His Majesty's decision is absolute, but the appointment of the Council of Sages requires unanimous approval.

Especially with such an important status as the Sword of the Kingdom.

With Bodor now speaking, the civil servants and nobles only need to echo to make this matter go away.

This is also Bordeaux's idea. In his opinion, if even this matter cannot be resolved, Yuntian will not be worthy of the honor of the Sword of the Kingdom.

What he wants to see is the demeanor that truly belongs to the 'kingdom's strongest sword', not the sons of aristocrats who enjoy the glory and wealth with a little strength.

For a moment, all the sounds in the hall disappeared.

Both knights and nobles waited silently for Yun Tian's answer, which would determine the final outcome of this matter.

Yun Tian understood Bordeaux's meaning, and also roughly understood that Marcus wanted him to prove or show himself to a limited extent, so as to deter those nobles who started to think carefully because of the failure of Reinhardt's mission.

However, Yun Tian didn't intend to follow them.

To be honest, Yun Tian had no intention of playing kingdom games with these people at all. If it wasn't for the fact that his identity as the Sword of the Kingdom could effectively stimulate Reinhardt, he wouldn't care about power and honor at all.

I have been a god of disobedience, and I still care about being a nobleman?

Do not make jokes.

"Isn't it easy for me to prove it?"

A smile appeared on Yuntian's face, and then


Accompanied by a sword groan, the Black Furnace Demon Sword suddenly came out of its sheath.

The body of the white sword of light fluctuated wildly due to the energy gathering, and the sharp point of the sword pointed at the sword master standing on the high platform.

"If I remember correctly, the sword of the previous kingdom was here to challenge the sword master like this.

"Since this is the case, if I want to inherit the sword of the kingdom, I should do exactly the same thing."

Yun Tian's words and his attitude of daring to draw his sword in the throne hall without any warning shocked everyone present.

No one could have imagined that things would develop to this extent.

When they reacted, they wanted to stop it, but Yuntian didn't give them a chance and said first:

"'Juvenile Saint' Reinhardt Van Astrea, come down! Let us comply with the request of the Council of Wise Men and the nobles, and engage in a so-called battle of 'proof'!"

How could Yun Tian let go of such an excellent opportunity.

With excited fighting intent on his face, he blocked everyone's attempts to stop him with words.

The battle is about to start, it depends on Reinhardt's response!

1784 Building momentum, spreading rumors (three shifts)

Yuntian's fighting spirit, the nobles' shock, the knights' vague expectations, the captain Marcus' uneasiness, and the sages' concerns.

Standing on the high platform, facing Yuntian Jianfeng, Reinhardt sensed everything around him and took everyone's emotions into his heart.

Then, he sighed slightly in his heart.

In all fairness, he wanted to respond to Yuntian's invitation to fight, and if he was the 'swordsman' Reinhardt, he would definitely do that.

It's a pity, after all, he is not the 'Swordsman' Reinhardt, but the 'Swordsman' Reinhardt Van Astrea.

The time is not right, the place is not right, and everyone is against it.

Therefore, the 'jugger master' cannot draw his sword.

This is Reinhardt. . .No, it's the bondage named 'Juvenile Master'.

Taking a deep breath, Reinhardt glanced at Yuntian with a little apology in his eyes.

Afterwards, he took a step forward, and while everyone was frightened, he took down the gorgeous knight sword engraved with dragon claw marks on his waist and placed it in front of him.

In the next second, an awe-inspiring voice spread throughout the audience.

"If your question is whether the knight Yuntian has the qualifications to challenge the 'Sword Master', then maybe there is no need to go to war like this."

As Reinhardt said, he slowly grasped the dragon sword Reid, which symbolized the identity of the Juggernaut, as if showing off his movements.

"I, 'Juvenile Master' Reinhardt Van Astrea, guarantee in the name of Juggernaut and the dragon sword in my hand..."

Before the words fell, only a 'clang' was heard.

Reinhardt pulled out a section of the gorgeous knight sword, Dragon Sword Reid, and the flawless body of the sword was exposed to everyone's sight.

Looking at the dragon sword that was only less than a third out of its sheath, everyone couldn't help but gasped.

As we all know, the title of Juggernaut has always been inherited by the Astrea family, and it has never been cut off for hundreds of years.

And if the descendants of the Astrea family want to inherit the name of Juggernaut, there is only one way.

That is to obtain the protection of the Juggernaut.

One of the effects of the Juggernaut's protection is the ability to pull out the treasure inherited from the Astrea family - the dragon sword Red.

The sword of the Juggernaut is a dragon sword, which is common sense that everyone knows.

But there is another thing that many people don't know, but all the people in high positions and important positions present know it without exception.

The dragon sword Raid is a sword with self-awareness, and even a person with the protection of the Juggernaut can only pull it out of its sheath when necessary.

Among the sword masters of all dynasties, there are even those who have never seen the blade of their sword in their entire lives.

However, this feature of the dragon sword became troublesome in the hands of Reinhardt.

Reinhardt is too strong, this strength is not only brought by the protection, but also created by his own talent.

As a result, when facing almost all opponents, Reinhardt was unable to pull out the dragon sword, which symbolized the identity of the Juggernaut.

Reinhardt can only pull the dragon sword out of the scabbard of the scar of the dragon's claw only when facing a strong person that the dragon sword thinks is worthy of being its opponent.

Compared with Reinhardt, who can be called a strong one?

At this moment, Reinhardt told everyone present with his actions.

"He is recognized by Dragon Sword and is worthy of respect. He has enough qualifications to challenge the name of 'Sword Master'."

Listening to the words of the sword master Reinhardt, and looking at the legendary dragon sword that was slightly unsheathed, everyone fell silent.

No one dared to raise any objections.

After all, if the dragon sword held by that Reinhardt can be unsheathed, can another one be found in the Lugnica Kingdom today?

Nothing is more convincing evidence than this.

only. . .

"Tsk." Yun Tian pouted.

Feeling bored, he sighed and put the Black Furnace Sword back into its sheath without concealing the disappointment on his face.

That's why he promised Marcus to take over the title of Sword of the Kingdom.

If you don't do this, the sword master in front of you who is bound by the name of "sword master" will never let go of all burdens and fight him seriously.

Yun Tian had already guessed this result, but still felt helpless.

At the same time, the Chairman of the Council of Sages, Mycrotov, also came back to his senses, and announced loudly:

"Since there is a joint guarantee from the head of the Guards Knights and the Juggernaut, I think you should have no objections.

"The unsheathing of the dragon sword is the greatest guarantee for the knight Yuntian to have the qualification to challenge the Juggernaut, so I hereby announce that the guard knight Yuntian is officially granted the status of 'Kingdom Sword'!"

. . . . . .

The major meeting that brought together almost all the rulers of the Lugnica Kingdom came to an end with this announcement.

The failure of Reinhardt's mission, and Yuntian's succession as the Sword of the Kingdom, no matter which one is a major event that affects the future of the Kingdom.

All of a sudden, various messages began to be transmitted in various ways.

Under deliberate manipulation, Reinhardt's mission failure was simply dismissed, but Yuntian's performance in the throne hall was widely circulated.

Among them, starting with the Dragon Sword Unsheathed and Yuntian Inviting to Fight the Juggernaut, different versions began to be derived in the process of transmission.

Following the love story of the previous generation of Juggernaut and Kingdom Sword, the story of the old enemy of the new generation of Juggernaut and Kingdom Sword began to become the beginning of a new legend sung by people.

With the theme of "drawing the sword before the king", it quickly spread to the other three big countries.

To build momentum, this was arranged in advance by Marcus and Mycrotov.

The purpose is to let other great powers know that not only is Lugnica not weakening, but there are still new and strong ones being born.

Originally, they wanted to use Bordeaux's questioning to frighten the nobles while achieving their goals in the form of questions and answers. The rumored manuscript was also a 'Question and Answers Before the King'.

In the end, because of Yuntian's unceremonious invitation to fight, the protagonists became him and Reinhardt, and the effect was much better.

Especially when the dragon sword was out of its sheath, no one thought that Yuntian really had this ability.

Now, no one dared to question his new Sword of the Kingdom.

After all, if you want to question Yun Tian, ​​at least you have to find another person who can unsheath the dragon sword.

However, all of this has nothing to do with Yun Tian, ​​the person involved for the time being.

Now, he is grabbing our Juggernaut and trying to take him to the training ground.

"Walk around, even if it's not a fight or a duel, it's okay to have a simple mock battle first."

"I don't mind fighting with you. Rather, it's an honor...but, on the way back, I heard from other guard knights that the training ground was blown down by your sword, wasn't it?"

"Uh..." Yun Tian's face was embarrassed, and then he showed a remorseful expression, and looked at Julius who was on the side with a slightly complaining expression.

"Is there only a military training ground in Nuoda's royal city? This is too stingy. In other words, it has been more than a day, why the military training ground has not been repaired yet, are the architects of the royal city lazy?"

Listening to Yun Tian's complaint, Julius said dumbfoundedly:

"Leave the architects alone, it's only been one day. Besides, there is more than one training ground, just..."

Saying that, Julius looked at Yuntian, then at Reinhardt with an innocent face, and rubbed his temples with a headache.

"I always feel that taking the two of you to other training grounds will only add another ruin."

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