Seeing Felier like this, Phyllis forced a smile to hide the pain in her heart, and at the same time, he turned to look at Yuntian.

Yun Tian, ​​who understood what Felice meant, sighed in his heart, and walked to the bedside.

"I'm sorry." As he said that, he tapped a finger on Freee's forehead, and the hydrotherapy started.

The cool feeling disappeared in a flash, taking away some of the tiredness of His Royal Highness, and at the same time, it also made Yun Tian affirm a guess that he had made before he came.

All members of the royal family of the Lugnica Kingdom were seriously ill, and the best healers in the country were helpless without exception.

The matter itself is very strange.

After all, what is illness?

Simply summed up in one sentence, it is due to internal or external reasons that cause abnormalities or injuries to the body or spirit.

The so-called cure is the exploration of this process, so as to find a way to restore the body and spirit to normal.

So the question is, are the royal family members of the Kingdom of Lugnica really sick?

One happens to only be obtained by the royal blood, and it is enough to cause death in a short period of time, and all members of the royal family must be sick together within the same period of time.

The point is, it is an unknown disease that can make contemporary 'Qing' lead the therapists in the entire treatment center for more than a month without even a clue.

Is it really that coincidental?

Prince Flier's physical condition is clearly consistent with an illness.

Cough, fever, weakness, weakness, organs are gradually losing function, and finally brought him to the end of death.

It's just that, for any kind of disease, the reaction is not the place that should be the most concerned.

What really matters is what causes the reaction.

And this crucial reason is the biggest reason why Phyllis is helpless.

cold?Viral or seasonal.

fever?Infectious or non-infectious.

Organ failure?What caused it?There is no reason why the organs themselves start to fail.

And as it happens, that is the truth.

Yuntian learned the hydrotherapy technique from Wuzi, a pharmacist in the world of the fallen knight, which is a miraculous super-scientific technique.

The water flow will directly invade the body and feedback the patient's physical condition in the most intuitive way.

Yuntian can only draw one conclusion when he 'looks' at Felier's body from the inside.

everything is normal!

That's right, everything is normal!

Without bacteria, tumors, viruses, parasites, injuries and other elements that can cause illness, the fourth prince Flier Lugnica is a very healthy and normal person from a medical point of view.

However, his body continued to weaken unreasonably, without any rationale.

Therefore, Yun Tian looked at Phyllis and said:

"It's not sick at all."

It's not just his medical knowledge that makes Yun Tian come to this conclusion, there is another reason.

He had a vague impression of Prince Flier's state at this moment.

No matter how hard you persist, you can't stop the fatigue, no matter what you do, you can't dispel the chill, your body gradually weakens to the point where you can't even stand up, and finally, you will die in your sleep like a peaceful sleep.

At one time, the protagonist of the original book thought it was poisoning or disease, but it originated from the subspecies of magic and elf in the holy kingdom of Gustico, the great northern country——Curse!

Professions that use this type of means are called wizards, or conjurers.

It is an insidious line of magic that is hardly seen in Lugnica.

There are many spells that conjurers are good at, such as killing people through curses, debilitating people to death and naturally falling asleep.

It can be said that Yuntian is completely ignorant of the curse spells in this world and the profession of conjurer, but after making the judgment of 'not sick', the word 'curse' first came to mind.

After all, it is too similar.

Except for a difference in the length of the lethal time, the other performances and reactions are almost exactly the same.

However, Yun Tian didn't say anything about the inference about the curse, but looked at Felice who was aside and asked:

"If your title of 'Qing' and the title of the best therapist are true, you should have seen it long ago."

The famous blue magician, Phyllis, who claims to surpass the previous generation of green, should not be unable to distinguish between diseases and curses with his medical and healing skills.

He didn't say it, or this is the real news that needs to be blocked behind the serious illness of the royal family.

1777 Discourse

'Not sick? ! '

Standing at the door, Julius was extremely shocked when he heard Yun Tian's words.

He almost immediately set his sights on Phyllis, who was also standing by Frie's bed. Out of trust in his friend and contemporary 'qing', Yurius subconsciously waited for his answer.

As a result, all that was waiting was silence.

Julius looked at the expression on Felice's face, and after a while, he saluted Prince Flier, and bowed slightly to Yuntian and Felice.

Immediately, he turned and left the room.

Without going far, Julius chose a position where he just couldn't hear the voices in the room, and stood silently by the wall.

He didn't want to hear the conversation in the room that followed, nor did he feel the need to listen.

But at the same time, you have to make sure that no one else hears it.

So he came out and temporarily took over the janitorial duties.

. . . . . .

On the other side, in the room.

After Yurius went out, the silence continued.

The one who finally broke the silence was Prince Flier.

"There is no evidence, and no criminal can be caught."

He displayed the quality that a royal family should have, and answered Yuntian with the simplest and most direct words.

Marcus, the head of the Guards Knights, is personally in charge of investigating this matter. The swordsman Reinhardt goes out to seek help from the sages, and the blue magician Phyllis leads the treatment center to start treatment.

Julius, the deputy head, was not informed of any information, but took over the duties of the head of the Knights that Marcus could not handle for the time being.

During this period of time, almost all the patrols and deployments of the kingdom's knights, including the guard knights, as well as the king's city and even the king's capital, were all done by Lilius.

It is because of his appearance of keeping everything unchanged on the bright side that Marcus can find time to investigate the truth of the paralysis of the royal family.

Although it seems that the kingdom is in turmoil, in fact, all the forces that can be used have been mobilized secretly.

It's a pity that the result is just as Prince Flier said.

The leader of the knights did it himself, and he also united with some hidden dark forces in the kingdom, but he failed to find any clues.

Powerful spells come with serious burdens, and equal exchange has always been the truth of the world.

At this point, curses are as bad as magic, if not more so.

According to the content and effect, the price to be paid is often different and cannot be confirmed. However, the curse has an iron rule that is absolutely unavoidable.

Direct contact with the target of the spell is a necessary condition for the conjurer to use the curse.

"There is a way to remove the curse before it is activated, but once it is successfully activated, there is no way to deal with it."

Ferrier looked at Phyllis who bowed her head silently, with a weak smile on her face.

"Either the conjurer takes the initiative to lift the curse, or finds the conjurer and kills him, and now..."

"I can't find anyone at all, so no matter which way will work." Yun Tian nodded, and understood why the news spread that he was 'seriously ill'.

Speaking of a curse, if the magician cannot be found, it is tantamount to announcing the death of the Lugnica royal family.

It would not be possible to wait for today, more than a month later, the upper class of Lugnica Kingdom would be torn apart due to panic or other small thoughts, and they would not be as united as they are now with a sliver of expectation.

"This was Myrotov's proposal. He was also the first person to think of possibilities other than illness. Under his arrangement, Phyllis and other therapists were not aware of this matter."

Saying that, Prince Flier looked at Yuntian.

"But Yu knows Felice's ability, and the real reason can't be hidden from him at all. You can also see it. You must have a deep attainment in water attributes."

When Yuntian heard the name 'Microtov', he immediately recalled in his mind the high-level meeting of the kingdom that was guarding the gate when he first came to this world.

The old man who presided over the meeting, the representative of the Council of Sages, was the Myrotov that His Royal Highness said.

An important minister whose status is equivalent to the prime minister of the dynasty.

His various plans and preparations were very effective. In such a major event, the Kingdom of Lugnica was able to restore stability as quickly as possible, and the representative of the Sage Society accounted for at least [-]% of the credit.

However, for Phyllis, this was quite a cruel thing.

He worked hard with all his might, and the hard work, pain, and unwillingness during this period of time were exchanged for the stability of the kingdom and the reassurance of the prisoners who didn't know where they were.

There is no doubt that it was a great achievement. In the whole incident, Phyllis played an important role no matter what the result was.

But none of this was what he wanted.

All Phyllis wanted was for Prince Ferrier to live.

But now tell him, in fact, your efforts were unable to save Prince Flier from the very beginning, and no matter how hard you try in the future, you will not be able to change this established fact.

Phyllis couldn't take it.

So he always believed that Freer was sick, because only when he was sick could he have a glimmer of hope to cure Freer.

Only then can he continue to work hard and continue to work hard, instead of. . .Stop and wait for the other person to die slowly.

"Phyllis sometimes gets into a corner by herself like this."

Glancing at the silent Phyllis, Freer understood his mind, then looked at Yun Tian, ​​and said in a tone that seemed to be emotional and reminiscent:

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