This guy was suppressed, but at least he still had unwillingness and the thought of attacking Yuntian in his heart. Compared with other earth dragons, he was more in line with Yuntian's requirements.

"As I said just now, you need to get the other party's approval, it's not a unilateral choice..." Julius walked over with a hint of helplessness on his face when he heard Yun Tian's words.

"But now, you have found your favorite, but it doesn't necessarily like you."

"No, it doesn't matter."

The corner of Yuntian's mouth curled up into a smile, and then, he used natural affinity to cover up the breath of the dragon slayer again and restrained his suppressed momentum.

In the next second, the azure blue earth dragon immediately attacked Yuntian without any surprise!

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho-!"

With a roar, Dilong opened his mouth and bit it.



Yun Tian pinned down his head and slammed it into the ground!


Beside, Yurius and the other bright red earth dragons watched this scene, shed cold sweat and took two steps back in unison.


Yuntian didn't use much strength, but the blue ground dragon was still unable to break free when he held his head, and his tail kept hitting the ground, making muffled noises.

At this moment, Yun Tian suddenly let go.

Feeling the disappearance of the power that restricted him, the blue earth dragon stood up again, roaring and biting towards Yuntian!

Immediately after


He was pressed on the head and slapped back to the ground.

This was repeated four times until Yun Tian let go of his hand for the fifth time.

"..." The azure blue earth dragon lay on the ground without getting up again, staring fiercely at Yuntian with a pair of topaz-like dragon eyes.

"Look, it recognized me."

"This way of 'recognition' is really hard for me to accept, and Yuntian, aren't you worried that it will find a chance to retaliate against you?"

Julius's face was full of entanglement and melancholy, he wanted very much to tell Yuntian that it was wrong to do so, and that he could not really get Dilong's approval by means of violence and coercion.


"Get up, you will follow me from now on."

Yun Tian first put his hand into his pocket and touched something, then he patted Di Long's nose.

Afterwards, under Julius' ghost-like gaze, the azure blue earth dragon hesitated for a moment, then as if he had confirmed something, he obediently stood up and walked to Yuntian's side.


Yun Tian patted Di Long's body and looked at Julius.

At the same time, he used the healing technique to heal the little injury Dilong suffered when Yuntian pressed him to the ground before.

"This...but... just now... er... As long as the earth dragon itself has no objections, then, then it's fine."

Julius hesitated for a long time, looked at Dilong and then at Yuntian, and finally agreed with Yuntian to take away the Dilong with a 'unacceptable' expression.

"What's its name?" Seeing this, Yun Tian asked with a smile.

"The earth dragons here have no names. As its knight and partner, the name will be decided by you."

"Is that so."

After hearing Julius' explanation, Yuntian turned to look at Dilong beside him.

Looking at its smooth and beautiful azure blue scales and topaz-like dragon eyes, Yun Tian suddenly thought of a suitable name.

"Then, I'll call you 'Alaba'."

1765 Growth in one night

In this world, especially in the Kingdom of Lugnica, many people who have climbed the back of an earth dragon will be impressed by the stability and stability of the rider who deliberately cares about the rider.

Then a good impression and even trust in the group of earth dragons arose.

When Yun Tian rode on the back of Dilong for the first time, this feeling also brought him a deep feeling.

At this time, he also understood Yulius' nagging exhortations before he left-the earth dragon is a friend of mankind who is gentle and friendly, and will never betray.

You must know that the process of Yuntian and the blue earth dragon Yalaba becoming a partner is definitely not harmonious.

But even so, after Yuntian rode on its back, Alaba still tried his best to cooperate with Yuntian's unfamiliar riding style.

Under the effect of protection from the wind, even Yun Tian had to admit that Dilong felt unexpectedly perfect as a riding partner.

At this time, Yuntian had already left Dilong's training ground, and was riding Alaba on Noble Street towards his home.

Because it was not in a hurry, Alaba walked very leisurely, but even so, it was much faster than Yuntian's two previous rides in the dragon carriage.

From time to time, it would turn its head and glance at Yuntian on its back from the corner of its eye, as if despising his poor riding skills.

To this, Yuntian just smiled and didn't mind its revenge.

. . . . . .

Soon, one person and one dragon passed through the guard duty room guarding Noble Street, and returned to their home under the envious eyes of many guards.

The setting itself is a family of knights, so there is a nest specially prepared for earth dragons in the small courtyard.

Alaba looked left and right in the yard, and then walked into the new home in the yard with satisfaction, lying on the soft straw mat and staring at Yuntian.

Sensing its gaze, Yun Tian knew what it was waiting for, so he reached out and took out a black dragon jerky from his pocket.

"You want this?"

What responded to Yun Tian was a snort and Araba's slightly hesitant and confused gaze.

The aura of a high-ranking dragon species is indeed the main reason why it came back with Yuntian. The nature of the earth dragon race and the blood of the sub-dragon flowing in its body made it instinctively feel that there is something in Yuntian that is good for him.

However, Alaba, who had never seen a high-ranking dragon species, could not accurately understand what black dragon meat was.

Therefore, Yalaba could only express his doubts about Yuntian suddenly finding a piece of shredded meat that was particularly attractive but seemed not enough to fit between his teeth.

Of course Yuntian knew that the food intake of the earth dragon was not comparable to that of humans, but the black dragon meat was different after all.

It contains a lot of energy, just a piece of jerky is enough to replace a large table of meals, and, considering the connection between the sub-dragon and the dragon species, Yuntian does not dare to feed too much.

In case something happens, there is no way to solve it, such as bursting or something, it's really hard to say.

"Anyway, let's try it first?" Yun Tian handed the black dragon jerky the size of a finger to Alaba.

Alaba looked at it silently, finally bit it carefully, and swallowed it directly.

"..." Yun Tian stood where he was, silently waiting for something.

"..." Alaba looked at him, not understanding what was going on.

Time passed by like this, one person and one dragon stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

Five minutes later, Yun Tian slowly issued a question mark.



Alaba tilted her head as if asking 'what's missing'.

Yun Tian was stunned, and complained in surprise:

"Shouldn't you have a reaction like falling asleep or gathering magic power, and then complete the bloodline transformation or advanced evolution with a 'swish' sound?"

As he said that, Yun Tian reluctantly took out another piece of black dragon meat, this time it was raw meat, and the portion was much bigger, as long as a forearm.

"Perhaps too little?"

While saying this, Yun Tian fed the black dragon meat to Alaba again.

Yalabah did not refuse anyone who came, and still ate it in one bite.

This time, there was finally a reaction.


Well, it's full.

Yuntian:? ? ?

Looking at the azure blue earth dragon lying on the straw mat, Yun Tian silently took out a black dragon jerky and put it in his mouth, staring at it while biting.

And Alaba returned a calm look, as if nothing had happened.

"So, I didn't even go to the restaurant of the Knights for dinner, I came back here... and that's the end?"

After eating a piece of jerky, filling his stomach and making sure that he took the right thing, Yun Tian fell into a confused state of doubting life.

Alaba looked at Yun Tian, ​​not understanding what he was doing.

Anyway, he was full, so he turned his head and stopped looking at Yuntian, and took a rest on his own.

"...Forget it, you can't force it."

Seeing this, Yun Tian had no choice but to shake his head helplessly, turned around and returned to the room.

So far, the first day that came to this world finally ushered in the end.

. . . . . .

The next morning.

Yuntian got up early in the morning as usual, took the Black Furnace Demon Sword and came to the yard, ready to do some morning exercises before thinking about how to deal with breakfast.

However, when he looked at where Alaba was, he froze.

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