"Are you fat?"

Yun Tian walked over and raised his head slightly to look at the blue earth dragon partner he just met yesterday.

Alaba is a standard riding dragon, with thick and powerful hind limbs, and relatively short forelimbs similar to claws. Because of the excellent breeding, the body will be slightly larger than the same kind.

But the big one is not too big, at least yesterday when Yuntian was talking to Alaba, he didn't need to look up, basically he was looking at the head with his gaze upwards.

Yun Tian had to look up at Araba only when he stood up completely.

But now. . .

Alaba lay on the straw mat, straightened his upper body, looked down at Yuntian slightly, and blinked innocently.



Alaba: I'm hungry.

Yun Tian was silent for a moment, took out a piece of black dragon meat from his portable pocket, and paused when he was about to hand it over.

Moving his gaze upwards, Yun Tian observed the zenith above Alaba, seeing that the distance was significantly shortened compared to yesterday, and after thinking for a while, he put away the black dragon meat again.

"Wait until I get someone to renovate your house, and then eat that kind of meat."

Having said that, Yun Tian replaced it with a large pot of fresh meat prepared in advance and placed it in front of Alaba.

And Yalaba didn't pick anything, and after taking a look at Yuntian, he lowered his head and began to enjoy his breakfast.

Soon, more than half of the big pot of fresh meat went down.

"It seems that we need to get some money first."

Yun Tian raised his eyebrows, and suddenly realized that having an extra mount partner was not all a good thing.

Seeing Alaba who finished eating a large bowl of meat in a short while, and held the empty bowl over his head, as if saying "have another bowl".

Yuntian began to seriously consider the possibility of staying in the duty room of the knight order.

"I don't know that the restaurant of the Knights Order doesn't care about Dilong's food..."

1766 Loot Vault

While feeding Alaba, he did his morning exercises, and after a little breakfast, Yun Tian went out.

He didn't wear the knight uniform that symbolized his status as a guard knight, and of course he didn't bring the earth dragon Alaba with him.

Whether it is a guard knight or an excellent cavalier who is obviously going to be bigger now, they will stand out in the noble street, let alone the city of the royal capital.

Yuntian's goal today is to get some money, so he doesn't want to draw too much attention.

The identity background of the knight family comes with some money, which is enough for life for the time being.

But firstly, Alaba's food intake tended to exceed the standard, and secondly, Yuntian also had to consider agreeing to Otto's opening of the store.

Therefore, he needs a large amount of money.

Now that the guard knight's salary has been canceled due to punishment, the priority of this matter is not low.

In such a fantasy-style different world, wanting to make a lot of money in an unfamiliar place is undoubtedly nonsense.

It's impossible for Yun Tian to go to work, if he doesn't want to lose his status as a guard knight, he can't use those less visible methods of making money.

However, for the agents of the main god space, it is common sense to prepare some hard currency metal.

The currency in circulation in this world is gold coins, so the large amount of gold stored in Yuntian's portable pocket will come into play.

All that remains is to find a place to exchange them for money.

There are actually some special channels within the knight order, and Yun Tian, ​​as a guard knight, can naturally use them.

But the batch of gold in his hand has no source, a small amount is fine, and will not be questioned, but what Yuntian wants is a huge amount of money that is enough to open a shop in Noble Street.

If there is no suitable source for this level of gold, then the Knights will not only refuse to accept it, but also have to ask Yun Tian what he did.

In the same way, the gold exchanges through regular channels are similar, and they all fall into the category of being unusable.

Fortunately, apart from formal channels, Yuntian really knows an informal channel.

. . . . . .

First, I took a taxi and walked a long distance after getting off.

Yun Tian walked all the way to the outside of the city, and asked someone for directions on the way, and found the location without difficulty after changing directions twice.

Looking at the area that was only one street away but filled with a dull and gloomy atmosphere, Yun Tian knew he had found the right place.

Silent paths, dirty floors and walls, dilapidated or even collapsed buildings, the breath of people and small animals are all hidden in the dark.

Even though it is not too far from the bustling and noisy streets, this place is like another world.

The slums are famous places that appear in most Western fantasy works.

This place that appeared at the beginning of the original book, or a certain building located deep in the slums, is Yuntian's destination today.

However, Yuntian, who entered the slum, encountered some troubles.

The clothes are neat, the hair is smooth, the face is clean, plus the sword at the waist and the temperament of ordinary people.

The people in the slums didn't contact him at all. When they saw him approaching from afar, they ran away quickly and hid.

Even the premise of negotiating does not exist, Yuntian can't find someone to ask the way.

As long as a simple contact can be made, Yuntian is sure to make people speak with the blessing of Astoria or Freya.

But now, the people in the slums didn't give him the slightest chance.

"The people here are more xenophobic and hostile to outsiders than I imagined."

Walking in the dark and damp path, Yun Tian felt a little emotional.

Immediately, after thinking for a while, he used a corner to put the Black Furnace Demon Sword into his portable pocket under the cover of the building's shadow.

Immediately afterwards, Yun Tian took out a gold coin from his pocket.


He flicked the gold coin into the air with his fingers, and held it in his hand again after falling.

The golden light shone in the eyes, reflecting the greed and eagerness in the dark corners.

With a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, Yun Tian walked like this, flicking gold coins casually.

Let the crisp sound and golden light spread throughout the path.


Both Yuntian and the people in the slums are well aware of this, and this deliberate performance is too easy to judge.

So, no one will be fooled?

Do not!

call out--!

Just as Yun Tian was about to walk out of the path, the moment the sun that had lost the shade of the building shone on his face, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly resounded!

There will always be people, whether confident or ignorant, who will try to take the bait that looks dangerous.

The distance between the buildings in the slums is narrow, and it is difficult for sunlight to come in. This is also the main reason for the dullness and darkness here.

But at the same time, the terrain is also very suitable for hiding or sneak attack.

The principles of the jungle of the weak, natural selection, and wealth and wealth are vividly reflected in this slum.

However, he picked the wrong target.


Yun Tian suddenly stretched out his hand, pierced through the attacking dagger and pinched the man's neck precisely, then smashed him hard to the ground.

Looking at the man trembling from the severe pain, Yun Tian smiled and said:

"Show me the way, to the loot vault."

. . . . . .

With the help of the "good-hearted people" who jumped out on their own initiative, Yuntian found the target building in a short time.

"Compared to the 'impression', it is much bigger, and I can understand why it is called a warehouse."

In Yuntian's memory, although the stolen goods warehouse in the anime is not small, it can't be called big either.

But the one-story building in front of me not only looks extraordinarily sturdy, but even its size is somewhat unexpected and meets the warehouse standard.

Lifting his head slightly to look at the back and top of the building, he could see a tall city wall, which was the defense line of the capital.

Unknowingly, Yuntian has walked from the center of the capital to the corner.

Boom, boom——!

Yun Tian walked to the stolen goods storehouse and knocked on the door, what responded him was a heavy muffled sound and a moment of silence.

No one answered in the loot vault, but Yun Tian was not in a hurry.

After waiting for a minute or so, a thick and elderly voice came from inside the door.

"Dealing with big mice?"

This is a code, and Yun Tian knows the exact answer.

However, he did not answer according to the other party's intention, but said calmly after sensing the momentum and hostility emanating from the door:

"Since you know who I am, why bother to engage in such meaningless forms."

"Hmph! Rules are rules!" Hearing Yun Tian's words, a hostile voice sounded from inside the door.

But it lasted for a moment, and the owner of the stolen goods warehouse asked through the door:

"The knights in the royal city don't go on patrol properly. What are you doing in this dark corner full of rats? You should know that you are not welcome here."

"There's only one reason to come to the loot vault, isn't there?"

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