Star swordsmanship · Tianxianglong flash second stage!



Seeing that Reinhardt seemed to have anticipated Yuntian's attack in advance, his feet moved slightly, and his body and the knight sword in his hand retreated half a step.

Immediately afterwards, he leaned out suddenly and intercepted Yuntian's attack again!

Blessing of the Second Coming: When encountering an attack that has already been seen, it can improve the proficiency of blocking this attack, making it easier to block this attack.

Reinhardt, who had seen Tianxiang Dragon Flash once, naturally couldn't use the first sight protection again, but he still has the follow-up second coming protection, which is still enough to resist Yuntian's attack.

However, Yuntian's attack is not over yet!


With a clear sound, the sky in front of Reinhardt slowly dissipated like a phantom, and immediately, nine figures came from all directions!

Kongguan Sword·Six clean cuts!

Facing the siege of sword formations, Reinhardt was keenly aware that his real body was not among them, but each sword strike was as cohesive as an entity and could not be ignored.

So, he changed the orthodox posture of holding the sword with both hands, separated his left and right hands, and the silver knight sword shuttled back and forth between the two hands as if flying in the air.

The silver light is densely covered, and the blade flashes continuously.

A storm of sword energy blew up around Reinhardt, and countless sword strikes responded, blasting Kong Guanjian's avatar away.

However, at this time

A soundless, shadowless and invisible blade has already approached.

Heavenly Star Sword·Like the silence of Nirvana!

Since visible attacks will be intercepted by Reinhardt's protection, let him be invisible.

In the face of the Assassin's Sword, which doesn't even have a trajectory or a sword shape, the second coming's protection can't take effect.

However, facing Yuntian's Heavenly Star Sword, Reinhardt, who was unprepared, suddenly turned his hand and slashed towards the sky.


Suddenly, the swords collided in the air, sparks splashed, and there was a piercing sound of steel rubbing.

Yun Tian, ​​who was exposed, looked down at Reinhardt who raised his head. The two looked at each other, and no one was surprised.

Preemptive protection: When faced with an invisible attack such as a surprise attack, it can respond instinctively, making it easier to block the attack.

Not only that, the preemptive protection has another effect.

That is, the first attack will definitely hit!

The clouds and sky stayed in the sky, giving Reinhardt an excellent opportunity. Reinhardt, who had been defending from the beginning until now, finally swung his first attack.

The knight's sword winds like a spirit snake, and after bypassing Yuntian's parry, the sword's momentum changes in vain, rising from bottom to top instantly like a giant dragon soaring into the sky!

The terrifying sword energy and sword intent erupted suddenly, and the huge mana that was wrapped around it directly hit Yun Tian.

At this critical moment, a blue light was like a lone boat in the rainstorm, swaying in the sea of ​​sword energy and sword intent but never dissipating.

In the next second, the azure blue light began to expand, turning into a sharp blade and splitting the sea of ​​swords.

Take a break!

Competing with sword qi and sword intent, Yun Tian was never afraid.

Before entering the realm of the Sword Domain, he was able to break through the suppression of the Edelweiss Sword Domain with his sword intent,

Now is the collision between sword energy and sword intent, even if the opponent is that 'Sword Master' Reinhardt, it is absolutely impossible for Yun Tian to take half a step back!

The sharp blue blade was transformed by Yuntian's star power combined with sword intent, instantly splitting the sea of ​​swords formed by Reinhardt stirring the mana in the atmosphere with his sword intent.


With a soft sound, the sword light and the figure crossed.

Yun Tian and Reinhardt turned around at the same time, and confronted each other again.



There was a splatter of blood, which was a small wound on the cheek.


A piece of cloth fell down, it was a piece of clothing that fell from the torn clothes.

Standing in the distance, Julius looked at this scene, replaying the moment just intersected in his mind, and murmured with an unbelievable expression:

"How is this possible, Reinhardt actually...lost half the move?"

That's right, it was Reinhardt who left a small wound on his cheek, but on the other hand, he only cut off a corner of Yun Tian's waist, without causing any injuries.

The two people in the field didn't pay attention to Julius' shock and disbelief.

Yun Tian looked at Reinhardt, put the two swords back into their sheaths, shook off the surprise in his heart and said:

"This blow, I hid a sword as a backhand, how did you do it?"

Two swords versus single sword, Yuntian broke Reinhardt's attack with one sword, and countered with the other sword.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be as simple as a small wound.

Yun Tian swung the sword with the idea of ​​a sword owl.

I fell asleep yesterday, I made up for it today

as the title

I got home too late yesterday and couldn't open my eyes, so I only got up now

Supplement yesterday's update today

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1787 Gradually Escalating Discussion

In the fight just now, Yun Tian did win by half.

But the result of this half move was not as great as he imagined.

Yun Tian swung the sword with the idea of ​​a sword owl's head, of course, he also knew in his heart that it was impossible to kill Reinhardt so simply.

From Yuntian's point of view, it would probably be a bloody sword mark, but he didn't expect it to be such a tiny fine mark.

At the last moment, Reinhardt's movements were obviously not right, that kind of reaction seemed to have seen through Yuntian's sword skills or expected this step from the beginning.

"Telepathic protection." Reinhardt had nothing to hide, and said casually:

"You can roughly understand part of the opponent's thinking, and you can also convey information to others through your voice within the range of your eyes."

Having said that, Reinhardt's expression became a little helpless, he touched his neck with his hand, and complained with a complicated emotion:

"I also didn't expect that you would think of beheading me. To be honest, I was really scared. We should have an appointment to exchange ideas, right?"

"I can't see any frightened feeling from your face." Yun Tian held the two swords sheathed with both hands, and said with emotion:

"For protection such as mind reading, this is a trouble."

At the level of Yuntian and Reinhardt, being able to gain an insight into the opponent's intentions and attack routes first can occupy an absolute advantage.

Reinhardt has telepathic protection on his body, and he can basically announce that all the simple sword skills and tactics of Yuntian will not be effective.


"It's interesting in this way." An excited smile began to appear on Yun Tian's face.

Fighting against Reinhardt, every move on his side was solved almost perfectly. This feeling is really great for him.

During the speech, the star power became active, and dots of starlight shone around Yuntian, and at the same time, the magic power in his body also boiled.

Under the blessing of the two energies, Yuntian's strength began to increase, and his aura gradually increased.

This represented the end of the warm-up exercise, and Yuntian planned to advance the battle to the next stage.

His performance, needless to say, made Reinhardt on the opposite side understand what he meant.

Discussions and so on couldn't satisfy Yuntian's fighting spirit after meeting Reinhardt.

"Sharp eyes, if I don't respond to you, as a 'sword master', I would be a little rude."

Reinhardt seemed helpless, but at the same time seemed to have a hint of joy and joy.

Feeling Yuntian's increasing strength and fighting spirit, he raised his eyes slightly to look at the night sky.

The next moment, without warning, Reinhardt quietly changed.

As early as when they fought just now, he had noticed Yuntian's abnormal physical fitness that was so exaggerated that he didn't seem like a human being.

Reinhardt is also very confident in his physique. Even without a sword or mana, he can be called a strong man with pure physical strength.

But Yun Tian is even more exaggerated, he can easily suppress most of the so-called strong men with only his physique.

Reinhardt was convinced that his judgment was correct, so he had to admit that, in terms of physical strength alone, there was almost a huge gap between him and Yuntian.

However, it is not irreparable.

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