After leaving the slums and returning to the street, Yun Tian looked up at the sky.

Because he left early in the morning today, there was still some time before noon after leaving the stolen goods warehouse.

After a little calculation of the journey home, Yuntian gave up the idea of ​​taking a taxi. He planned to walk for a while and stop by the capital to learn about the background of this kingdom and this era.

At the same time, it can be regarded as looking for a job that suits Felut's personality and is competent.

"Hmm... It's not too different from what I imagined. Compared with Olali, it lacks the special flavor of "different world". Maybe it's because it's not the first time I've seen a similar scene. "

While walking on the streets of the capital, Yun Tian compared it with the labyrinth city Olali in the wrong world in his memory.

After all, if you want to say similarities, the two worlds, Dixu and Re0, which are both templates of medieval fantasy worlds, can still find a lot in common.

However, after getting familiar with the first impression, Yuntian still found many differences.

The first is architectural style.

As the center of the world, Olali, in the wrong place, has a city style that is a unique form after the fusion of multiple races, while on Re0, the capital of Lugnica is a standard human style.

The demi-human characteristic buildings that are very common in Olali, such as the wild orc style, the elegant style of the elves, and the exquisite style of the little humans, are very rare, and it can even be said that there are almost none.

At a glance, they are all architectural styles that conform to human aesthetic standards and culture.

There are actually quite a few demihumans walking on the street, and there is no such thing as human beings blatantly looking down on or despising demihumans.

However, from the architectural types and the hats and cloaks that most demihumans will have regardless of whether they wear them or not, these details can be seen to reveal the hidden differences within the kingdom.

Besides, the biggest difference between Royal Capital and Orario is that there are no adventurers.

Most of the people living here, whether they are humans or demihumans, are ordinary citizens, and the atmosphere of the city is much more harmonious than that of Orario.

At least you don't often see a strong man in full armor and bloody talking and laughing passing by.

"As for the characteristics, it is the earth dragon."

Yun Tian looked at the earth dragon passing by on the road next to him, and sighed with emotion.

He actually wanted to find a place like a magic shop or a magic item shop to learn about the magic of this world.

In Yuntian's impression, the magic in Re0's world is very special.

In addition to turrets and spellcasting in the traditional sense, there is more than one type that purely augments the body.

This is what Yun Tian suddenly remembered when he saw Julius's way of using magic when he was exchanging lessons with him.

Let’s not talk about whether it is helpful or not, it’s always good to know.

The blessing of magic power to the body can be regarded as one of the most common and basic ways for Yuntian to improve his strength. If it can be optimized, it will be regarded as an unexpected gain.

It's a pity that after walking for a while, there is not a single similar shop.

"On the contrary, I saw a building like a martial arts school. There are also blacksmith shops and weapon shops."

Wuguan Yuntian didn't go in, just standing outside and listening to the sound was enough to judge the internal situation based on his current state.

After listening for less than 1 minute, I lost interest and left.

Enlightenment teaching is just a simple body protection technique, it is not something that can be valued by Yuntian.

The blacksmith shop and the weapon shop went in and took a brief look. They were all for ordinary people and guard knights, and there was nothing special about them.

"There aren't many stores left that are a little bit interesting...huh?"

At this moment, Yun Tian glanced at a small shop with an unattractive appearance.

"Grocery store."

Looking at the sign and sign at the door, Yun Tian turned and walked in after thinking for a while.

"Welcome, everything is on the shelves, just take what you fancy and pay for it."

A middle-aged man was sitting behind the counter not far from the door, and when he saw Yun Tian coming in, he took the initiative to speak.

Yun Tian nodded, then walked towards the shelf.

As the name of the store says, there are a lot of products here. It sounds like it has a wide variety, but it sounds like it is messy and disorderly.

From dinner plates, knives and forks to hardware tools to cardboard boards, most of the common things in life can be found here.

However, thanks to the fact that there is everything here and it is open to ordinary people, Yuntian has a more intuitive understanding of the development of this world.

He saw the desk lamp, which used the ragmat ore mentioned earlier to replace the light bulb, and there was also an oil lamp, and there was an obvious price gap between the two.

What surprised Yun Tian was the appearance of white paper, and the price is not too expensive, but considering the fact that books and education have begun to be popularized in this world, it is taken for granted.

Correspondingly, the pen is still in the quill stage, at least Yuntian didn't see other types in this grocery store.

Nothing else worth noting.

Yun Tian took a look around, took a few things and went to the counter.

"Two quills, a bottle of ink, a bundle of paper, and a pocket watch, totaling 8 silver and 2 copper."

Order something and the owner gives the price.

Among them, the pocket watch was the most expensive, costing 6 silver coins from Yuntian.

A very ordinary pocket watch can't really play the role of showing one's identity, but it is enough to watch it for a while.

In the past two days without a watch at hand, Yuntian still feels a bit inconvenient unexpectedly, every time he has to look up at the sky and calculate silently in his heart, it is quite troublesome if there are too many times.

After paying the money and leaving the grocery store, he opened his pocket watch to check the time, Yun Tian took a taxi and returned to his home near the entrance of Noble Street.

He still has to go to the restaurant of the knight order to solve the lunch problem, so he can't go shopping for too long.

. . . . . .


As soon as they entered the courtyard, there was a soft roar from the earth dragon Alaba not far away.

Yuntian couldn't understand Dilong's language, but he could understand the meaning, which roughly meant welcome back.

The translation function of the main god's space worked in such an unexpected place.

Yuntian couldn't understand the words of beasts or insects in the usual sense, because they didn't form a 'language'.

Obviously, the earth dragons in this world are different. They are truly intelligent life forms and have their own language for communication.

Therefore, Yuntian was able to understand Dilong's words with the help of the translator from the main god's space, which greatly facilitated the communication between him and Alaba.

Walking to Alaba's side, Yun Tian patted its lying body, and then took out several big pots full of fresh meat from his portable pocket.

"Let's have lunch a little earlier today. I'm not sure if the knights will provide food for the earth dragon. If not, you will be hungry when you come with me later."

Alaba has a good appetite, and Yuntian doesn't need to say much to start enjoying the food.

The fresh meat that Yuntian prepared for it was stock in the portable pocket, and it was bought by Yuntian in the Lord God Space for himself to eat, and the quality was even higher than the meat specially fed to the dragon in Wangcheng.

1773 Subtle New Props

When eating in Arabah, Yuntian was not idle either.

He set up a small table in the yard, sat down and began to try to make himself tea.

Tea leaves were one of Yuntian's gains from wandering around today, and it was also a discovery that made him particularly gratified.

At least, it shows that tea exists in this world, not some weird drinks that appear instead of tea.

It's a bit regretful that Yuntian only found black tea but not green tea, so it's not clear if there is none.

Ordinary tea leaves, in Yuntian's hands, also have the meaning of turning decay into magic.

The aroma of tea overflowed, and Alaba, who was enjoying the delicious food, couldn't help but stop, leaning over to see what Yuntian was doing.

After taking a sip of black tea, as soon as he put down the teacup, Yun Tian saw a big blue head approaching the table, looking at him curiously.

"You want to drink too?" Yun Tian looked at Alaba with a broken smile.


"It's okay for you to taste."

Yun Tian took out another teacup and poured another cup of tea, and at the same time Alaba opened his mouth in cooperation.

The tea was poured into Alaba's mouth, he smacked his lips, and then showed a rather humane look of disgust.

Casting a glance at Yun Tian, ​​he turned around without looking back and continued to eat meat.


Arabah: It's bitter, it's terrible!

Yun Tian couldn't help but look at Mr. Di Long who seemed to despise his taste, and for a moment didn't know what to say.

Although this is the case with tea, people who like it can speak clearly and logically, but those who don't like it drink the same thing, it's just bitter water.

But being despised by an earth dragon, Yuntian's mood is quite complicated.

He was more or less confident in his tea-making skills, but he didn't expect to hit a wall in an unexpected place.

"It's really..."

Looking at the teacup in his hand, Yuntian shook his head helplessly, and lost interest in continuing to drink tea.

Immediately, he took out the paper, quill pen, and ink he bought on the way back and put them on the table. He first touched the texture of the paper, then picked up a quill pen and dipped some ink in it to start writing.

However, after a few strokes, Yuntian stopped his movements a little uncomfortable, and looked at the quill in his hand with a slight frown.

Do as the Romans do, this can be said to be something the agent must do after coming to a new world.

Take a pen as an example.

There are no ballpoint pens in this world, and people mostly use quill pens to write and draw. Yuntian also needs to adapt to this environment.

What does not exist means uniqueness and specialness, and this uniqueness and specialness will attract attention, and too much attention often brings unnecessary troubles.

One more thing is worse than one less thing. Agents have tasks to do, as well as their own additional ideas and goals to complete, and it takes energy to improve the progress of world exploration.

Yuntian didn't intend to become an inventive genius or business tycoon in this world, and he didn't want to involve too much energy in these matters.

Therefore, even though he had the ability to change the environment to adapt to himself, he still chose the easier way to adapt to the environment.

That being said, the quill pen is a bit difficult to use right now.

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