to him.

. . . . . .

The place where Yuntian got off was not far from Noble Street.

Otto failed to give an answer until he said goodbye.

But Yun Tian was not in a hurry, because he saw through the wavering in the other party's heart and was still hesitating, it was just because the two met for the first time and lacked trust.

Moreover, Otto was not sure whether Yun Tian had the ability he mentioned.

In the capital, every inch of land is expensive, not to mention Noble Street, even in ordinary urban areas, the price of buying a suitable storefront is sky-high.

It is true that Yuntian is a guard knight, but it does not mean that he has enough funds to help Otto open a shop.

Land, housing, initial investment, supply chain, commodities, follow-up investment maintenance, Otto's dream is not a child's play that can be easily realized.

Therefore, Yun Tian is not in a hurry, he has plenty of time.

But now, he needs to do another thing first.

Come back home!

That's right, this small three-story building with a courtyard near Noble Street is Yuntian's home in this world.

The attachment of this identity background is recorded on the information on the personal panel, which Yuntian found here according to the address.

It was incomparable to a nobleman's mansion, but it far exceeded the family specifications of ordinary civilians. From the location close to the noble street, it could be seen that it was a residence in line with his knight family background.

He took out the key to the door from his clothes, and Yun Tian walked in.

Passing through the small but very cozy courtyard, Yun Tian pushed the door and entered the building.

Not surprisingly, it was empty.

"That's right, the setting is that both parents died, and no housekeeper and maid were hired, so I was left alone."

Yun Tian walked into the small building and strolled around the building where he would live in the future, as if visiting.

The first floor has a hall, reception room, kitchen, bathroom, warehouse and three rooms for living. The second floor is a study room, a master bedroom and two secondary bedrooms. There is also a bathroom where knight armor and knight swords are displayed. collection room.

As for the third floor, which is the size of an attic, it is empty.

Yuntian also discovered a basement, which was divided into three parts, a wine cellar, a storage room, and an empty room.

After roughly turning around, it can be said that there is everything that should be there, and Yuntian didn't study the details carefully.

Because a subtle feeling suddenly shook his heart and interrupted Yun Tian's visit to his home.

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