Whether it was sadness or remorse, whether it was self-blame or helplessness, everyone in the restaurant including Phyllis and Julius had only one emotion left after Yuntian started eating.


All of you here are knights without exception. They all personally fed their partner, the earth dragon, and they are deeply touched by the exaggerated appetite of the earth dragon.

But at this moment, they also have to admit that Dilong really doesn't eat as much as this black-haired young man.

"Yu, Julius? Tell me, is it possible for the giant race and the earth dragon to give birth to a hybrid baby?!"

Hearing Phyllis babbling out of shock, Julius immediately wanted to refute him.

However, looking at Yun Tian who was eating, the words on his lips turned into:

"It's theoretically impossible... Should, should?"

In this way, Yuntian once again left a legend in the new world.

. . . . . .

After returning home in the afternoon, Yun Tian went around the city again, hoping to find some shops or bookstores about magic.

At the same time, by the way, they also found someone to expand the Dragon House in Alaba, allocating half of the small courtyard to Alaba, and only kept a small flower field as the decoration of the yard.

In this way, there is no need to worry about Alaba's size for the time being. Before it develops into a real behemoth, this small courtyard can provide it with a comfortable rest.

After a somewhat busy but peaceful afternoon and evening, Yuntian received an urgent notification early the next morning.

'The Juggernaut' Reinhardt van Astrea, is back!

. . . . . .

Arrive at the royal city by riding Alaba, walk into Yuntian in the city from the main gate and head towards the upper level of the castle.

He has an impression of this road, and if he walks a little longer, he will arrive at the meeting hall when he first arrived.

But this time it was more formal, so what Yuntian was going to was not there, but a place a little further ahead.

Passing through the passage in the center of the royal city, passing through the paintings and works of art on both sides of the passage, Yuntian arrived at the end of the passage under the watchful eyes of two rows of heavily armed guards on the left and right.

What catches the eye is a huge door that needs to be looked up at. Just looking at it is enough to feel the overwhelming solemn atmosphere.

"You are here, go in and stand up later, remember, show your toughness, no matter what anyone says, you can't back down half a step."

Standing in front of the gate was a knight in heavy armor. When he saw Yun Tian approaching, he took off his helmet and said in an admonishing tone.

That's right, it was Marcus Gildaku, head of the Knights of the Guards.

At this important and formal meeting today, Yun Tian was not only an observer and participant, but also one of the protagonists.

What Marcus promised to Yuntian, regarding the identity and status of the Sword of the Kingdom, will be fulfilled at today's meeting.

For this reason, it is necessary for Yuntian to show an attitude in line with the sword of the kingdom, or it can also be said to be strength!

"I understand." Yun Tian tapped the Hei Fu Sword on his waist, with an expression of "I'm good at this" on his face.

The meeting to be attended right now is very important, and the location is also very special. Except for some people who are necessary due to identity issues, theoretically, it is not allowed to wear weapons.

Of course, guard knights have the privilege to wear swords.

However, when Marcus sent a message to Yuntian, he specifically emphasized that he should wear the sword, and the signal emitted by it was accurately captured by Yuntian.

He was reminding Yun Tian that a sword might be used in this meeting!

"Is it difficult for many people to accept?"

"The meaning represented by the Sword of the Kingdom is too different. Just the strength information on paper will not let everyone accept that you have the strength to challenge the Juggernaut."

As Marcus said, he took a deep look at Yuntian, and then turned to look at the gate.

While the door was slowly opening, Yun Tian heard his last words.

"Whether you can get this status depends on whether you have the ability to make everyone recognize that you can challenge the Juggernaut."


With the muffled sound of the huge door moving, a wide hall appeared in front of Yuntian.

The floor is covered with red precious carpets, the walls are decorated with gorgeous and bright decorations, and crystal clear luxury chandeliers hang from the extremely high ceiling.

Contrary to the spacious interior, there are few furnishings inside.

The most eye-catching thing is the luxurious chair placed on a high platform at the end of the line of sight facing the gate, and the wall with the pattern of a dragon behind the chair.

The main hall of the royal city, and this chair is the throne that symbolizes Lugnica's supreme authority!

A little in front of the throne, five chairs are placed on the left and right sides, and a total of 11 chairs are empty at this time.

But in comparison, there are quite a few people standing in the hall.

The first is the guard knights wearing white knight uniforms and knight swords on their waists.

There is not a single guard inside the hall. Instead, there are these real kingdom elites who are responsible for security.

In addition to them, there are also a group of civil servants and nobles in dignified attire. From the various patterns and badges representing their identities, it can be known that each of them is a high-ranking minister.

Those who are eligible to participate in this meeting, not counting the guard knights, are all important figures in the kingdom without exception.

At a glance, almost all of them participated in the conference hall meeting when Yuntian first descended.

Of course, there are also 'strange' faces that you meet for the first time.

Unlike the guard knights who were summoned temporarily, these important ministers and nobles were summoned early, and some of them came from their own territories to attend the meeting.

For example, the most conspicuous one.

A man with exaggerated makeup painted on his face like a clown, the chief court magician of the Kingdom of Lugnica.

'Border Burger' Roswaal L. Mezas.

1780 Roswaal L. Mezas

When Yun Tian was observing other people, many people also cast searching or questioning gazes at him.

Black hair and black eyes are rare features in the Kingdom of Lugnica.

Therefore, when Yun Tian walked in, almost everyone matched him with the intelligence figure.

Those who are eligible to participate in this meeting are important ministers or high-ranking nobles. They all have their own intelligence and sources, and they also know the two most important things in this meeting in advance.

Therefore, no one would not be interested in Yun Tian, ​​one of the protagonists. Whether it was out of good intentions or malice, they all kept paying attention to Yun Tian.

More importantly, pay attention to the final result of this meeting.

After all, that will determine the future direction of the kingdom.

However, although they were paying attention to Yun Tian, ​​no one came up and tried to talk to him.

Kingdom Sword, challenging the Juggernaut, sounds very exciting.

But in this country, let's be honest, the first impression is one of overreaching.

Among all the people present, about [-]% of the people remained neutral, and more than [-]% of the people were not optimistic about Yuntian.

That's right, even with the guarantee and recommendation of Marcus now that the royal family is paralyzed, less than [-]% of them still agree with this matter.

For the rest, I just don't want to offend Marcus, the head of the guard knights, at this point in time.

They agreed on the surface, but secretly they didn't know what they were planning.

The only certainty is that things will not go as smoothly as initially thought.

This is why Marcus specially reminded Yuntian outside the door that he must show his strength to rival the 'Juvenile Master', otherwise, nothing can be discussed at all.

Once it fails, Yuntian will become the occasional joke of these upper-class people when they chat after dinner, and will become a model of overreaching to teach the next generation to grow.

Faced with such a possibility, how could these important figures come up to talk to him before the dust settled.

What if you become one of the jokes?

That is definitely not something that these face-saving nobles can accept.

Yuntian was not surprised by this, they didn't intend to talk to Yuntian, and Yuntian actually didn't bother to pay attention to them.

It's not that Yuntian doesn't know how to be imaginary and submissive, but it doesn't mean he likes it. On the contrary, it's the situation Yuntian hates the most.

However, after Yun Tian looked around, he was about to walk into the queue of guard knights.

Suddenly, a sticky voice stopped him.

"You~ are Yuntian, right~, it's the first time to meet~."

This kind of voice is really hard to describe in words, weird, weird and even a little disgusting and perverted.

The voice was as slippery and sticky as a loach got into his ears, and even Yun Tian couldn't help shivering, and turned his head with a stiff expression to look at the owner of the voice who greeted him.

The figure is very tall, and you can see the traces of strength after serious training, but unexpectedly looks a little slender.

A head of long indigo blue hair hangs down behind him, and his facial features are very correct, enough to be worthy of the word handsome.

Of course, the premise is to ignore the scary white clown makeup and weird tone on the other party's face, as well as the clothes that are also more like a clown than aristocrats.

The rare different-colored pupils of left yellow and right blue clearly strengthened this impression. If he didn't know his identity in advance, he would be a complete fool just by looking at his appearance.

However, such a maverick 'clown' is an earl who is deeply trusted by the king and strong enough to guard the border alone.

At the same time, it has the title of 'red' representing the fire attribute, 'green' of the wind attribute, and 'yellow' of the earth attribute, which are the symbols of the peak of the three magic attributes.

Roswaal L. Mezas, the chief court magician who is praised as being able to fight against the kingdom's army on his own.

"I've heard the rumors about you~, it's really amazing to split the entire~ training ground with one sword~ amazing strength~"

"...That's all. The border uncle can easily do the same thing with magic."

Yun Tian forced himself to ignore the other party's weird tone, rubbed his forehead and said.

"Oh~~that kind of degree, that is to say, your limit is far more than that, right~"

As he spoke, Roswaal suddenly remembered something, bowed exaggeratedly, and still said in that funny tone:

"Oh~ah, I'm sorry, I haven't done a formal self-introduction yet~"

"Roswaal L. Mezas, please give me more advice from now on."

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