In other words, Yun Tian actually realized it in his heart, but out of the joy of meeting a rare and good opponent, he subconsciously ignored it.

"It seems that our discussion today can only end here." Reinhardt also smiled helplessly.

Faced with Yuntian's high fighting spirit and pure sword intent, Reinhardt was also moved unconsciously.

The intensity of the battle between the two increased again and again, which was directly related to his instinctive response to Yuntian's fighting intent, which eventually caused the knight's sword to shatter along with Yuntian's Taidao.

The weapon Yun Tian took out was not a crude product, although it was a relatively ordinary sword, it was also a top-quality forged sword, but it looked ordinary in the hands of the two of them.

"That's the only way to go." Yun Tian sighed again, somewhat disappointed, but also agreed with Reinhardt's statement.

Being interrupted by this accident, the sword skill that was about to be used was naturally interrupted, and the most important thing was that the aura of raising it was lost.

If he fights again, Yun Tian is not in the mood anymore.

Moreover, even if a new sword is brought out, it is impossible to withstand Yuntian's power-based celestial sword, presumably the sword skill Reinhardt was about to use just now is the same.

In the end, the two of them were ready to erupt with world-class or higher strength. To bear their strength, even B-class weapons were not enough.

As for Grade A, wouldn't they have to use the Black Furnace and Dragon Sword?

Yuntian agreed to Marcus, the leader of the knights, and did not intend to go back on his word. Using the black furnace and Reinhardt's dragon sword to collide, it will undoubtedly be a full-scale duel between the two.

When the time comes, Reinhardt will probably find an excuse to interrupt this 'discussion' first.

"I'm not interested today, shall we continue tomorrow?"

"If it's limited to the scope of 'discussion', then I don't mind."

Reinhardt pointed to his own neck and teased Yun Tian slightly.

Who told him that he aimed at killing Reinhardt more than once in the battle, and it didn't look like he was discussing.

In this regard, Yun Tian just spread his hands and said without hesitation:

"Maybe you can understand that my swordsmanship style is like this?"

"If I hadn't just had a sparring session with you and directly experienced your swordsmanship, I might still believe it."

Reinhardt also imitated Yun Tian's action and spread his hands, expressing his disbelief at his words.

. . .

. . .

. . .


These two are more complementary

By the way, some new friends may not know that my update time is mostly in the underworld. Updates in the early morning and early morning are more common. On the contrary, the time in the sun is less

I tried to adjust my schedule before, but now I almost give up, and I can't adjust it at all.

So when I say 'today', I often refer to before I go to bed, and it may be at noon the next morning, which is quite unpredictable

For example, the 27th of the two updates, there are two more I will continue to code, it is expected to be completed around noon, it is the 28th

Then the update on the 29th, no accident, it is the time of the underworld in the early morning of the 30th, which is a relatively common update time period for me

But the number of updated chapters will not be small, please rest assured, I will write the leave note directly if you ask for leave

1789 Unexpected Summons

Yuntian didn't enjoy himself to the fullest, but overall he was satisfied.

Reinhardt was as strong as he expected, and even more tricky.

Although the sparring was interrupted today, there will be plenty of time in the days to come, and Yun Tian is not in a hurry.

Furthermore, now that the title of Sword of the Kingdom is in hand, there must be an all-out battle between Yuntian and Reinhardt.

That moment in the future is worth Yuntian's expectation from now on.

At the same time, although he didn't know what Reinhardt was thinking, it was not difficult to see from his face that he was in a good mood at this time, and his undisguised joy was a little bit more than before the exchange.

Obviously, it is also a joy for Reinhardt, the sword master who has been invincible for a long time, to meet someone who allows him to show his strength.

Standing at the top for too long, if no one follows behind, you will inevitably feel lonely and lonely.

However, compared to the talking and laughing of the two parties, the mood of the two audiences on the side is very complicated at the moment.

The battle shown by Yuntian and Reinhardt just now left a huge impact on their hearts.

Especially the unreleased attack at the end, the coercion and momentum that seemed to shake the world caused indescribable shock to the two of them.

"They..." It was Phyllis who spoke.

Because he was looking for someone, he came to this training ground surrounded by the Temple of Stars halfway, and witnessed this 'discussion' with Julius.

At this moment, looking at the two people in the center of the field at the end of the battle, Phyllis wanted to say something.

But after opening his mouth, the words seemed to be stuck in his throat, and he couldn't squeeze out more content for a long time.

However, Julius, who was standing beside him, unexpectedly understood what Felice was thinking.

"To put it nicely, it's envy, but to put it bluntly, it's jealousy."

"Envy and... envy."

Phyllis muttered two words, while Julius nodded with mixed feelings and sighed:

"Witnessing the fight between the two of them, both I and you instinctively understood that fact deep down in my heart."

【In my whole life, I can't do that level】

The smarter you are, the more you have a clear understanding of your own talents and talents, the more you will be able to appreciate the gap between you and those two people.

"How can this not be enviable?"

Phyllis is actually alright. As a therapist, his path is different from that of Yuntian, Reinhardt and others.

Therefore, the impact was not as strong as that of Julius.

For Julius, the scene just now was like witnessing the end of his own path.

It will take another ten or 20 years, when he reaches the peak physical age of 40 or [-], will he be able to do what the two of them did just now?

not to mention. . .

Julius' eyes moved slightly, looking at Yuntian and the sword hanging on Reinhardt's waist.

He knew that the shocking scene just now was far from the current limit of the two of them, and it was hard to say whether there was even half of it.

"When I met Reinhardt for the first time, I gave up the idea of ​​being equal to him. Even if I got the title of Sword of the Kingdom and became friends with him, I knew deep down that I couldn't reach the place where he was. high.

"I can't see the scenery in their eyes, I know..."

Julius seemed to be talking to himself, and seemed to be comforting and persuading Phyllis who was shocked.

"Are you going to give up?" Phyllis asked after a moment of silence.

Julius said 'impossible', but his actions were always moving forward. Unlike what he said, he tried his best to catch up with Reinhardt's unreachable back.

It's just that now suddenly there is an extra person, who easily accomplished what he thought was impossible, and easily achieved what he could call a dream.

Facing such a cruel reality, even Yurius couldn't help feeling confused.

"I don't know." After thinking about Phyllis' question for a moment, he could only shake his head in the end, and then took the initiative to change the subject.

"Didn't you come to Yuntian for something?"

"Phyllis? Looking for me?" At this moment, Yun Tian and Reinhardt walked back together.

Hearing Julius' words, Yun Tian looked at Felice curiously.

Phyllis curled her lips, and with a bit of puzzlement and confusion on her face, she told Yuntian the reason why he appeared here.

"His Royal Highness is looking for you."

"Your Highness?" Yun Tian didn't realize for a while who it was.

"It's His Royal Highness Flier, haven't you met meow once? His Highness said he has something to discuss with you, and asked Felicia to call you over."

. . . . . .

Responding to the call of the royal family members is the duty of the guard knights.

Although Yun Tian now has the identity of the Sword of the Kingdom, he is still serving in the Knights of the Guards.

The same is true for Reinhardt and Julius. They both have noble status, and at the same time still take the guard knight as their main job.

The privilege of the guard knight is still very useful, especially the ability to move around freely inside and outside the royal city, which is a power that even the 'sword master' and 'kingdom sword' do not have.

Therefore, Yun Tian has no intention of giving up this identity for the time being. Faced with the call of His Royal Highness Freer, he followed Phyllis and left the training ground, and went to the upper level of the royal city where he had been once.

But this time, after checking at the entrance of the floor, Phyllis unexpectedly didn't go in with Yuntian.

He stood at the door, looked at Yun Tian who turned his head and cast a questioning look, and said:

"His Royal Highness only called you alone, saying that he has something important to talk to you alone."

Yuntian was puzzled, but Phyllis was actually even more puzzled. He couldn't figure out what His Royal Highness Flier had to hide from him, but he told Yuntian, who he had only met once.

But it was rare for Felier to order in an orderly tone. Considering the other party's physical and mental state, Phyllis did not dare to argue.

"Just go in by yourself."

Saying so, Phyllis stared fixedly at Yun Tian.

If he hadn't known that this guy's gender was male, and His Royal Highness Flier was also male, Yun Tian would have felt that he was stalking his love rival.

wait. . .So they're all men? !

Thinking of some subtle things, Yun Tian suddenly threw the messy thoughts out of his mind with a numb scalp.

Rubbing his forehead, he walked all the way to the door of the prince's living room.

Boom, boom——!

He knocked on the door, and there was a voice from inside.

"come in."

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