Pushing the door and entering, it was still the simple room, and the fourth prince Flier Lugnica was leaning on the bed and looking at the door.

"Your Highness is looking for me?" Yun Tian was doubtful that Follier was looking for him alone, but it was not without guessing the direction.

"It was Yu who asked Phyllis to call you over, please sit down first."

There was an empty chair not too far from the bed, obviously, it was prepared for Yun Tian in advance.

1790 Omen of Blood

"I heard that you have inherited the title of Sword of the Kingdom, right? It's really amazing to be compared with that Reinhardt."

After Yun Tian sat down, Freee took the initiative to speak.

Even in bed, he is Lugnica's prince after all.

The Sword of the Kingdom, which can be compared with the Sword Master, can be regarded as one of the highest nobles in the Kingdom.

A high-level position change of this level would definitely notify all members of the royal family, and Phyllis was there at the time, so he would definitely tell Fourier.

So Yuntian is not surprised that Folier knew about it.

"Thank you for your praise, Your Highness." Yun Tian shrugged, his attitude was not too rigid, but more casual.

This is completely different from Julius, but Ferrier himself doesn't mind.

"I heard Phyllis say that His Royal Highness has something to do with me, and she specifically emphasized that we should talk about it in private. I guess it's not just for complimenting me, right?"

Yun Tian is not interested in making detours before talking about serious matters, even if it is the usual etiquette and politeness of the nobles.

In this regard, Felier smiled very happily.

"You are straightforward, completely different from those ministers and nobles. If Crusch is here, you may be able to chat."

His Highness the prince himself has a similar personality, and it is not known whether he influenced Crusch or Crusch influenced him, and neither of them paid much attention to meaningless etiquette.

This can be known from the fact that one of his princes can sincerely regard Phyllis as a friend.

Yun Tian's character actually won Follier's favor.

"Forget it, then Yu won't say unnecessary words, Yuntian, right? You... have the ability to heal Yu, right?"

It was obviously a question, but Freya said it in a positive tone.

From his expression, attitude and other aspects, Yun Tian could easily tell that His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince was not cheating on him.

It was only after confirming this matter that he took it out and said so.

"I'm pretty sure I haven't mentioned anything similar to anyone, and I haven't shown any strangeness at all. Your Highness, you have no reason or possibility to know that I have this ability."

Yun Tian looked directly at those bright red eyes that were burning like flames, and asked with a hint of surprise and admiration:

"Is this the legendary talent of the Lion King who led the Lugnica family and the kingdom to prosper, the omen of blood?"

Faced with Yuntian's admiration, a trace of embarrassment unexpectedly appeared on Freee's face.

After hesitating for a moment, he still obeyed his inner feelings and said truthfully:

"Actually, Yu doesn't know. I only know that my sudden 'feeling' and 'intuition' have never been wrong. I don't know if it's the so-called blood omen."

From a very young age, Fourier no longer doubted his own intuition that appeared like inspiration from time to time.

He can instinctively find the most correct one from countless options for no reason, and every time the answer emerges from this feeling, it can lead him to the result that he and others all agree on.

Whether it is arithmetic or history, even knowing people and fighting swords can trigger this intuition, it seems that there is no limit.

However, due to the lack of timing, Fourier himself has no way to prove it.

In addition, all of these can be explained by chance and luck. After telling the teacher a few times that he was not taken seriously by the other party, Fourier gave up proving this matter.

Things that cannot be proved must be recognized and understood by others. He is not so unreasonable.

Flier himself also doubted whether it was the omen of blood in the legend, but the importance of some things cannot be determined by just relying on images and inferences.

Especially in today's Lugnica Kingdom, with the protection of the dragon, the Lion King is no longer needed.

As far back as 400 years ago, when Lugnica had not signed an alliance with Shenlong and claimed to be a kingdom of pro-dragons, there was an era when the lion's coat of arms and banner were held high, and the king was called the Lion King.

Clever and powerful, he can lead the entire kingdom on the right path. The Lion King, the disappearance of this title began after the last Lion King made a covenant with Shenlong.

Under the protection of the dragon, the Kingdom of Lugnica was completely free from war, because no one dared to provoke the great dragon.

And the grace of Shenlong also made the land of the kingdom rich, the products became rich, and the country became prosperous little by little visible to the naked eye.

During these wonderful 400 years, the people of Lugnica began to regard the dragon as a more noble existence than the lion, and the lion's coat of arms originally used to represent the royal family was also replaced by the dragon's coat of arms.

Slowly, the Lion King was no longer needed, and the lion coat of arms that was no longer used was also bestowed by the royal family at that time on the family of the most trusted ministers.

The lion with its tusks bared is now the family crest of the Duke Karsten family.

"But regardless of whether this talent is a symbol of the Lion King, for Yu now, it is enough to be sure that it is still correct."

Freeye looked at Yuntian, was silent for a while, and then asked:

"Can you tell Yu why?"

A question, which contains too much content and doubts.

But the most important point is why Yuntian didn't plan to save him and Lugnica's royal family.

"Your Highness, don't you think that maybe I'm the one behind the curse, and that's why I have mastered the method to break the curse?"

"Yu also doubted at first."

Hearing Yun Tian's words, Freee nodded without concealing anything, then changed the subject, shook his head and said:

"But as I said just now, 'intuition' told Yu the correct answer. You have nothing to do with this matter, but you just happened to master the method of treatment."

Having said that, Felier paused, sighed a little and added:

"But others don't necessarily think so. In order to prevent misunderstanding, Yu deliberately asked to talk to you alone."

It has to be said that Felier was very thoughtful.

Now that Reinhardt's mission failed, the ending of the Lugnica royal family no longer has a bifurcation point in the eyes of all the insiders.

At this time, if Yuntian revealed that he had the ability to heal the Lugnica royal family, then no matter whether he cast the curse or not, he would be extremely suspicious.

Moreover, he will inevitably be ordered to cure the existing members of the royal family.

But if Yun Tian was not the one who cast the curse, he must have his own reasons for not treating members of the royal family.

Maybe it's too expensive?Maybe there is something to ask for?Maybe it's as inaccurately controlled as Flier's ability?

No matter which one, when forced to do so, it is very likely that Yun Tian, ​​who is capable of unsheathing the dragon sword, will be forced to the opposite side.

No one likes to be asked, and no one likes to be kidnapped by morality, especially a strong man like Yuntian.

Therefore, Freer chose the current method, which is also the best method.

No one bothered, and there was no misunderstanding.

"In the name of Lugnica, Yu assures you that you will never be forced... Can you tell Yu the reason why you chose to stand by?"

1791 The reasons and problems of Yuntian

Yun Tian looked straight into Felier's eyes.

In those bright red eyes, he saw inquiries and doubts, regret and reluctance for life, but there was no fear of death.

Just like what Fourier said to Phyllis that day, he can accept the end of his fate calmly.

Of course, not being afraid of death doesn't mean you want to die.

There are still people and things that he can't let go of in Flier's heart, so he went to Yuntian based on his intuition, and only then did he have the conversation at this moment.

Yun Tian was silent for a while, then sighed, and said:

"I have basic goodwill towards this kingdom, but it's limited to that, and I don't have any sense of belonging or loyalty beyond that."

Yun Tian is an outsider, in essence, he is a traveler from outside.

There are no familiar friends, no so-called family members, and no ties that can be called fetters.

In Xuezhan City, there is a master who taught him swordsmanship and brothers and sisters from the same school, so he is willing to obtain honors that are meaningless to him for Jielong.

In the earth wrong world, there is a god who brought him great growth, a head who has a great influence on his character, and a companion of the same family, so he is willing to take over the position of acting head and push the family to a new peak .

In the fallen knight, there are teachers who help him train and take care of his aftermath, friends who chase after him and grow together, and the missions do not conflict, so Yuntian took back the champion of the Sword Dance Festival.

In the world of Godslayers, there are people who dedicate everything to him, so the magic association got his protection.

But in the Re0 world, in this Lugnica kingdom, Yuntian has not met anyone who is willing to pay for him.

It's just a trip to another country, and you have to leave after all.

Who is unfamiliar with the place of life, who would care about the life and death of other people's kingdoms and royal families?

Especially since it looks like a conspiracy.

Today he solved the royal curse, tomorrow there will be no royal virus?Will there be no more assassinations or accidents?

In other words, will the conjurer, who never showed up from the beginning to the end, focus on Yuntian and change his target to someone he has come into contact with?

Yuntian has his own things to do here, why should he make trouble for himself?

Perhaps after a few months or a year, someone will be recognized by Yuntian, which will give him a greater sense of identity or belonging to the Kingdom of Lugnica.

But that is 'future' after all, not 'now'.

Yun Tian has no good intentions and has to draw his sword to help when he sees injustice. He is not a good guy, but an egoist walking on his own path.

This is one of them.

"What's more, I don't want to waste time and effort to explain the source of the method to everyone."

This is the second.

Yun Tian didn't have the slightest understanding of cursing, so it was impossible to solve it through normal means.

But Yuntian has special solutions, and there are two more.

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