"Because of his status as a demihuman, he doesn't have many friends, neither Yu nor Crusch could see him when he was in the knight order.

"You said before that you are not considered Phyllis' friend, right? Then I will ask you and tell Julius that Phyllis usually troubles you so much. Let's become friends with him."

Freer's words made Yuntian somewhat confused who was the one being visited.

Phyllis, who had been silent since just now, finally reacted to this.

"My only friend is Your Highness. If you don't wake up, Feili-chan will be alone."

"You can't say that, Phyllis. Don't worry, you are gentle and strong, and everyone will love you and treat you as a friend like Yu."

Felier's voice dropped a little.

He talked a lot, and it was a burden to his weak body.

Phyllis wanted to let him rest, but was stopped by her hands instead.

Although His Royal Highness was weak, he said with a very serious expression:

"Yu is your first friend, but it doesn't have to be your last. You have to understand that you can't let yourself become a person."

Those words, that attitude, that exhortation, even Yun Tian, ​​a stranger who just met, could see it, how could Felice not know.

That is the last words of the dying, a state that can only be seen in the person who tells the funeral.

Flier Lugnica, who may have foreseen his own death.

Therefore, at this moment, what he said was particularly powerful, a power that penetrated people's hearts.

1778 Premonition

"Your Highness..."

Phyllis gritted her teeth, feeling the power that penetrated her heart in Ferrier's words.

But the more this happened, the more he could not accept the death of Prince Flier.

In Felix Argyll, in his hitherto absolutely unhappy life, there were only two people whom he could never lose.

The master who swore to serve his whole life, Duke Crusch Karsten, and the first and only friend who truly recognized from the bottom of his heart, the fourth prince Flier Lugnica.

These two people make up everything Felix is ​​today, and they are the proof that Felix is ​​still alive.

Once Crusch and Ferrier died, Felice's heart would collapse in an instant.

These two people are not only everything in his world, but also the only treasures that belong to him that he got in his life of having nothing in the past.

Phyllis can't be as free and easy as Felier.

When death was approaching, he was even more frightened and desperate than Follier.

"If Your Highness... If you have any emergency, then I will..."

"Let Yu be resurrected, but you are not allowed to say that."

Ferrier saw through what Phyllis was thinking, staring at him with those dim red eyes, interrupting the absurd idea that Phyllis said first.

However, the three people in the room at this time knew that the 'resurrection' Phyllis wanted to talk about was not just nonsense after a mental breakdown, but a practical means.

Yun Tian didn't interrupt Follier and Phyllis, he stood by and recalled the information in his memory while listening.

Forbidden Mystery 'Sacrament of the Undead King'

It is a kind of super magic created by a "witch" who shocked the world in the past, but now it has lost its complete inheritance.

Its effect is simple and terrifying, that is, the ability to manipulate corpses at will.

It is said that if the user is the old witch herself, she can even really resurrect the dead and make the corpse act like it was alive.

But that is just a legend after all. Now, the "Sacrament of the Undead King" that has been handed down is no longer complete, and most of the necessary magic formulas have been lost.

Apart from making the corpse move, there is no way to reproduce other effects at all.

Even this kind of low-level effect similar to puppetry cannot be restored without magical talents and accomplishments with corresponding supernormal attributes.

And a genius with this kind of qualification is rare in a hundred years.

However, Yun Tian knew that this generation of blue magicians had that ability, and that the 'Sacrament of the Undead King' was still in Felice's hands.

The most important thing is that Phyllis has personally used it once, even after reading it for a short time, even if it was only the first contact, even if she was full of resistance because of the situation at that time.

Phyllis succeeded once again, and the effect shown was far more than the effect that the secret technique should have after it was lost.

The rebellion of the Argyll family, which happened just over a month ago.

As I said before, no one cared when some members of the royal family fell down due to illness. They believed that as long as 'Qing' came back, all illnesses would be cured.

That trip included Prince Flier, Duke Crusch, Phyllis and even Julius. The purpose was to suppress the rebellion of the Argyll family.

This noble family located in the Duke of Karsten is Phyllis's hometown, and it is also the reason for Phyllis's gloomy childhood.

During this rebellion, Felice's father, Patriarch Argyle, imprisoned Duke Crusch and successfully lured Felice back.

The purpose is to use his unique and powerful magical ability to resurrect his wife.

Phyllis did, and it worked.

The resurrected corpse could even smile tenderly and give the Patriarch of Argyll a happy hug.

The chief messenger of the rebellion was then strangled in the arms of his newly resurrected wife.

It wasn't Phyllis manipulation, but a choice made by the resurrected corpse out of its own will.

It was on the way back from the end of the rebellion that Prince Ferrier suddenly fell down, and Phyllis, Crusch and the others who returned to the capital knew that all members of the royal family had fallen into the same state.

Phyllis took over the treatment work in a hurry, but of course, the handbook recording the sacrament of the undead king was not handed in, and it is still in his hands until now.

Although Phyllis didn't say anything, the manual was carried with her for some reason these days.

Ferrier hadn't seen it, but he guessed it, and then denied and rejected Phyllis' idea.

"Yu is Yu. Yu's life starts from Yu himself, and it should end normally when he reaches the finish line. Don't make such a mistake that prevents Yu from reaching the finish line."

"Why?! Felicia... I want you to live. Is this kind of thinking strange? Is it wrong? I hope important people live...!!"

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Phyllis noticed it herself.

What he is saying now is exactly the same as what his father said more than a month ago when he stood in front of his mother's dead body, and the emotions contained in it may be exactly the same.

He is beginning to follow a similar path as his own father.

"Don't regret it."

The thoughts didn't last long, and was interrupted by Ferrier again.

"Your heart is noble, I assure you of that. Be proud of your talents, you are the best healer.

"Don't force yourself to look back and count those you can't save, count how many people you have saved so far, and how many people you will save in the future.

"Turn around and turn back, Yu Ke won't allow it!"

While talking, Freee slowly sat up straight.

His Royal Highness, who was too weak to get up with his own strength, sat up stiffly and stared at Phyllis as if burning his life.

Those eyes also seemed to have recovered their bright red beating like flames at this moment.

"Your Highness..." Phyllis looked into those familiar eyes, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably.

At this moment, Felice reached out and touched Phyllis's head, and said in a joking tone as if comforting:

"Besides, isn't Yu still dead? Don't think about Yu's funeral so quickly. Maybe there will be a turning point."

Before he finished speaking, Yun Tian suddenly saw Freee casting a meaningful look at him.

Looking at those bright red eyes, Yun Tian felt a little surprised, and the corner of his mouth showed a look of interest.

'Is this the so-called omen of blood? It symbolizes the awakened talent of the Lion King, his unreasonable premonition. '

. . . . . .

Afterwards, Phyllis and Yuntian left Follier's room.

Today I just brought Yun Tian over to try treatment, but he pointed out that it was not because of illness, so there was no need to stay any longer.

After saying hello to Julius at the door, the three of them walked towards the duty room of the Knights.

1779 Convocation, Meeting, King City Hall

Walking in the passage from Wangcheng to the duty room, Yurius looked at the other two silent colleagues, with a helpless look on his face.

He wanted to speak to break the awkward and stiff silence, but Julius, who didn't know what happened in the room afterwards, opened his mouth several times, but didn't know what to say.

I had to sigh in my heart while walking in the same silence.

At the forefront, Phyllis, the main character who made the atmosphere tense, lowered her head and pressed her hands near her chest.

Inside the clothes was a manual with a black cover, with some bloodstains that had dried up on it.

That was the gift and relic left to him by Phyllis' father in a certain sense - the sacrament of the undead king.

This secret technique that can revive the dead has been perfected in a small part by Phyllis' father.

If it is really possible to fully reproduce the power of the past, then 'death' may really no longer be the end of life.

The death of the fourth prince Flier has reached a point where even Phyllis can't deceive herself.

Unless a miracle happens, Fourier, who loses vitality day after day, has no hope of being rescued.

However, instead of expecting illusory miracles to come, it is better to rely on the taboo secrets that actually exist in your hands.

Phyllis knew that Ferrier would not allow herself to do this, but he still couldn't suppress the thoughts in his heart.

And Yun Tian was walking beside Julius, he noticed the stiffness of the atmosphere, but didn't intend to say anything more.

Looking at Felice's back, Yun Tian was also thinking.

. . . . . .

When the silence was broken, it was after the three of them came to the restaurant of the Knights and sat down.

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