1785 Discuss!

"It was agreed in advance that I brought you here because you promised not to demolish another training ground."

Julius stood in the middle of the field, and Yuntian and Reinhardt stood opposite him on both sides.

Unable to resist Yuntian's insistence, coupled with the fact that Reinhardt seemed a little interested, in the end Yurius still compromised.

On the premise that Yuntian promised not to destroy the training ground, Yurius took the two of them to a remote training ground outside the royal city.

"This is an unused venue, which is generally used for temporary or emergency training scheduling, but even so, it can no longer be razed to the ground!"

Julius looked at Yuntian, and repeatedly urged him very worriedly.

As for why he didn't tell Reinhardt, it was because in Julius' view, it could only be Yuntian who blasted the training ground to the sky.

After all, although Reinhardt made some disturbances occasionally, he was generally very measured. Over the years, at least an entire training ground had not been scrapped.

As for Yun Tian, ​​even though they haven't been together for too long, Yurius can see that he is definitely not a quiet character.

However, Yuntian didn't just talk nonsense. Since he said that there would be no damage, he made corresponding preparations.

"Don't worry, it's definitely not going to happen this time, and there's no need for that... Huh? What is this?"

Yun Tian was explaining to Yulius, when he suddenly saw something handed to him by the other party, he asked with some confusion.

"You know it, wooden sword." Julius sighed, ignored Yuntian's pretending to be stupid, and insisted on handing him the wooden sword.

"I know it's a wooden sword, but why did you give me this?" Yun Tian blinked, his face was full of innocent expressions of 'innocent' and 'perplexed'.

Regarding this, Julius looked at him indifferently, and reminded: "You promised the leader, must you let me explain it?"

"...Okay, I get it." Seeing this, Yun Tian helplessly raised his hand in a gesture of surrender.

But he still didn't take the wooden sword from Julius, but took out an ordinary sword and knight sword from his pocket.

Throwing the knight's sword to Reinhardt on the opposite side, he said to Julius at the same time:

"At least change to a real sword, okay."

"Where did you take it out... Forget it, let it be like this." Julius couldn't help but wanted to ask, but changed his words immediately.

In this world, Yuntian doesn't have many portable pockets. After all, whether it's protection, magic or even magic items, there are as many excuses as there are.

Having seen Yuntian pull out something out of nowhere as if by magic more than once, it is only natural for Julius to be curious.

But considering that the two parties have only known each other for a short time after all, the conversation is still quite close, and it is not easy to say whether they can be called friends.

It's best not to ask about this kind of sensitive information that involves personal privacy or ability.

Finally, looking at the Taidao in Yuntian's hand, and then at the two wooden swords in his hand, Julius couldn't help but sighed again.

His original intention was not to let Yun Tian and Reinhardt use their sabers, and the goal was achieved.

As for the wooden sword or the real sword, Julius also knew that there was not much difference between the two people in front of him.

After taking the shawls and coats of the guard knight uniforms that Yuntian and Reinhardt had taken off, Rius stepped aside.

Only Yuntian and Reinhardt were left in the field.

Yun Tian looked at the red-haired sword master on the opposite side, thought for a while, then took out a sword again and asked:

"you do not mind?"

"Of course, you can do whatever you want." Reinhardt kept a faint smile on his face, shaking his head to express his indifference.

"However, two-sword style, you don't practice orthodox knight swordsmanship?"

Yuntian's background is a family of knights, and the swords he took out and the swordsmanship he prepared are different from Lugnica's traditional knights, which made Reinhardt a little curious.

"I know knight swords for now, but I'm still good at this kind of sword."

Yun Tian hung the two knives around his waist without much explanation, and at the same time comforted the Hei Fumao Sword who was a little restless because he didn't intend to use it.

This little action was noticed by Reinhardt, who possessed the dragon sword Red, and he understood what it meant almost instantly.

A surprised expression appeared on his face, and he asked:

"Yun Tian, ​​is that your sword?!"

"It's the same as you think." Hearing Reinhardt ask his partner, Yun Tian reached out and patted the sword hanging on his waist, and introduced:

"The magic sword Heilu and the scabbard Jingxin are my partners who have been with me for many years, and they have the same self-awareness as your dragon sword."

"The magic sword with self-awareness, Heilu, a name I haven't heard of among the top ten famous swords."

The eyes of Reinhardt and Julius unconsciously focused on the high-tech sword on Yuntian's waist.

Of course, there is more than one famous sword in this world. In addition to the dragon sword inherited by the Juggernaut, there are also nine swords with the same name, which are called the top ten famous swords.

However, there is no famous sword with the title of "Magic Sword" among them. On the contrary, the word "Magic Sword" is used to describe several dangerous and unknown swords among the top ten famous swords.

"Okay, let's save the gossip for later."

Reinhardt and Julius obviously still had doubts, but Yuntian couldn't wait any longer.

He took the initiative to interrupt the thoughts of the two of them, and then tapped the ground with his feet.

Accompanied by Yun Tian's movements, the sky changed suddenly in an instant!

As if someone turned the hands of a clock, time flies, day and night alternate instantly, and the sky is shrouded in night.

As the sun sets and the moon rises, the stars turn and the stars move. The blue streamer and the golden moon shine in the night sky.

This is exactly why Yuntian promised not to destroy the venue,


Divine Art · Star Temple!

However, this time the Temple of the Stars is different from the previous ones. Except for the sky, the surrounding environment has unexpectedly remained unchanged.

The cosmic galaxy where the sword light flowed was gone, and what they were stepping on was not a translucent starlight barrier. Yuntian and the others were still located in the training ground outside the king's city.

It's just that both Reinhardt and Julius felt a little bit different after being shocked.

Although the environment has not changed, the space where the three of them are at this moment seems to be different from before.

This is one of Yuntian's achievements in Fantasy Township last time. Although it is not perfect, the Star Temple has already begun to move towards the next stage.

One, the transformation from virtual to real.

However, this time it was just a sparring session, and the various abilities of the Temple of Stars were not available for the time being, and Yuntian was just using it to provide a stage.

"In this way, you don't have to worry about the venue."

Yun Tian took a deep breath, then looked at Reinhardt, and declared:

"Attack me first..."

Before the words fell, Yun Tian's figure had disappeared in place, and a silver glow with a little bit of starlight suddenly appeared in front of Reinhardt.

"You're welcome to take it!"

Star Sword Art·Sky Dragon Flash!

1786 Two Swords Style VS Knight Sword!

Because it was a sparring session, and the weapon in his hand was forged from ordinary steel, it simply couldn't bear too much energy and strength.

Therefore, Yuntian's sword Tianxianglong Shan was far from reaching the usual level.

But that refers to power. In terms of speed, Yuntian can still burst out with unimaginable super speed.

At least in the eyes of Julius, who was watching the battle, he couldn't catch the slightest trace at all. He had to strengthen his reflex nerves with yang attribute magic to barely see a little bit.

However, when Reinhardt faced this sword, his performance was extremely understated.

Raise the hands holding the sword


The silver knight sword blocked Yun Tian's super fast sword drawing technique.

Reinhardt is very strong, beyond imagination, he really has the strength to destroy the world with the sword in his hand.

And this terrifying power is based on many aspects.

The most famous thing about 'Sword Master' Reinhardt is the protection he possesses.

As I said before, only 1% of the lucky ones have the protection, and those who have more than one protection are anomalous existences that do not come out of thousands of people.

Reinhardt's words are the abnormality in this abnormal existence.

It is said that there are more than one hundred kinds of protections he holds, and more than half of them can even assist in battle.

For example, at this moment, Reinhardt is using the protection of Yuntian sword skill.

First-seen protection: When encountering an attack that you see for the first time, you can improve your intuition to block the attack, and increase the probability of blocking the attack.

As long as he can catch Yun Tian's figure or the trajectory of the sword strike, even if there is only a trace, he can use this protection to intercept the moves he saw for the first time.

And to do this is not particularly difficult for Reinhardt.

In the same way, Yun Tian also knew that it was impossible to make meritorious deeds with the first strike. If he could hit the opponent with one strike, then Reinhardt was not worthy of letting him take the initiative to invite a fight.

Tianxiang Longshan is a standard one-hand sword-drawing posture, holding the sword in one hand and the sheath in the other hand, and burst out with super-speedy slashes.

However, Yuntian did not choose to use standard actions this time.

He stuck the scabbard to his body, and then cut out the sky dragon flash with one hand.

As a result, the power dropped significantly, and the trajectory of the sword strike was too straightforward and lacked any changes, including the speed of the sword being unavoidably affected.

But in exchange, it was the second sword that was infinitely close to the same moment!

Don't forget, Yun Tian holds two swords in his hands.


At the moment when Tianxiang Longshan on his right was blocked by the knight's sword, a sword strike with blue starlight suddenly appeared from the other side.

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