The paper is not much different, and the ink is not too different, but the pen is really far from the modern society.

With the mentality of trying, Yun Tian took out another one, but the result remained the same, it was just as difficult to use.

It's not the quill pen's problem, but the quality of the two quill pens that Yun Tian bought at the grocery store is too poor, after all, it's worth a copper coin, no wonder it's so.

First of all, the feathers are not beautiful enough, and the feather shaft part is neither thick nor hard enough.

Yun Tian's power is great, although he can grasp it precisely, but this kind of ordinary feather will always give him a feeling of being cautious when holding it in his hand.

Using a little bit of strength is like breaking it, which is a bad experience.

At the same time, the root of the feather, that is, the position of the nib, is only treated briefly, making this quill a low-quality consumable.

A better quill pen will have a metal nib at the tip of the pen, which can effectively prevent the wear of the feather itself.

And this kind of nib is the predecessor of the modern fountain pen.

"Go to Noble Street and find a better shop, or..."

Yun Tian looked at the two quills that he gave up on the table and fell into deep thought.

In the final analysis, the biggest problem is that the feather itself is too fragile. Whether it is the pen holder or the nib, it may not last for half a day in Yuntian's hands.

"Feathers with high hardness...huh?"

Suddenly, Yun Tian recalled something.

He fumbled around in the portable pocket, and immediately took out two jet-black feathers.

'Crow Tengu's Feather'

Grade: B

Explanation: Yatengu from the level of the big demon has good demon power and the affinity of some wind elements, which is a good material.

Looking at the two black feathers in his hand, Yun Tian tried holding them in the posture of holding a pen.

"It feels good, isn't it?"

These two black feathers were snatched by Yuntian from a Yatengu named Sheming Maruwen in the world of Gensokyo.

In itself, it was to punish the other party for scribbling news, and even asked questions by the way. I didn't expect that the feathers I picked up would come in handy one day.

But looking at it now, it seems just right to make a quill?

"Is it too extravagant to use B-grade materials to make a pen?"

While talking, Yun Tian took out B-'s skinning knife and gestured at a black feather.

When dealing with materials and materials, this knife can display a hardness and sharpness that far exceeds the grade evaluation, and it is just right for dealing with the hard black feather.

Taking out a pen from the portable pocket, Yun Tian compared the nib of the pen with the position of the nibs of the two quill pens.

Slightly trimmed Shukutengu Kuroba itself has a pointed root, and then drew a line to serve as an ink tank.

The whole process is very simple, with Yuntian's current control power, there is no possibility of mistakes.

In a short time, a quill pen made of B-level crow tengu feathers was born.

Yun Tian held the black quill pen, dipped some ink and tentatively wrote a few words on the paper, then nodded in satisfaction.

A luxury quill, perfect!

This quill itself has some monster power, and it was also obtained from monsters, so it has a certain energy affinity.

After Yuntian wiped out the monster power and replaced it with his own star power and magic power, he could even use this quill pen to use some tricks.


"I'm a swordsman. If I keep it, I can only use it as a pen. At most, it's a toy?"

Playing with the scourge with your own hands. . .I mean the finished black quill, and Yuntian put it into the portable pocket.

Then, he looked at Alaba who had finished his meal, and said:

"Let's go, let's go to the duty room of the knight order."

What Yuntian didn't know was that at this moment, two people were already waiting for him at the door of the Knights' restaurant.

1774 Phyllis' plea

Riding Alaba, Yun Tian quickly passed through Noble Street and came to the duty room of the Knights at the entrance of the Royal City.

After temporarily handing Alaba to the person in charge of Longshe in the duty room, Yun Tian asked a little, then walked towards the restaurant with a little disappointment.

Reason for disappointment?

Of course, that's because the Knights don't care about the earth dragon's food!

It's not accurate to say that, the knights will help take care of the earth dragons, including feeding, there will be a limited guarantee that a series of indicators such as the mood and health of the earth dragon partners of the members of the knights are normal.

As for more, such as further communication and increasing intimacy, feeding the dragon to eat, etc., must be done by the knight himself.

Only in this way can the knight and his companions develop an extraordinary relationship of trust, which is a daily compulsory course for every knight.

Most of the earth dragon knights' salaries are very generous, which is also the reason why they need to raise an earth dragon.

Therefore, Yuntian's little idea of ​​trying to join hands with Alaba to eat up the treasury of the Kingdom of Lugnica was shattered in this way (fog).

But there is also good news.

That is, Yun Tian, ​​as a guard knight, can buy the food of the earth dragon at a discounted price at the dragon house in the duty room of the knight order, which can be regarded as saving a lot of expenses.

. . . . . .

Walking through the duty room all the way, although there is still some time before noon, but. . .Don't you arrive while you're eating?

At this moment, Yun Tian, ​​who had an excellent gaze, was the first to notice the two somewhat familiar figures at the entrance of the restaurant.

Seeing that they seemed to be waiting for someone, Yun Tian thought about it, and decided to go over to say hello.

In his heart, he felt as if he was waiting for him, but Yuntian didn't know the reason, so he couldn't say absolutely.

He wanted to go around to eat first, but those two were waiting at the door, unless Yun Tian had activated the Star Immortal Magic Barrier, he really couldn't avoid their sight.

"So, please don't tell me that the two of you are guarding the restaurant door to block me, Julius and Phyllis."

Yun Tian walked over and spoke to these two acquaintances in the knight order.

"Unfortunately, we are indeed waiting for you." Julius spread his hands and showed a very apologetic expression to Yuntian.

Putting his words aside, the apology on his face made Yun Tian a little confused.

But immediately, Yuntian understood the reason.

"Julius said that you know the water attribute...can heal magic, and your attainments are not low, really meow?"

Without giving Julius and Yuntian a chance to talk more, Phyllis rushed over with a catwalk and asked urgently.

In this regard, Yuntian looked at the cat man who was close at hand. . .The fluffy ears trembling on the head silently took half a step back.

Then he turned his gaze to Julius to the side.

Seeing Yun Tian looking over, Julius took the initiative to explain:

"I reported to the group leader the reason and process of the ground dragon group's restlessness yesterday, and described your performance. At that time, Phyllis happened to be present."

Saying that, Julius apologized to Yuntian again.

"You took the earth dragon, Alaba, right?

"At the end of taking Alaba, healed its wounds, and cast spells without spells when I didn't feel the fluctuation of Mana at all.

"That's why I mentioned a little bit in the report, telling the leader that you probably have a good attainment in water attribute magic."

After finishing speaking, Julius pointed at Phyllis and made a 'you understand' expression.

Yun Tian understood what Julius meant, so he asked Phyllis:

"I do know some healing methods. If I insist, my attainments are not low. What's the matter?"

"Just know how to treat, come with me!"

Phyllis didn't answer Yun Tian's question at all, when she heard him confess, she rushed up and grabbed Yun Tian's arm and walked to the other side.

However, this impolite action was interrupted by Yurius.

"Calm down, Phyllis, explain the reason to Yuntian first."

"Meow has that kind of time! Talking while walking... Ah, sorry, I got emotional."

Phyllis's attitude was very irrational, anxiety was almost written all over his face, and when Julius pulled his shoulder, his whole body exploded.

But fortunately, it was just a moment.

After turning her head to meet the eyes of Yuntian and Julius, Phyllis calmed down, or forcibly calmed herself down.

Taking a deep breath, he said to Yun Tian:

"You don't need to be modest, without mana fluctuations means that the desired goal has been achieved with the minimum consumption, and there are not many people in the kingdom who can cast spells without spells.

"In today's field of healing magic, the only one who can cast spells without spells is Fei Lijiang myself, so, as long as Yurius' report is true, Yun Tian's attainments in water attribute magic are not just 'not low'. "

Phyllis didn't know that Yuntian used hydrotherapy. His deduction was based on the magic theory of this world itself, which couldn't be applied to Yuntian.

No Mana Waves because that's not magic, no spells either, hydrotherapy itself has no spells.

But it was also wrong and right. Although the inference was fundamentally wrong, the result was exactly right.

In terms of treatment alone, Yuntian's current attainments are enough to be called miraculous.

If he calls himself a therapist, he can even count as an A-, and if he counts the pure Rubik's Cube, it can be even higher.

The direction of Yuntian has always been walking along the swordsman, but the development is still quite versatile.

Except for Phyllis, the "green" magician, there are really few people in this world who are stronger than Yuntian in terms of healing.

"Since you are good at healing magic, then help me see His Royal Highness Flier and the serious illness of the royal family, even if... just provide a little different thinking."

Looking at the expression on Phyllis' face, Yun Tian knew that this 'green' magician was almost driven mad by the words 'powerless'.

The contemporary Qing, praised as the most outstanding water attribute user in the four continents, is actually seeking help from someone who doesn't know the details at all.

The reason is that the opponent also knows water attribute magic, and his attainments are not low.

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