Cleaning up, cleanliness, and well-dressed are all words that have nothing to do with the slums. Even meals are not enough to eat, so there is no time to think about other things.

Struggling desperately to survive, the people in the slums are all good at skills like stealing chickens and dogs.

Under such circumstances, who will hire them with confidence, and how many people can become colleagues with them without any hesitation?

Coupled with perennial malnutrition, doing heavy work is even more wishful thinking. Many people are still sick and disabled and have no money to heal.

Over time, a vicious circle formed, and it became almost a tacit consensus not to hire people from the slums.

They have no chance.

. . .

. . .

. . .


'The essence of a hero'

* Approved by Lady Justice and Necessary Evil, gained the essence of 'Last Hero of the Age'

* Possesses the qualifications to carry the era, lead the era, and create the era. If necessary, the world will recognize and guide the holder as one of the "possibilities"

* Choosing to be good is a 'hero', choosing to be evil is a 'necessary evil'

* Gain additional charisma correction, which has extra attractiveness to beings with heroic tendencies

* Gain additional charisma modifier, extra attractive to beings with necessary evil tendencies

* Obtain additional leadership corrections, and it is easier to live in harmony with the existence that follows him

* Obtain a halo of heroes, and being favored, recognized, and followed by them will receive additional growth corrections

1771 Agreed

"Since she was a child, she has shouted to leave the slums, and she has been trying her best to save money for this. The kid's dreams and fantasies, the old man has not said much.

"But you should also be aware that some things cannot be solved simply by relying on money."

Save enough money to leave the slums.

Find a hotel to wash up, make up an excuse to hide your identity to buy clean clothes, and then turn into an ordinary person and find a suitable job.

During this period, I will live in a hotel first. Of course, I can’t change my clothes every three years like I did in the slums. The same goes for food, three meals a day, no, two meals a day is enough if I save a little.

It's all overhead, and it's expensive.

It is the same in any world, the capital is always the standard of high consumption.

Before finding a suitable job, all daily expenses can only be covered with savings. Of course, petty theft can no longer be done, because I have to become an ordinary person.

One day, a suitable job will be found, even if the salary is not high enough to support daily life.

At that time, she can shed her slum identity and welcome a new life.

This is Felt's dream.

Very simple, but also very beautiful.

"But the reality is not so smooth."

That, Lord Rom. . .No, Balja Cromwell knew it all too well.

If everything went according to plan, the kingdom of Lugnica would have been destroyed by him decades ago.

"Let's not talk about whether she can save enough money, even if she has saved enough, it is almost impossible to find a suitable job for her in the capital."

It was Yun Tian who took up the conversation.

He noticed the girl who was glaring at her because of his words, looked back at her, pointed to the girl's unyielding eyes, and said:

"It's this kind of look that shows that you can't do it."

A strong girl, she is not incapable, as long as she is given a chance, she will definitely be able to soar into the sky.

But before that, she had to accept the shackles called society.

You must learn to be patient when facing your superiors, learn to be tolerant when facing others, and let yourself learn to survive within the framework of the humanistic environment and rules.

It was a very different state of life from the slums.

To put it to the extreme, it is even the transition from freedom to non-freedom.

Then, the girl will clearly realize that common people are not as happy as she imagined.

In addition, one must accept the existence of a certain kind of person—nobility!

When you are a pauper, you don't have to disrespect any nobleman, and you can even speak rudely to the king or even the dragon who protects the country.

No one will care about you, and you can't do it if you want to. You can run, out of sight or out of mind, and even disgust each other in various ways.

But once you become a commoner, you can no longer do that.

A job is something you can't lose, and a house is something you can't lose, and these things, nobles can easily take them away.

Maybe it's just a dissatisfied look, everything you have, everything you have fought for, will be wiped out in the blink of an eye.

You have to, learn to bow your head.

Such a cruel reality is completely incomprehensible to the current Felut.

The most difficult thing about leaving the slums is not money and status, but her own mentality.

"Honestly, I don't think she's the type to work honestly."

This sentence, Yun Tian said to Master Luo Mu.

Yun Tian is not interested in taking care of children, especially a brat who is restless at first glance.

Even if the other party is already a young girl, experience is the basis for determining mental maturity, and education is particularly important.

For a wild and accustomed personality like Felut, it will be impossible to accept doing things in a well-behaved manner for a while.

So in all fairness, Yun Tian wanted to reject Master Luo Mu.

Even if the other party charged [-] more holy gold coins, Yun Tian didn't really want to make things difficult for him.

Even if Felut is one of the future king candidates, it can be said that it is related to Yuntian's side mission.

Forging a good relationship now will help him complete the task when the time comes.

But in fact, Felut is not the first choice in Yuntian's heart, not even the second choice, if he insists on ranking, he can only be regarded as the third.

Regarding the matter of Wang *xuan, Yuntian not only wanted to complete the task, but also planned to implement some other ideas.

"The old man is also aware of Felut's character, so he won't ask you to wipe her ass all the time, but...she should have a chance to try, even if only once."

Having said that, Lord Roma's tone already sounded a little pleading.

In his view, letting Felut save his own money to fight is undoubtedly a dead end.

But if Yuntian could help, even if it was just a little bit of help, things would change completely.

With this level of status as a relation of the guard knight, Felut can at least save more than [-]% of external troubles.

No one would deliberately make things difficult for Felut at the risk of offending a knight guard, even if she came from a slum.

As for the rest, it really depends on Felut himself.

Whether it is possible to integrate into the new environment and adapt to the life and relationship of civilians, if not, it means that the girl is really not suitable for such a life.

Lord Roma never wanted this girl whom he regarded as his granddaughter to sink into a slum for the rest of her life.

The appearance of Yuntian happened to be an excellent opportunity.

Although Lord Roma scoffed at the status of knight, he had to admit that being able to become a knight at least showed that Yuntian's character was guaranteed.

You won't go back on what you promised, and you don't need to worry about something unspeakable will happen to Felut.

In addition, from pinching doors to selling stolen gold bricks, Yuntian doesn't seem to be the kind of stuffy and arrogant guy.

Neither did he look down on Felt's identity in the slums, nor did he intend to report Lord Roma's identity in exchange for any glory.

With the premise of the BRIC transaction and the same interests, there is the most basic trust between Yuntian and Lord Luo Mu.

There is nothing more trustworthy than a bond of interest.


Listening to Master Luo Mu's words, Yun Tian fell into deep thought.

It's okay to say that he has a heart of stone, but Yuntian is really not the kind of good-natured person who will cause trouble for himself just because of a little touch and emotion.

There are only two types of people who will ask Yuntian to help.

One is a pure or extreme person recognized by him in a certain aspect, and the other is a person who has demonstrated extraordinary will.

It is a pity that at present, neither Lord Rom nor Felut meet the standards recognized by Yuntian.

Therefore, what he considers is the balance between benefits and sacrifices.

Help them now, will this favor be used in the future?

After a moment of thinking, Yun Tian had an answer.

"I can promise you, but before that, you probably have to convince her to accept this matter first."

Yun Tian pointed to Felut, and gave a reply to Lord Roma.

In the direction he pointed, although the girl with blond hair and red pupils still kept her mouth shut and did not speak, the gaze revealed in her eyes expressed various thoughts in her heart.

Obviously, the girl herself did not agree with this matter.

"I'll keep one-tenth of the total value of the gold. Contact me after you find a buyer. If you convince her then, I'll arrange a job for her in the city."

With these words as the end, Yun Tian left the stolen goods warehouse.

1772 Royal capital style

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