In an instant, the dagger was out of its sheath and lay across in front of her. The blond-haired, red-eyed girl took a step back, and said with a very vigilant expression:

"Hey! Lord Roma, I must have been sold by you!?"

"Smelly brat, considering the old man's friendship with you, how could he do such a heartless thing!"

Master Roma was obviously annoyed by the girl's words.

But there was something else that annoyed him more than this.

"Old door! Originally only the handle and lock were broken, but Xiuxiu can still use it, but now it's completely finished!"

Hearing his words, the girl belatedly looked at the debris that she had stepped on, and her expression froze immediately.

Then she stepped back and said with a smile:

"I, I'm just worried that you, Lord Roma, will clash with the people from the castle. Since it's a deal, it's inappropriate for me to be there. I didn't hear anything, let alone see anything... goodbye!"

Saying that, the girl quickly turned around and was about to run away.


"Filut, stop for the old man! I just wanted to talk to you about something."

Master Luo Mu's scolding made the girl stop reluctantly at the door, and then he looked at Yun Tian again and explained a little:

"She is an old helper. You saw the speed when she rushed in just now. She is indispensable for running errands when contacting the buyer."

Perhaps because he was worried about Yuntian's misunderstanding, Lord Roma introduced this girl whom he called 'Felut' as a member of the stolen goods warehouse, that is, someone related to Yuntian's transaction.

The transaction of [-] holy gold coins is not a small sum, and Lord Roma would not be surprised if Yuntian really planned to silence him.

Saying this now, at least temporarily dispel Yun Tian's thoughts.

Of course, Master Luo Mu didn't know that Yun Tian knew the girl who suddenly broke in and interrupted the transaction conversation.

Blonde hair and red eyes, the same appearance characteristics as the Lugnica royal family, a teenage girl who will appear in the stolen goods warehouse.

This girl named Felt is the last chosen king in the future, one of the five dragon maidens!

Yun Tian looked at Felut for a while, then suddenly remembered something, looked thoughtfully at Lord Roma and said:

"About the remuneration, you have additional conditions."

. . .

. . .

. . .


This chapter is considered to make up for the difference of the day before yesterday, and there are two more updates, which will be completed before noon

1770 Compensation and work

"Only 1% of the reward, if there is no other reason, don't think I will believe it."

Yun Tian knocked on the gold bricks on the counter, his expression became slightly playful.

He does have many abilities that can increase the favorability of others, such as the blessing of Astoria that increases trust, and the blessing of Freya that increases favorability.

There is also the 'Heroic Essence' skill that is almost certain to take effect on Lord Rom, a demihuman hero.

However, increasing favorability does not mean that the other party will lose their minds.

If it is just to provide some convenience, such as making the transaction possible from impossible, the proportion of remuneration will be reduced from [-]% to [-]% to [-]% to [-]%.

It is possible.

But 1% is really too low, it is impossible for Yun Tian to nod foolishly.

In fact, Lord Roma did have another condition.

But before he had time to speak, Felut, who was called by Lord Roma, took the lead in blowing his hair.

The girl was tactful and didn't shout in surprise, but walked to a place two seats away from Yuntian and Lord Luo Mu and sat down.

Then he looked at Yuntian and the gold bricks on the counter with an unbelievable gaze, and then stared at Lord Luo Mu.

The meaning conveyed in the eyes is direct and undisguised.

'Are you finally getting old? '

Having said that, I have to mention the concept of the so-called 'golden brick' a little bit.

The gold brick we call in modern times, taking 3 grams as an example, is actually a small thing with a length of 2 cm, a width of 5 cm, and a thickness of only [-] mm.

Not as big as your two fingers put together.

According to the price of 1 gram of gold, 400 yuan.

It is such a small thing, with a weight of 20 grams, and its value is about [-]w.

And if it is the kind of gold brick that looks like a brick in the impression of many people, it will weigh a full ten kilograms, and one piece has a value of 400 million.

But this type of gold brick will only appear in modern society, and it is a thousand or even ten thousand pure gold with a gold content of 99.9% or even 99.99%.

Yuntian is preparing to deal with the hard metals of different worlds. Of course, it cannot be this kind of investment gold born in an extreme environment.

It is a gold brick with a lower quality and lower gold content.

But even so, the gold brick on the counter that looks like a smaller brick is worth a fortune.

In Felut's view, this is already a good deal.

Lord Roma's stolen goods warehouse is actually quite famous in the slums, because the valuation of items here is very fair, and the rewards are generally only [-] to [-]%, which is already very conscientious.

Such a large piece of gold brick, no matter how bad it is, should be worth dozens of gold coins. If you receive [-]% of the reward, that is still several gold coins!

For most people in the slums, it is likely to be a huge sum of money that they will never see in a lifetime.

Now drop a 0, and the gold coins will be converted into silver coins directly, making it hard to breathe with heartache.

The girl didn't dare to intervene, the other party was a big shot from the castle after all, she was worried that her nonsense would ruin the business.

But he desperately winked at Lord Roma, trying to wake him up from his 'confused' state, and don't give away the gold coins he got.

But who knew that her eyes were not only useless, but she was also taken aback by Master Roma's next words.

"Of course there are other conditions. The old man's rule here has always been to charge [-] to [-]% of the goods, and [-]% to you. The gold of two thousand holy gold coins is the reward..."

"Two hundred holy gold coins?!?! Master Roma, are you crazy?!" Hearing this astronomical figure, Felut finally couldn't help but exclaimed, and even his expression became a little distorted.

"Shut up! Felut." Hearing the girl's exclamation, Master Rom frowned and scolded.

Yun Tian, ​​on the other hand, let go of his senses, and after confirming that no one else existed near the stolen goods warehouse, he quietly set up a sound-proof barrier.

Then I started watching the show with great interest.

"Why should you tell me to shut up! I think you are foolish, you don't want two hundred holy gold coins! With this money, Lord Roma, you can move out of the slums to live a better life!"

"I'm fine now, I don't feel uncomfortable living here, but..."

"It's not good at all! What is there to do in such a broken place!"

"Felt! The guests are still here!"


Hearing Lord Rom mention the word 'guest', Felut glanced at Yuntian, and then closed his mouth indignantly.

To this, Yuntian actually wanted to say, 'You don't have to worry about me, I'll eat melons'.

It's a pity that Lord Roma brought the topic back first.

"For the reward of two hundred holy gold coins, this old man only accepts... no, it's okay to ask for none of them. Including subsequent transactions, this old man doesn't need to charge you a single copper coin.

"In exchange, this old man wants you to help find a job in the city."

"Find it for her, right?" Yun Tian listened to Master Roma's request, and turned to look at Felut who was beside him.

As expected, the girl said again in disbelief:

"Huh?! Lord Roma, what are you..."


Suddenly, a loud bang interrupted Felt's words.

Master Luo Mu clenched his right hand into a fist, smashing the counter on the right side to pieces.

"Filut, from now on, you are not allowed to speak without the old man's consent!"

The girl was sweating profusely as she looked at the counter table in front of her that had turned into waste, and she nodded obediently while sitting on the chair.

"Very good." Seeing her performance, Master Luo Mu nodded and looked at Yuntian again with satisfaction.

"Sorry for making you laugh."

"It's okay, let's continue the previous topic." Yun Tian spread his hands, expressing that he didn't mind.

"You want to use two hundred holy gold coins as a reward for me to help that little girl arrange a job in the city, right?"

"Yes, for a guard knight, it's just a word of yours."

When he said this, he didn't know what he thought of, and Master Roma sighed slightly.

But Yun Tian could more or less guess some of his thoughts at this time.

Finding a job, such an ordinary thing, is extremely difficult for the people in the slums.

Don't people here want to improve their lives?Don't you want to live a better and brighter life?

Of course, who would not want to live a good life.

Find a decent job, get a stable income, and say goodbye to the days of hungry and full meals.

If it could be done, who would want to live in this dirty and cold slum.

Unfortunately, they didn't have that chance.

First of all, no one wants to hire poor people who are all dirty and unkempt.

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