It is conceivable that Phyllis may have already made a judgment on the outcome of the royal family in her heart at this time.

The emergency medical treatment is about his current performance, and the irony is that Phyllis is the best doctor herself.

"I persuaded him." Julius didn't say this, but just lip-synched to Yuntian from an angle that Phyllis couldn't see.

Then he shook his head, which meant that it was useless to persuade him.

Even Julius himself experienced exactly the same thing.

As a rare elf magician, Julius, who has water attributes among the contract elves, has long been pulled to try it.

Naturally, the results speak for themselves.

If it can be cured, things will not develop to this point.

1775 Flier Lugnica

"To meet the members of the royal family, respond to the call and escort of the royal family members, is the duty of our guard knights.

"However, for you, this is the first time."

Walking on the road connecting the duty room of the knight order and the interior of the royal city, Yurius said to Yuntian beside him.

In the end, still unable to bear Felice's heartfelt sad expression and teary eyes, Yun Tian agreed to come with him to have a look.

After all, if he is really entangled by a cat man in this state, even Yuntian will feel a lot of pressure.

Phyllis' lethality is much greater than that of Nagi Arisuin in the world of sunset knights in the past. Arisuin only has a feminine personality and behavior, and he is still a handsome man for the time being.

But Phyllis, no matter how you look at it, is a lovely and pitiful beautiful girl, and she even has catgirl attributes, her lethality has increased sharply.

If you are not careful, it may be bent.

Of course, apart from this point, Yurius' words were also the main reason why Yun Tian followed.

Serving members of the royal family can be said to be what Yun Tian should do as a guard knight today, and he has no reason to refuse Felice's request reasonably.

"I hope you don't blame Phyllis, he's really...very sad these days."

Julius thought about his choice of words before he managed to find a less sensitive word to use.

Because he knew that Phyllis, who was walking in front at this time, could hear the conversation between the two, and those cat ears were not a cute decoration.

"Well, I know, it's because of the fourth prince, right?"

Yun Tian first stretched out his finger, and a blue starlight appeared in front of Julius's eyes, and then spread and enveloped the two of them.

Using the star fairy enchantment to isolate the voices of the two, and then gestured to Yurius before speaking.

Looking at the starlight, Julius, who didn't notice the fluctuation of Mana, flashed a trace of surprise in his eyes, but he didn't ask any more questions, but continued Yuntian's words.

"Phyllis has a very close relationship with His Highness the Fourth Prince Flier and Duke Crusch Karsten, and the three of them have known each other for more than eight years.

"Phyllis' status as a guard knight and Duke Karsten's status as a lifelong knight all have credit behind His Royal Highness Flier."

"Even the Duke of Karsten himself, as a woman, was able to secure the position of Supreme Duke at such an age, because of the influence of His Royal Highness Flier."

For what Julius said, Yuntian didn't fully understand, but he also knew something about it.

The death of the fourth prince Flier not only declared the severance of the royal family, but also made Crusch's thoughts fundamentally change.

From an aristocrat determined to assist the Lion King, he has transformed into a king*chosen who is himself a king.

"The three of them value each other immensely, which is why Phyllis is deeply pained by her powerlessness.

"Before this happened, Phyllis always had a smile and happiness on her face when she mentioned His Highness and the Duke, but can see it too."

Yun Tian followed Julius' gaze and looked towards Felice, recalling the other party's expression when they first met.

Anxiety, exhaustion, restlessness, remorse, pain, unwillingness, and all kinds of negative emotions are entangled together, so there is no happiness as Yurius said.

"The me now may be able to understand a little bit." Yun Tian was a little emotional.

If it were him a few years ago, he might not be able to understand Phyllis's mood at this time, but now, using a little analogy, bring the object into Edelweiss' words.

Yun Tian silently shook his head.

. . . . . .

Privileged guard knights can almost freely shuttle within the royal city, but there are still some places that cannot be entered at will.

For example, the place where the three of Yuntian are going now - Prince's living room.

While Yuntian and Julius were talking and silent, the three of them walked into the royal city, greeted the patrolling knights and civil servants on duty, and walked all the way to the upper floor of the royal city.

At the entrance of the floor, after reporting their identities and reasons to the personal guard who checked the people entering and exiting, after verification and testing, the three of Yuntian were allowed to enter and exit.

After stepping on the gorgeous carpet laid on the special floor of the royal family, Yuntian and Julius came to a door led by Phyllis.

Boom, boom——!

After knocking lightly on the door, Phyllis said in a cute voice:

"Your Highness~ the lovely Fili-chan is here to see you~ are you awake?"

"Come in, Yu is awake."

What responded to Phyllis was an obviously weak male voice from inside the door.

After receiving the response, Phyllis carefully opened the door and walked into the room.

"Yu should have said that there is no need for Phyllis to ask outside the question, and there is no need to enter the door so carefully. Yu is not a piece of glass that will be shattered by the sound."

As soon as he entered the door, the voice of the owner of the room came again, causing the three of Yuntian to look inward at the same time.

As the royal family, especially the personal room of the direct prince, the decoration layout in the room is so simple that even Yun Tian was surprised.

It's not the "relative simplicity" compared with other royal families, but the simplicity that doesn't appear in even wealthy families.

Wardrobe, desk, sofa, table, and a big bed are all gone.

It was completely unimaginable that this would be the room of a royal family.

And the one who was lying on the bed and speaking was none other than one of the legitimate heirs of the kingdom, the fourth prince Flier Lugnica.

This 20-year-old royal youth has the iconic features of the Lugnica royal family, with shining brilliant blond hair and bright red eyes burning like the morning sun.

His handsome appearance must be able to easily capture the hearts of many women.

But now, His Royal Highness the Prince lying on the bed, his brilliant blond hair has lost its luster, the bright light in his eyes is almost dimmed, and his charming appearance has also disappeared under the torture of illness.

His stature looks haggard and skinny.

He looked at the three people who came in, as if he wanted to straighten up and greet them.

That action made Phyllis immediately step forward in fright, hurriedly and carefully lifted him up slowly, while complaining uncontrollably:

"Really meow, Your Highness! You are still sick, so be careful! If anything happens, Felice-chan will not be able to explain to Lord Crusch, and will be severely scolded!"

"Crusch wouldn't do that... No, it might be possible for her with a serious personality."

"It's good that you know it! Take it as a consideration for Feili-chan, please take care of your body more carefully."

"I know, you don't have to be so nervous, and you left the people you brought aside, this is not a good habit."

After finishing the words, Freee looked past Phyllis to Yuntian and Julius who were at the door.

"Yurius, Yu and you haven't seen each other for a while, as you can see, now Yu can't get up to entertain you."

"I have met His Highness, you must not say that. It is an honor for a subordinate to be remembered by you. How dare you let His Highness entertain you. Moreover, your health is the most important thing."

Flier first greeted Julius, and after Julius saluted respectfully, he asked Yuntian beside him with a hint of inquiry:

"It's a strange face. You are also a guard knight? Are you a friend of Phyllis and Julius?"

1776 Sickness or Curse?

"Guard Knight Yun Tian, ​​who just joined the Guard Knight Order recently, as to whether he is considered as a friend of Phyllis and Julius..."

Yun Tian spread his hands and said:

"We've just met, so it's hard to tell."

"Oh? You are not a friend but you can be brought to see Yu by Phyllis. You are also a person who is good at healing magic."

Obviously, this is not the first time that Prince Flier has experienced this kind of thing. After listening to Yun Tian's words, he immediately understood the reason why the three of them came to see him.

"It must have been Phyllis who forced you to come here, obviously he is the best therapist...cough cough."

Perhaps it was because of talking too much, the weak Prince Flier couldn't finish his words to Yuntian, and was interrupted by a sudden cough and panting.

"Your Highness!" With a nervous expression, Phyllis picked up the kettle on the bedside table and poured a glass of water, and then brought it to Freee's mouth.

After taking two sips of water under the service of Phyllis, Ferrier leaned on the pillow behind him a little tiredly.

"I'm sorry, Phyllis, to trouble you. Recently, you have been asked to take care of Yu. It's almost like using you as a servant."

Ferrier turned his head sideways and looked at Phyllis who put the water glass back on the bedside table.

Phyllis shook her head lightly and said:

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, the guys I met recently are all the guys who say that Feili sauce is cute, and then deliberately get hurt and want to be treated. Compared with them, it is more important to take care of His Highness."

"It sounds very bad. Are all the guard knights like this? Yu originally thought that Marcus's serious personality would make the selected members like him."

Saying that, Ferrier looked at Phyllis, Julius and Yuntian successively, then shook his head, with a forced smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Phyllis, you have to work hard. Your experience as a guard knight will become an important resume for you as the number one knight of Crusch. After all, she is a duke. If the knights you choose are not good enough, you will be questioned.

"Speaking of which, Yu hasn't seen Crusch for a while, and she's a little lonely. She must be very busy recently, and it's all because Yu can't get out of bed."

Although it looked haggard and it was a little difficult to speak, but there were many unexpected words in Foleyer's words.

But this is inevitable.

His Royal Highness has been lying in bed for more than a month, unable to do anything or have any entertainment, just like this day by day, he feels his body getting weaker and weaker.

Come to think of it, 'chatting with people' has been a rare way for him to relax and relieve stress during this time.

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