"What kind of booty warehouse, this is the home of the old, you knights who call themselves self-cultivation and status, do you still want to break in!"

The other party was determined not to open the door, and knew the knight quite well.

If it were a real knight, it would be impossible to forcibly break into the homes of the residents of the royal capital, even in the slums.

Unfortunately, what he met was Yuntian.


Yun Tian crushed the doorknob, opened the door forcibly under the strange eyes of the other party, and said with emotion at the same time:

"The quality of this door is a bit poor, it will break when you touch it."

"It was obviously crushed by you! Are you really a knight?!"

. . .

. . .

. . .


One update today, I'm a bit busy, I will make up for the missing one tomorrow

1767 Holy Gold Coin

Behind the opened door stood a man who didn't know whether he should be called old or not.

Judging by his face, he was undoubtedly an old man.

No hair, but the wrinkles on his face and white eyebrows tell the story of his life.

It's just that if you move your gaze down a little bit, you won't be able to see any elements that an old man should have in him.

With a height of more than 2 meters, with a strong and huge body that ordinary people can't do no matter how much they exercise, and a huge stick that is as tall as a person in his hand.

Let alone an old man, this doesn't look like a human being at all.

As a matter of fact, the owner of the loot vault is indeed not human, he is a giant race of subhumans.

At this time, the giant old man wearing a worn-out sleeveless vest and patched trousers was staring fiercely at Yuntian.

The hostility emanating from him and the possibility of swinging a huge stick at any time directly expressed his attitude towards Yun Tian, ​​an unexpected guest.

However, after looking at Yun Tian for a while, especially when he noticed his clothes and the absence of a sword around his waist, the expression on the giant old man's face softened a little.

Immediately, he took another look at the doorknob crushed by Yun Tian, ​​spat and said:

"Hmph, come in, if you don't pay the compensation for the door to the old man, there will be no deal."

After finishing speaking, the huge body of the giant old man moved away from the door, turned around and walked inside.

But no matter the stick in his hand or the tense muscles all over his body, he didn't relax in the slightest. Obviously, he still maintained his vigilance against Yuntian.

Yuntian, who knew the identity of the old man, was not surprised by this, even Yuntian was actually prepared for the opponent to hit him with a stick.

Now that there is no conflict, it is already a very good start.

The interior of the stolen goods warehouse is not bright. Although things can be seen clearly, it still gives people a somewhat dim feeling.

This is the case during the day, and you can imagine the situation where you can't see your fingers at night.

There are lights in this world, of course, not electricity, but other things.

Such as magic, kerosene and the most common ore for lighting, a crystal 'ragmat ore'.

There are a few chandeliers made of ragmat ore hanging above the stolen goods warehouse, but it is probably because during the day, the old man has no intention of turning on the lights at all.

As soon as you enter the door and take two steps, you can immediately see a counter that looks like it is used to entertain guests. This should have been a template for a hotel building.

The first floor is a restaurant and bar, and there are stairs that can go up to the second floor. It should be the room.

Now it is used as a loot store, and all the rooms have been turned into warehouses. Only the counter on the first floor retains part of the function of the bar, and other places are full of various items.

Boxes of unknown size, pots, bottles and cans, weapons such as knives, guns and swords, even shields and armor, and some metal stones.

The variety is very rich, and each thing is hung with a small wooden sign with a number and a simple description of the thing.

There are so many things that even Yun Tian can't help feeling a little surprised.

But it also proves from the side that there is a considerable degree of darkness and corruption behind the glamorous capital of the kingdom.

Slightly surprised, but the combination of the kingdom and the aristocratic system combined with the level of development around the Middle Ages is not an incomprehensible situation.

What's more, because the royal family has been paralyzed for more than a month, the kingdom is also in the midst of turmoil, which provides opportunities for many shady people.

"How do you know this place... I don't ask similar questions anymore."

The giant old man walked behind the counter, and for the first time let go of the stick he had been holding tightly, and after placing it within easy reach, he looked at Yuntian and said:

"So, what are you here for? Do you want something back? Or do you have something to deal with. If it's the former, then this old man will have to laugh at you."

He had already received the news from Yuntian that snakes have snakes and rats have rats. When Yuntian asked about the location of the stolen goods warehouse, someone came to inform him.

Similarly, knowing that Yun Tian is a knight is through similar means.

It was no secret that Yun Tian came out of Noble Street wearing a knight uniform, including the visit by Yulius, and it was easy to find out the news.

"I'm not interested in your stolen goods for the time being. I came to you today for the latter."

Yun Tian sat on the seat set up for customers in front of the counter, took out a gold brick and placed it on the counter.

"I need you to help me change a batch of money, the amount is not small."

"Oh? Gold..."

As soon as the old man took down a wine bottle from the shelf behind him, he was immediately silenced by Yun Tian's actions.

He put down the wine bottle, looked at the gold bricks on the counter, and then at Yuntian.

Unable to conceal his astonishment and astonishment, he blurted out and asked:

"Are you really here to trade?"

"Otherwise?" Yuntian spread his hands innocently.

"...Don't the Knights have their own channels?"

"If it works, I wouldn't come here specifically."

"Hmm..." The old man stared into Yuntian's eyes, and after a while, he reached out and picked up the gold brick and weighed it in his hand.

"How much do you plan to pay for this fineness?"

"In short, let's take 1000 holy gold coins as the standard. How much can you eat?"

"One thousand?! It's still holy gold... Are you here to play with the old man!" Hearing the number reported by Yun Tian, ​​the old man exclaimed suddenly.

Immediately, he grabbed the huge stick in his hand and looked over with a bad expression.

In the Kingdom of Lugnica, there are four kinds of currency in circulation, from low to high value are copper coins, silver coins, gold coins and holy gold coins.

One silver coin can be exchanged for about ten copper coins, and one gold coin can be exchanged for one hundred silver coins.

Holy gold coins are special, the value of two gold coins is similar to one holy gold coin.

If one copper coin is regarded as one dollar, one thousand gold coins is about 100 million.

Yuntian opened his mouth with the standard of 200 holy gold coins, which means starting a business of [-] million yuan.

Not to mention where a guard knight in Yuntian got so much gold, even if he really had it, how could he safely hand it over to a loot warehouse in a slum?

To judge others by oneself, at least if the giant old man is in Yuntian's position, he will never feel at ease.

In other words, either there is no intention, or it is a conspiracy or a trap!

However, before the old man's extreme reaction was over, he heard from Yun Tian a name that had disappeared in history for many years.

"Of course I'm not here to trick you, but I'm sure you have the ability and contacts to eat this batch of gold, so I came here specifically, right, Balga Cromwell."

With the appearance of this name, the stolen goods warehouse fell into a deathly silence.

1768 Bargar Cromwell

Balga Cromwell, the name may not be remembered by many people now.

But if we go forward in time and put it in the period of the Asian War, the stage where the previous sword master and the sword of the kingdom were active, this name can be described as thunderous.

No one in the Kingdom of Lugnica would know that this was the chief culprit that caused the kingdom to suffer a decisive defeat and directly lead to the long-term tug-of-war between the subhumans.

The Chief of Staff of the Demi-Human Alliance Army, one of the three commanders and generals, the giant tribe Balgar Cromwell.

It was he who single-handedly planned the decisive battle on the Caszel Plain that wiped out almost all the frontline troops of the Kingdom of Lugnica, and the offensive and defensive battle of the Asia Wetlands that wiped out half of the kingdom's viable forces in World War I.

If it weren't for him, the large-scale coalition forces organized by the mighty demi-humans would simply be a mess of mobs.

It was precisely because of his existence that Asian talents once achieved an astonishing loss ratio of [-]:[-] or even [-]:[-] in the war.

If the Juggernaut and the Sword of the Kingdom hadn't come into being, he really almost succeeded in overthrowing the Kingdom of Lugnica.

The giant old man in front of him who lived in the slums of the capital was a veritable demihuman hero.

The contacts in his hands are unimaginable for ordinary people, so he can become the owner of this stolen goods warehouse.

Otherwise, how could such a large amount of stolen goods be disposed of quietly.

"Cromwell died a long time ago, and he was personally beheaded by the 'Sword Demon' in that battle. Isn't that a well-known fact?"

The silence lasted for a long time before the giant old man spoke slowly.

He didn't deny it, didn't admit it, and didn't even ask Yuntian where he heard the name from.

He just stood there like this, calmly saying as if stating a fact:

"Now here, there is only a sub-human bad old man Rom who is lingering on his last breath."

"Let's just treat it like this." Yun Tian had no intention of arguing with the old man and the owner of the loot vault, Rom.

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