"It was recommended and guaranteed by me, Marcus Gildacu, the head of the Knights of the Guards, and approved by the representative of the Council of Sages, Mycrotov MacMahon.

"It is now decided to grant the title of 'Kingdom Sword' to Yun Tian, ​​a member of the Guards Knights, and inherit the status, power and obligations that the Kingdom Sword should have!"

After the words fell, Marcus paused for a while.

He looked around the silent hall, and asked in a serious tone after a moment:

"Yes, objection?"

Although he was asking everyone in the audience, Marcus' eyes stopped on the side of the civil servants and nobles.

The Knights of the Guards would not openly object to the proposal of his regiment leader, and even if Yun Tian was just a newcomer among the Knights of the Guards, many of the Knights of the Guards hadn't even spoken to him.

But he is still a guard knight, there is no doubt about his status.

It is also a common honor for all the guard knights to have a character who truly inherits the sword of the kingdom.

So, they just support.

As for the military officers, let alone the military officers themselves, they are relatively close to Marcus, and they have already questioned them in private if they wanted to question them.

On this occasion, even if he disagrees with this matter, he will not jump out to add trouble to Marcos.

What's more, most of the military officers have a keen sense of war.

After listening to Reinhardt's report just now, they realized the end of the royal family and the interruption of the covenant, and they all thought of the same thing.


In recent years, the relationship between the Kingdom of Lugnica and the Holy Kingdom of Gustico in the north and the Holy Phrakian Empire in the south has deteriorated.

With the existence of the Shenlong Covenant before, no country dared to act rashly.

Now that the covenant is broken, Lugnica, who doesn't even have a king's heir, has almost lost her deterrent power in the eyes of the Holy Kingdom and the Empire.

It is true that they have a Juggernaut, but which other big country has no cards.

Moreover, other countries may not know it, but these high-level officials in Lugnica know it better than anyone else.

Reinhardt is indeed the strongest sword master in history, with monster-like strength beyond imagination.

But the deterrent power he used on the battlefield may not be as good as the average level of past sword masters.

That 'justice', that kind of 'nobleness', is worthy of praise as a man or as a knight, but it is a fatal flaw on the battlefield.

As long as two or three wars broke out, the commanders of the Holy Kingdom and the Empire would be able to see Reinhardt's flaws without being fools.

At that time, the Kingdom of Lugnica will fall into extreme passivity.

The simplest and cruelest method even Lugnica's military attaches can think of, as long as some civilians are driven to the front line, it can greatly limit Reinhardt's performance.

And in this way, whether it is a holy kingdom ruled by faith or an empire ruled by iron and blood, it can be easily achieved.

If there is a real war, the situation is not optimistic at all.

Therefore, in order to deal with a possible crisis, Lugnica must add new deterrents, even if it is a bluff.

This is the purpose of Marcus, which is why he immediately helped him win the title of Kingdom Sword after confirming that Yuntian was stronger than himself, and asked him not to challenge the Juggernaut for the time being.

In his heart, Marcus still didn't think that Yuntian could be at the same level as Reinhardt. Once he launched a challenge and lost, the deterrent power of the new Sword of the Kingdom to the outside world would plummet.

But as long as Yuntian doesn't fight Reinhardt for a day, he who has won the title of Sword of the Kingdom will have the deterrent power to stand up to the sword master for a day.

At that time, Lugnica on the bright side will have the highest-end combat power that can be absolutely suppressed in two-line combat.

The possibility and pressure of going to war will be much smaller.

However, military officers who are good at fighting can see Marcus' purpose, but not necessarily those who are good at manipulating power.

Those who are good at fighting for power and profit may think that this matter is Marcus trying to seize power at the first time, and there is even a shadow of Mikrotov behind it.

The royal family was destroyed, and Lugnica was leaderless.

And if Yuntian becomes the sword of the kingdom, the power in Marcus' hands will expand to the point that no one can restrain it.

Reinhardt's integrity is recognized by everyone, so no one counts him among any forces.

But Yuntian is different, he is the direct descendant of Marcus who was discovered by himself, and he was even promoted by Marcus to become the sword of the kingdom in a very short period of time.

Who would believe that he was not on Marcus' side?

Look at the current power of Marcus.

There are two armies under the command, the Knights of the Guards and the Knights of the Kingdom, and there is a vague support from the representative of the Wise Society, Myrotov, behind him, and the sword of the Kingdom, a symbol of absolute power, has been added to his subordinates.

The Blue Magician was also carried by him, and he had a favor in it. Roswaal, the chief court magician, also had a close relationship with Marcus, and the two were almost friends.

What Marcus gathers is not power, but power!

At the moment when the royal family may be destroyed, what is he trying to do by doing this? !

On the side of the civil servants and nobles, similar thoughts flashed through everyone's minds, and because of this, they remained opposed to Yun Tian's inheritance of the Kingdom Sword.

However, no one wants to get ahead.

Whoever speaks out against it is tantamount to offending all the power just mentioned.

As for the aristocratic camp, there are two representative figures of Fearless Marcus, the Duke Crusch Karsten and the frontier Borozwar L. Mezas.

The former's lifelong knight works under Marcus, and the latter has a close relationship with Marcus himself.

Before today's meeting, after hearing from various sources that Marcus was going to recommend the new Sword of the Kingdom, many nobles couldn't help but feel terrified.

They found that almost all the people who can compete with Marcus have had a good relationship with him over the years.

It was as if all possible dissent had been sealed off.

Coupled with the fact that His Majesty the King, who bound the guard knights, is now bedridden, Marcus' power itself is expanding rapidly.

It's not that I don't know, I almost scared to death.

Fortunately, they finally found a breakthrough, a candidate who could question and refute Marcus and even McCrotov!

"Wait, I have a question."

The direction from which the voice sounded was right beside Mycrotov.

1783 Sky's Invitational Battle

It was also an old man who spoke.

You can tell the identity of this old man by seeing him sitting on a chair on a high platform and wearing a purple sage dress and robe.

One of the members of the Council of Ten Wise Men, Bordeaux Drogoff.

Essentially speaking, there is no distinction between the identities of the members of the Council of Wise Men. Only Myrotov, who is the chairman of the Council of Wise Men, has a higher level of speaking power.

But since they are human beings, and they are also the high-level leadership organization of the kingdom, the other nine people naturally cannot have the same right to speak.

Just like inside the Knights of the Guards, although everyone is a Knights of the Guards, Yurius is the recognized deputy head.

The Council of Sages is the same, besides Myrotov, there is also a figure with a significantly higher right to speak, that is, the Bordeaux Zhuogefu who spoke at this moment.

The old bald old man had a pair of thick blue eyebrows and many wrinkles on his face. He was not as old as Mycrotov, but he was also old.

The difference is that those with sharp eyes can see Bordeaux's robust body hidden under the clothes from the vaguely propped up sage robe.

He is not so much a respectable old man or a politician, but more like a retired soldier due to age.

A strong body describes the workouts he hasn't given up even in retirement.

That's exactly what happened.

The main reason why Bordeaux has a higher voice than other sages is because of actual performance.

If we go back a few decades, the stage will come to the period when the previous generation of sword masters were active in the sub-human war and the subsequent black dragon ravages, and the 'Bulldog' Bordeaux Zhuogefu is the world-famous warrior of the kingdom.

The Zhuogefu team he led was the sharpest knife in the war years at that time, and it could be called the strongest in the kingdom's army.

Later, it was he who led the Zhuogefu team to cooperate with the previous generation of Juggernaut to end the Asian War.

This war experience made him remember his hatred for demihumans, and he still discriminates against demihumans almost paranoidly.

The most important thing is that Bordeaux has an identity that makes him have an unparalleled say in the succession of the Sword of the Kingdom, even the chairman of the council of wise men, Myrotov, is not as good as him.

After all, the most glorious Kingdom Sword of the previous generation came from the Zhuoluofu team, and Bordeaux was the captain of the previous Kingdom Sword!

If there is any objection to Yuntian's title of Sword of the Kingdom, then Bordeaux is undoubtedly the best candidate.

Because this sage was from the army, although he has been in the position of the sages association by virtue of his meritorious service after fighting all his life, he also has a very high right to speak.

But his character in the bones has not changed, he is still a great warrior who speaks out, and Lun Chengfu cannot compare with those politicians.

Therefore, after being approached by several seemingly unconnected nobles to whisper in private, Bordeaux did not fully believe but half-believingly agreed to their questioning at the meeting.

Of course, from his own point of view, the title of Kingdom Sword should not be inherited so easily.

At least, he wanted to see with his own eyes whether the newcomer named Yun Tian was qualified.

Therefore, Bordeaux spoke, and clearly expressed his attitude.

"I want to ask you first, Marcus, why do you think he can inherit the title of Sword of the Kingdom?"

Facing the sage's question, Marcus replied without hesitation: "I believe in my own vision."

"Sight...huh! What a nonsense, how could the Sword of the Kingdom, which was able to defeat the Juggernaut in the past, make such a trifling decision? If it's just for this reason, then I object."

Bordeaux was obviously dissatisfied with Marcus' answer, he snorted, and then looked at Yuntian.

"Then what about you, as the person involved, why do you think you are qualified for the honorary title of Sword of the Kingdom? With your status as a rookie knight with no actual achievements!"

Bordeaux's attitude is quite blunt, but the angle of questioning is unexpectedly reasonable.

The Sword of the Kingdom is not only a status symbol, but also a title of honor.

The former great warrior didn't question Yun Tian's strength, but refuted it on the grounds that he had no merit.

From the side, it shows that even if Yuntian has the strength at this time, he does not have the prestige to convince the public.

This is very important and fatal.

At this stage, after all, there is no king's decision. Although the sages will take over the duties temporarily, they will be different after all.

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