Coming to the study on the second floor, Yun Tian sat down at the desk.

Then he opened the shared space of the team and took out a piece of white paper with words written on it.

This is a message from Edelweiss, and it is a new way of contact between Yuntian and her after they got the shared space.

Simple meaning transmission can still be done with the contract connecting Yuntian and Edelweiss, while complex content can now be realized with the help of shared space.

Paper, or letters from Edelweiss would be more appropriate.

The above describes Edelweiss' current identity and what he experienced in half a day.

As Yun Tian had guessed in advance, Edelweiss really came to this world as a Witch Cult.

The city-state of Kararaki, which is currently located in the west of Lugnica Kingdom, cannot meet Yuntian for the time being.

After reading Edelweiss' letter, Yun Tian thought for a while, then took out a pen from his portable pocket, and wrote some reply content on paper.

He described his identity and the experience he had experienced in the past half a day, and told Edelweiss that there was no need to worry, and that he was waiting for her in Lugnica.

In addition, it also emphasized the troubles that may be caused by the identity of the Witch Cult, as well as the changes in the situation in the Kingdom of Lugnica.

In this way, Yuntian and Edelweiss chatted for almost two hours by writing letters. Both parties felt that this communication mode was novel, and they were a little bit bored.

However, Edelweiss still has a lot of things to deal with, unlike Yuntian who has settled down here.

So, two hours later, Edelweiss cut off the contact first.

Yun Tian sat in front of the desk, put the first exchange of letters between the two of them in order, and put them in the corner of the collection in the portable pocket.

Then, he pulled out the personal panel with his mind, and began to think and plan the next action according to the main and side quests displayed on it.

1762 Missions

Main task: Recover the Witch Factor (1/9)

Note: You can return after recovering two witch factors.

Looking at the main task displayed on the personal panel, Yun Tian fell into deep thought.

Very delicate task.

In terms of difficulty alone, judging from Yuntian's known information, it usually takes a lot of effort to complete this task.

The Witch Factor was held by the Witch of Sin in the previous generation, and most of it fell into the hands of the Bishop of Sin in this generation.

Jealousy and pretense Since the witches of the previous generation are not dead, the witch factors are still in their hands.

These two witches are also the most troublesome of all witch factor holders.

As for the rest, unfortunately, the only thing Yun Tian knows in detail is Laziness, who appeared in a large part of the anime.

For others, such as lust, gluttony, and depression, Yuntian only has an impression of their characters, and has a little bit of ability to know, and the specific situation cannot be called too familiar.

Anger and lust are complete ignorance.

Ok?You said you lacked arrogance?

Yun Tian's eyes paused for a while on the progress of the main task, and then he decided to ignore this problem.

The most difficult part of completing the main mission this time is not how strong the opponent is, but how to find the opponent.

The Witch Cult is well-known in this world for its elusiveness. As an extremely evil organization that everyone hates, the main reason why the Witch Cult has not been wiped out is not because of how powerful it is, but because there are no people at all.

If not, it might be rare for the four major powers to reach an agreement to jointly eradicate the world-class cancer of the Witch Cult first.

Not to mention the strongest in other countries, as long as Reinhardt can find someone, he can kill the Witch Cult himself.

But the reason why Yuntian rated this main task as 'delicate' was because he happened to know how to solve this biggest trouble.

Thinking of this, Yun Tian's eyes moved down a little bit, and the content behind the main task came into his eyes.

Side Quest 1: Choose to join a Dragon Priestess' faction to participate in the king's election, or otherwise destroy the king's election.

Right now, the royal family of Lugnica has not been cut off, and there are still some days before the selection of the king at the beginning of the original plot.

However, if it continues to develop like this, it is only a matter of time before reaching the fate node.

Therefore, as long as Yuntian doesn't destroy and change what happened to Wang Xuanxuan, at least three of the Sin Archbishops of the Witch Cult will jump out by themselves.

The main task can be completed accordingly, and you can even try to recover a few more witch factors to improve the evaluation of task settlement.

"What I have to do is just wait for the Lugnica royal family to fall."

Yun Tian took out the Pure Rubik's Cube from the shared space, put it in his hand, and was a little dazed looking at the azure blue light.

"The side quests can also be completed with the result of destruction. Even if the collection of witch factors is not in accordance with the original work, it is nothing more than a little more effort."

Yun Tian read it softly as if talking to himself, as if he was thinking about something.

But the next second, he shook his head.

"Just in this way, there will be unnecessary accidents in another side mission."

Side task 2: Go to the sanctuary of Kremaldi, participate in and pass the trial.

There are roughly two types of side quests, and the side quests that Yuntian encountered before are without exception the first type, that is, the one that helps explore the world.

But this side mission 2, Yuntian has a different feeling.

Count down all the branch missions currently received by Yuntian

There are two in Gensokyo, namely 'Explore the Deep Sun Flower Field' and 'Explore the Youkai Mountain'.

There are also two worlds in Re0, 1 and 2 as mentioned earlier.

The two side missions of Gensokyo and Re0's side mission 1 have a certain commonality, that is, the way to complete them is very vague.

Quests only tell you to explore, to participate, and even provide different directions, which can also be destroyed and changed.

But branch mission 2 is different, it clearly requires what Yuntian needs to do.

Passing the trials, not just participating, is not exploring the sanctuary.

Such a difference made Yuntian think that maybe side mission 2 is another type, which is helpful for the growth of agents.

This is just Yuntian's guess, but. . .

"If this is the case, the priority of side mission 2 may be higher than the main mission."

Thinking of this, Yuntian put the Pure Rubik's Cube back into the shared space, leaving the redundant thoughts and emotions behind.

"Sanctuary and Roswaal, and the Witch of Lust and... the Gospel."

After reading some key words, Yun Tian couldn't help rubbing his forehead with a headache, and fell into planning and thinking about the task.

. . . . . .

When Yun Tian came back to his senses, the whole afternoon was almost over.

Subconsciously, Yun Tian looked at his wrist, and then he was stunned for a moment.

"By the way, the bracelet-shaped portable computer was given to Kirin."

Looking at Kong's wrist, Yun Tian suddenly shook his head helplessly.

Don't look at the fact that the D-level props in the past have no sense of existence. When it comes to wanting to check the time, it is quite uncomfortable to have nothing at hand.

Leaning back on the chair, Yun Tian looked around the study room and found something like a clock on the wall.

Then he looked up at the sky outside the window. After going back and forth a few times, he silently estimated in his heart, and matched the time with the clock with a different measurement unit.

"About seven o'clock in the evening, the meal time has passed, and I don't know what time the restaurant in the duty room of the Knights will open."

Thinking this way, Yun Tian got up and left the study and walked outside.

Regardless of whether the door is open or not, anyway, go and have a look first. Considering that the knights have patrol and guard jobs, the restaurant should not close too early.

Just as Yun Tian came out of the study, and hadn't taken a few steps, there was a knock on the door outside.


On the big iron gate outside the courtyard, the loud sound of the handle colliding with the door accurately conveyed the information of someone visiting into the house.

Yun Tian pushed open the door unexpectedly and came into the courtyard, and then saw the purple hair standing outside the door at a glance.


"Sorry to bother you so late."

Responding to Yuntian's unexpected expression, Yurius greeted him politely, and before Yuntian could ask, he expressed his intention.

"I originally wanted to wait for you in the duty room of the Knights, but you haven't don't have your own dragon partner yet, right?"

"Earth Dragon, ah, indeed not yet."

Hearing what Julius said, Yuntian also remembered.

His current status is a guard knight, a 'knight', so of course he must have a corresponding mount.

In fact, when he left Noble Street today, Otto secretly questioned this matter in his heart.

1763 Earth Dragon

"If I knew you would stay at home all afternoon, I would have come here earlier."

"Anyway, Captain Marcus has temporarily dismissed him from his job, so there's no need to report for duty."

"No, I just think that according to your appetite at noon, you will come to the restaurant of the Knights for dinner."

Yun Tian and Julius sat on the dragon carriage and drove across Noble Street all the way to Wangcheng.

The two sat chatting in the car, and upon hearing Julius' ridicule, Yuntian spread his hands without denying it. "I did plan to go to the restaurant of the Knights for dinner. Just when I was about to go out, I happened to meet the enthusiastic Mr. Knight who gave me a ride. I am very grateful."

"Enthusiasm...that's true." Knowing that Yun Tian was talking about him, Julius shook his head with a smile.

Then he asked: "Why did you go to eat now, what happened?"

"No, it's nothing, it's just a little plan for the future." Yun Tian replied casually.

However, his answer made Julius pause, and then said seriously:

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