The moment Reinhardt clarified the gap between himself and Yuntian, and had the idea of ​​'wanting to make up'.

A brand new protection was born.

God of War's protection: Improve physical fitness, additionally endow the fighting will and sharp thinking for melee combat and hand-to-hand combat, and the strength will be further enhanced during melee combat and hand-to-hand combat.

That's right, at this moment, Reinhardt got a brand new protection that he didn't have before.

This is not the power of 'Jugger', but the ability of 'Reinhardt', the proof that he is loved by the world.

As long as he has an idea, when "want" and "need" are combined, the world will give Reinhardt the corresponding protection.

This is the truth that he has more than one hundred kinds of protection, a terrifying talent that everyone envies and even fears.

Not only that, there are other protections activated at the same time besides the protection of the battle god.

Yetian's protection: the strength will be enhanced at night

Protection of the Earth: Standing on the ground will increase your strength

Protection of the Sky: Under the sky, the strength will be enhanced

The protection of the moon: when bathing in the moonlight, the strength will be enhanced

The protection of the starry sky: the strength will be enhanced under the starlight

This includes the protection that Reinhardt originally possessed, as well as the newly added protection along with the protection of the God of War.

A large number of blessings entangled and superimposed on Reinhardt, allowing him to instantly bridge the gap between him and Yuntian.

Immediately, the red-haired Juggernaut raised the knight sword in his hand to look at Yuntian, and then took a step.


In an instant, Reinhardt disappeared in place.

Driven Blessing: The speed is increased inhumanely.

As if to retaliate to Yun Tian's previous attack, Reinhardt, holding a sword in both hands, slashed at him head-on!

The sharp blade of silver light pierced through the space, and the knight's sword whipped up a strong wind that stirred the atmosphere, attacking Yuntian with great momentum!

Facing the undulating nature of the sword master's slash, Yun Tian did not dodge or evade, and chose to face it head-on without the slightest hesitation.


The sword suddenly came out of its sheath, which is what Yun Tian is best at.


The swords collided, and the terrifying energy fluctuations swept in all directions like a torrent, and the violent impact immediately shattered the training ground under the two people's feet.

Centered on the location where Yuntian and Reinhardt confronted each other, the earth began to sink.

However, different from the previous situation, this time, it was no longer Yuntian who gained the upper hand.

With the help of a lot of blessings, Reinhardt eliminated the gap between Yuntian and Yuntian. At this moment, the strengths displayed by the two are extremely similar.

It is precisely because of this that the gap between the one-knife style and the two-knife style began to appear.

Holding the sword in both hands will undoubtedly have the advantage in this situation. Reinhardt suppressed Yuntian's counterattack in a head-on confrontation.

However, Yuntian has long been prepared.

Holding the sword with both hands has the advantage of holding the sword with both hands, and the two-sword style naturally also has the uniqueness of the two-handed style.

With the dagger in his right hand, he parried Reinhardt's mighty knight sword. Although he was suppressed, he would not be defeated in an instant.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the left hand that had been holding the handle of the knife moved!


It's another knife-drawing technique!

The forged steel sword drew a bright arc in the air, bypassing the two swords in the stalemate, and accurately slashed at Reinhardt's neck!



The blade sliced ​​through the air, failing to hit the target.

Relying on the protection of telepathy, Reinhardt anticipated Yuntian's counterattack in advance, and retreated before the blade arrived.

Moreover, taking advantage of Yuntian's stiffening at the moment when he counterattacked with his sword, he stomped heavily on the ground with his retreating foot, and used his strength to regain the distance.

The knight sword cut down again!

It's just that the air is also split.

Without a sound, Yun Tian had already left the place.

Two slashes suddenly appeared behind Reinhardt!

1788 Broken Sword


As if he knew it in advance, the knight's sword drew an arc in the air, and unexpectedly blocked the two silent slashes behind him with one step.

That is to say, at the same moment, the sky and clouds disappeared again, turning into a streamer of light that continuously circulated and flickered centered on Reinhardt.

Reinhardt also followed closely behind, his footsteps moved slightly, and the knight's sword was danced by him imperviously, and the silver light of the sword was always able to stop the attacking swift sword strike first.

Clang, clang, clang, clang——!

A series of sounds of steel clashing sounded, there were piercing frictions, and there were soft groans when swords and swords passed by.

What's more, it is the impact and vibration from the collision of sword strikes and sword strikes.

The roar is endless!

Yuntian took the main attack, and Reinhardt took the move, and the two of them started a silver flower dance of swords and swords like this.

This evenly matched sword dance lasted or stalemate for a long time.

However, one attack and one defense, the failure of the attacker to break through the defense of the defender is a failure in itself.

Successive counterattacks and offensive failures made Yun Tian speechless in his heart.

It has to be said that at this stage, telepathic protection is the most difficult ability Reinhardt has shown.

In the face of this pre-reading, it is really difficult for Yuntian's attack to be effective.

After all, Reinhardt himself is very strong, even without telepathic protection, he can still confront Yuntian back and forth.

Now that there is an extra hand to read minds, it is thanks to Yuntian's keen sense of fighting that the battle has not turned into one-sided suppression.

Holding the initiative to attack from beginning to end, Reinhardt tried several times but failed to reverse it.

However, it is also true that it is impossible to break through the opponent's defense.

Keeping this state, it can be said that Yuntian has almost no chance of winning.

However, the solution is not without, and it is surprisingly simple.

You just need to increase the intensity and intensity of the battle.

Increase the power of sword skills, increase the speed of sword strikes, and elevate the level of combat to a truly world-class level.

At that time, Yuntian will have the opportunity to make Reinhardt accept the move even if he knows it in advance.

The battle at this level seems to be huge, but in fact Yuntian and Reinhardt can handle it with ease.

It is impossible to force the other party into a situation where they have to accept the move.

Words like "hesitation" and "hesitation" did not exist in Yuntian's mind during the battle, and he immediately looked for a solution after falling into a stalemate.

And there is no need to doubt what to do after finding it.

Almost at the moment when he thought of a solution, Yun Tian subconsciously followed suit.


Accompanied by a roar that resounded through the sky, a golden thunder suddenly appeared in Yuntian's hand.

The thunder light rushes and spreads between the blades, it is the power of the mighty roar of the sky!

What Yuntian chose was the Celestial Sword, Thunder!

Feeling the pressure and threat instantly swelled on Yuntian's body, Reinhardt, whose alarm bells rang in his heart, couldn't help but change his expression as he watched the sword strike soaked in lightning.

There was no delay in the movement of the hand, the knight sword was held tightly and raised high.

Suddenly, the aurora appeared in his hands, and even the space began to distort, and the world seemed to be misplaced at this moment.

It is the result of the high concentration of monstrous mana energy that ordinary people can't even imagine or understand. At this moment, the invisible and quality energy becomes visible and dazzling to the naked eye.

The power that converges on Reinhardt's sword literally distorts the workings of the world by interfering.

Without a doubt, that is the power of concepts!

Like Yuntian, it is a sword skill born from a certain concept.

Juggernaut family line Astrea family inheritance, 'Sword Master' Reinhardt Van Astrea's real slash!

Terrifying forces gather in the hands of the two, and they will collide in the next moment, and at the same time push the battle between them to a fierce stage.

And at this moment


The subtle crisp sound was so inconspicuous, but it made Yuntian and Reinhardt stunned for a moment, subconsciously looking down at their hands.

The actions of the two seemed to be the last straw that broke the camel's back.

The sword in Yuntian's hand and the knight's sword in Reinhardt's hand finally reached the limit they could hold on at this moment.

It shattered into iron powder with a 'bang', and dissipated like smoke in the wind and impact of the energy.

There was a moment of silent silence, Yuntian and Reinhardt had the same reaction, looked at the empty hands, then raised their heads to look at each other.

"This is really..." Yun Tian sighed helplessly.

Fighting to the top, he never thought that what he was holding in his hand was not the Hei Furnace Sword that he had long been accustomed to.

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