"I'm not that interested in your identity background or everything that happened in the past, and I didn't come to you because of the entanglement between humans and demihumans."

As he spoke, Yun Tian reached out and knocked on the gold brick on the counter.

"I just need to be clear that you have the ability to eat this batch of gold."

"Hmph! Aren't you worried that the old man will steal your gold and leave?"

Master Rom patted the table unhappily, then picked up the wine bottle, opened the lid, and poured the low-quality wine inside into his stomach.

Regarding his words, Yun Tian smiled and responded:

"Since I dare to come to you, then naturally I won't worry about it."

Talking about trust and other nonsense, Yuntian himself didn't believe it, and it was even less likely that Master Luo would believe it.

The reason why he can safely hand over a large amount of gold to him is because this batch of gold has been marked by Yuntian with the Star Immortal Technique.

Once Rom dared to steal this batch of gold, Yun Tian would immediately bring the knights of the kingdom to attack Huanglong in the name of purging.

At that time, there will be no shortage of achievements and awards, and even this batch of gold will have traces from unknown sources.

The rest is nothing more than a different way to deal with it. For Yuntian, there is no change except troublesome points.

"As a guard knight, I came to find the old man to sell the stolen goods. It seems that this kingdom is finally coming to an end, hahahaha."

Lord Luo Mu's laughter was full of sarcasm, but unexpectedly it was not aimed at Yuntian, but at the Kingdom of Lugnica.

"I've accepted this business, isn't it just a thousand holy gold coins, even if it's worth two thousand or three thousand holy gold coins, I can find a buyer for you.

"It depends on whether you have so many goods, you brat!"

. . . . . .

An agreement was finally reached on the transaction, and the tense atmosphere between the two of them gradually began to ease since they entered the door.

While discussing how much gold to sell, Yun Tian and Master Luo Mu were able to chat a little while discussing business.

"Two thousand holy gold coins should be the limit at one time, and unnecessary troubles will inevitably be encountered if there are more.

"If you are willing to process it in batches or over a long period of time, then the old man has a way to process gold worth four thousand holy gold coins for you.

"No more is possible."

Master Luo Mu gave his own suggestion, he never asked Yuntian how much gold he had.

Having been in the business of the loot warehouse for so long, he knows what to ask and what not to ask.

Therefore, since Yuntian said that a thousand holy gold coins would be the standard, then he would use this standard to provide a transaction limit.

Yun Tian was also silent for a while, thinking about how much gold he would exchange for the kingdom's currency.

During this period, Rom kept looking at him, and finally couldn't hold back and asked:

"Are you really okay with this?"

"What's good?" Yun Tian was a little surprised by the other party's sudden inexplicable question.

"Doing business with demihumans, or a place like a slum loot warehouse, if people know about it, it won't do you much good for your knight status and future career."

Master Luo Mu took another sip of wine, and sighed with some emotion.

Although the Kingdom of Lugnica has a corrupt and dark side, but limited by the development of the times, such things can be said to be unavoidable.

Generally speaking, the Kingdom of Lugnica is generally considered stable due to the particularity of the royal family, and the lives of the people can also be called rich, at least the vast majority of people can meet their basic necessities.

Even places like slums are nothing more than mixed fish and dragons and the security is extremely poor. There are many people who are hungry and full, but they will not be starved to death directly.

There is still a big gap between Yi Zi cannibalizing each other, eating tree bark and eating sand.

But even so, Lugnica Kingdom still has a very serious problem.

That is discrimination against demihumans.

The demihuman war broke out decades ago because of the persecution of demihumans by human beings. After the war, because of hatred, this kind of discrimination reached its peak.

Although it has eased a little today, the life of the demihumans in Lugnica can still be said to be difficult.

Phyllis, who has the title of "Blue", has experienced some criticism and exclusion when she joined the Knights of the Guards, let alone other subhuman races.

Once the news of Yuntian's transaction with Lord Luo Mu today gets out, even if others don't know the content of the transaction.

Just the seemingly insignificant things like "contact with subhumans" and "doing business with subhumans" will become legitimate reasons for others to blame and attack Yuntian.

If the royal family is normal, it is okay to say that the Lugnica royal family is known for its gentle personality.

But now, it is the wise men who will be in power.

As far as Rom knew, one of the two current representatives of the Council of the Wise had a paranoid hatred for demihumans.

. . .

. . .

. . .


It’s still short of updating yesterday’s, and it’s estimated that it will be in the afternoon or evening

I was called and asked to do a nucleic acid test. I was going to the hospital in the morning. I was in a panic. I will continue to code when I come back.

1769 Girl with Blonde Hair and Red Eyes

"The current Sage Association doesn't have the time to meddle in other people's affairs. They are already busy enough with the internal affairs of the royal city."

Others still have a little understanding of what happened to the Lugnica royal family until now. I have to say that the news blockage presided over by the sages has done a good job in this matter.

But Yun Tian was clear about it, and even more aware of the final outcome, so he wasn't worried at all.

At least before the death of the king and the official start of the election of the king, it is impossible for the sages to devote their energy to managing things other than the kingdom's major affairs.

"Wangcheng to the end... No, I didn't say anything when I was an old man."

Master Rom opened his mouth to ask something, but immediately changed his words, and then fell into silence.

He was indeed curious about the situation inside the royal city. Now all kinds of rumors were flying everywhere in the streets and alleys, but there was no news that could be called accurate.

The only thing everyone can be sure of is that something must have happened inside the royal city. After all, His Majesty the King has not shown up for more than a month.

At the same time, Lord Roma also knew that Yuntian, as a knight guard, must know the details, but he also understood that Yuntian had no reason to tell him.

Yun Tian, ​​who was sitting opposite the counter, spread his hands and shifted the topic to another place.

"Let's deal with the gold of two thousand holy gold coins first. I need to use this money, and the rest will be done slowly."

"Alright." Master Luo Mu nodded, and continued following Yun Tian's words.

"I need one-tenth of the total value of gold as the capital to show the buyer, two hundred holy gold coins equivalent to gold, in addition, the reward is 1% of you, which is 20 holy gold coins."

"Oh? So cheap?" Yun Tian raised his eyebrows.

This is the loot warehouse, dealing with unknown or shady goods.

Therefore, the remuneration theoretically charged would be an unimaginably sky-high price.

Gold exchanges through formal channels will charge 3-5% of the remuneration, and only VIP customers or big business will reduce it to 1%

In the case of the stolen goods warehouse, the first 10% is very conscientious, and the places with more black hearts will directly cost you [-]% or even [-]%.

Because being able to sell stolen goods means that the goods are difficult to sell, even if they are slaughtered, they can only hold their noses and bear it, otherwise the things will only rot in their hands.

On the way here, Yun Tian first went to the gold exchange to find out the situation.

He was ready for the other party to ask for a remuneration of around 30%, and at the same time, he was also prepared to bargain at least to the psychological price of 10%.

As a result, I never expected that Lord Roma would give 1% of the price of a formal gold exchange.

Is the loot store here very conscientious?


"What else do you want...?"

Just when Yun Tian was about to speak, he suddenly noticed something and turned to look at the door.

at the same time.


With the howling wind, the door of the stolen goods warehouse was directly blown into pieces, and a slightly green girl's voice came in with an anxious tone.

"Master Roma, I heard that someone from the castle has come here, are you okay...are you?"

Kicking open the door like the wind, a girl with medium-length blond hair flew in.

It looks like he is about 14 years old, petite and poorly developed.

He wore a black bow tie on his head and a long red scarf around his neck.

The upper body was wearing a sleeveless jacket with only a tube top inside, and the lower body was tattered leather shorts, matched with a pair of pantyhose with the entire left foot torn off.

There is a wide belt around the girl's waist, on which hangs a short knife.

When she rushed in, she was holding her right hand tightly, looking vigilant.

However, when those ruby-like pupils saw clearly the situation inside the loot vault, the girl was stunned.

She heard people in the slums saying things like 'don't go to the loot store for now, you'll be unlucky', so she ran over in a hurry after inquiring about it.

When he found that the door had been forcibly destroyed, he couldn't help but rushed in with the worry in his heart.

But the scene before her eyes was completely different from what she had imagined.

The familiar old man was standing behind the counter as usual, and sitting in front of him was a handsome guy who seemed to know his status was extraordinary, that kind of temperament was the most sensitive thing for people in the slums.

However, not only did they not fight, but the atmosphere was somewhat harmonious?

'That Lord Roma would have a peaceful conversation with the guy in the castle? ! '

The girl who knew Lord Roma immediately felt that something was wrong, and then she saw the gold brick on the counter.

The uncharacteristically Lord Roma, the man from the castle, the nobility, the transaction, the gold bricks, several key words are connected together.


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