I don't know if it's an illusion, but Roswaal didn't use that funny tone in the last sentence.

However, Yun Tian was not given a chance to delve into it, just at the moment when Roswaal's voice fell

"Everyone who needs to be present today has arrived. Next, everyone from the Sage Association will enter the venue."

The loud voice resounded throughout the hall, covering all other voices, and the hall fell into silence in an instant.

The door opened again, led by Marcus, several elderly people walked in, crossed Yuntian and Roswaal at the door, and walked towards the high platform in the distance.

Among them, the old man at the core caught Yuntian's attention.

The pale beard almost dragged to the ground, and there were deep wrinkles on his face. From head to toe, the word 'old' was reflected, but only his eyes contained unfading brilliance and wisdom.

This person is the representative of the Council of Wise Men that Prince Flier once mentioned, Mycrotov Mark Mahon, who has the greatest say in the Lugnica Kingdom today.

When they entered, the people in the hall were naturally divided into two sides.

The knights and military officers stood on the left, and the civil servants and nobles stood on the right. The hall, which had been a little messy until just now, immediately became tidy.

Even Roswaal walked back.

Seeing this, Yun Tian didn't delay any longer, and walked to the forefront of the knight team and stood up.

Beside him are Yurius and Phyllis.

Since the position was very close to the front, he could clearly see those old men walking up to the high platform and sitting on the chairs on both sides of the central throne.

No more, no less, exactly ten people, they are the members of the Wise Men who are temporarily running the kingdom.

As for the empty throne in the middle, everyone present knew the reason.

The king of Lugnica's generation is still lying in bed at this moment, and it is impossible to come to the meeting.

After the ten members of the Sage Council sat down, Marcus standing on the high platform announced the start of the meeting with a clear and loud voice.

"Everyone from the Sage Council, as well as all the important officials and pillars of the kingdom have arrived, and I, the head of the Knights of the Guards, I, Marcus Gildaku, will be in charge of the discussion."

After Marcus finished speaking, he looked sideways towards the direction near the central throne.

Seeing his gaze, Mycrotov nodded slightly in response:

"Well, it's work."

Hearing this, Marcos performed a knight salute, and then said to everyone with a serious expression:

"The reason everyone is gathered here today is because 'Sword Master' Reinhardt returned to the royal city and reported the detailed results of the mission."

1781 Mission failed

'Juvenile Master' Reinhardt was out on a mission, and everyone present knew about it, and they even knew what the mission he was going to perform was.

Even, a small part of them already knew the result in advance.

"Knight, Reinhardt Van Astrea, come in!"

Marcus's suddenly raised voice shook the hall.

At the same time, the door slowly opened, and a young man exuding an absolute sense of presence walked in.

Yun Tian turned his head almost immediately and looked at the figure at the door.

And Reinhardt who walked in also seemed to feel something, his body paused slightly, and he also looked towards Yuntian.

The eyes of the two met in the air, and after an instant, Reinhardt returned Yuntian with a hearty smile, then turned his eyes away and walked towards the high platform.

"Fire-red hair that seems to be burning, blue eyes that seem to reflect the sky, and a knight sword engraved with dragon claw marks on the sheath, 'Sword Master' Reinhardt."

The excited expression disappeared in a flash, Yun Tian suppressed the emotions rising in his heart, and firmly shook the hilt of the Black Furnace Demon Sword with his left hand.

While using this action to soothe the fighting spirit in his heart, he comforted the Black Furnace Demon Sword who had been a little restless since Reinhardt's appearance.

Reinhardt was wearing a white guard knight costume, with red and gold accessories on the knight uniform, and black underwear that was tailored to fit inside the uniform.

Even though he was dressed exactly the same as the others, he showed a different kind of demeanor.

Reinhardt stepped onto the high platform, first saluted Marcus and several members of the Sage Association, and then stood over after Marcus took a step back to give way to the middle position.

Bathed in the eyes of all civil and military officials and superior nobles, Reinhardt looked serious, and said in a tone of self-blame and apology:

"I'm very sorry that I failed everyone's expectations. Reinhard Van Astrea, who belongs to the Knights of the Guards, reported the failure of the mission."

As the voice fell, a short silence enveloped the hall first, followed by exclamations and unbelievable voices resounded among the crowd.

Except for some people who knew the result in advance and remained calm, various expressions appeared on the faces of others, and the riot began to spread.


At this time, the old man on the high platform, the wise man, gave a soft drink on behalf of Myrotov, bringing the hall back to silence.

The old man squinted his eyes and looked around at everyone below, sighed after being silent for a while, and said to Reinhardt:

"First, report the details and let everyone know."

"Yes." Reinhardt replied.

"According to the mission requirements, I arrived at Mirula, the easternmost town of the Kingdom, as quickly as possible, and started to head towards the depths of the Augulia sand dunes where the Sage Watchtower is located.

"So far, everything has been going well."

When Reinhardt said this, his expression was a little gloomy and lost.

I don't know if I am worried about the situation of the royal family, or I am blaming myself for failing to complete the entrusted task.

"It's just that I failed to cross the sand dunes to reach the sage's watchtower."

"Unexpectedly... even the sword master can't cross the sand dunes?!"

Hearing this, some of the guard knights couldn't help but speak.

As guard knights, they are far more aware of Reinhardt's strength than anyone else, and they also understand the literal meaning of "invincible" strength.

Augulia Sand Dunes is indeed a famous lair of monsters in the Kingdom of Lugnica, and because of the existence of the witch's miasma, it is feared as a forbidden or dead place.

In the past few hundred years, no one has ever conquered the desperate situation of success, and at best it was just a disastrous failure.

But even so, no one in the kingdom thought that Reinhardt would fail.

World of Warcraft?sand sea?miasma?

Don't be kidding, it is impossible to be a factor that stops Reinhardt's footsteps.

Their only concern was that the sage refused to help, but it never occurred to them that Reinhardt would not be able to cross the Augulian Dunes.

"Actually, what stopped me was not the dunes themselves, nor the group of monsters in the dunes."

Reinhardt answered the Cavaliers' question, and this matter is also the focus of his report this time.

"In the desert area where the Sage Watch Tower is located, all the surrounding space is distorted. I tried various methods but I couldn't get close to the tower, so I could only circle around in place.

"As far as the conclusion is concerned, judging from my personal point of view, it is probably impossible to reach the Sage Watchtower in the current situation."

"...I can understand that your words mean that the sage rejected your meeting request through this method?" It was Crusch who spoke.

As the duke, apart from the ten members of the Sage Council sitting on the high platform, she had the highest status among all the people present, so it was only natural for her to speak.

However, looking at the unconcealable gloomy expression on her face, I'm afraid the reason for her asking is not that simple.

However, regarding Crusch's question, Reinhardt shook his head.

"I'm afraid that's not the case, that kind of space distortion should be caused by the miasma permeating the sand sea, and it's a natural product under the influence of the environment.

"Actually, I didn't encounter any sniper attacks from the sages, I just couldn't get close to the tower."

Hearing Reinhardt's explanation, Crusch fell silent.

Not only her, but everyone else is willing to believe the Juggernaut's judgment.

What's more, the sage's watchtower itself was built to watch over the witch's ancestral hall, so it is reasonable to choose it specially for the extremely harsh environment.

All kinds of villains who try to resurrect the Envious Witch are helpless because of the existence of this natural defense mechanism.

However, for the Kingdom of Lugnica at this time, this is desperate news.

The space-distorted sand dunes that even the sword master can't pass through, that is to say, the way to ask the sage for help is completely interrupted.

Unable to seek help from sages, and the contemporary blue magician is powerless, so the only thing waiting for the Lugnica royal family is the end. . .

Everyone silently came up with the answer in their hearts, and inevitably fell into silence.

After losing the king and losing the covenant with Shenlong, no one can see clearly what will happen to the future of this kingdom.

At this moment, the sages on the high platform spoke again on behalf of Myrotov to break the silence.

"The impact of this matter, I think you all know it in your mind, as for how to think and how to do it, I will leave it to you to decide for yourself.

"Now, today's meeting has another important thing to announce."

After all, the old man looked at Marcus who was standing aside.

Marcus also nodded, stepped forward and preached loudly:

"Knight Yuntian, step forward!"

1782 Objections and challenges

Yun Tian, ​​who responded, did not go up to the high platform like Reinhardt did before, but stood in front of the high platform, located in the middle of the civil and military teams.

Because the king is not there, the knight guards do not need to kneel down.

According to the laws of the Kingdom of Lugnica, the knight guards are directly under the king's troops. In theory, anyone but the king himself can ignore them. At most, they just need to pay respect to other members of the royal family.

Therefore, standing in front of the high platform, Yun Tian bowed slightly as a salute.

His behavior is really not polite, but it is legal, so no one jumps out to blame Yuntian for being boring.

What's more, at this time, everyone's attention is no longer on trivial matters such as impoliteness.

After seeing Yun Tian stepping forward, Marcus said loudly:

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