The concept of Starfall Sword cut off and pure Rubik's Cube.

Among them, there is a problem with concept cutting.

It is very simple to cut off tangible things, but if you want to cut off invisible and intangible power, you must at least 'find the target'.

The cutting knife skill developed by Yuntian has clear usage requirements, and the operation of the concept is not a simple matter, and there is no room for sloppyness.

He needs to have a deeper understanding of the curse to be safe, since this is not Yuntian's own body after all.

If he had such an exaggerated physical quality, or was as strong as the clouds in the God Slayer World, Yun Tian would not need to be too cautious.

But although Freee has practiced swordsmanship, his strength and physique are only in the realm of mortals after all.

With the Xingjian sword slashing down, with Yuntian's current strength, even the slightest fluctuation would cause His Royal Highness to be instantly shattered into ashes.

Yuntian's control over concepts is still not comparable to his own swordsmanship, and he cannot achieve perfect and absolute control.

Therefore, concept cutting cannot be used indiscriminately.

But the Pure Rubik's Cube is different.

If he uses the Pure Rubik's Cube, Yuntian is sure to eradicate the curse on Freee, and it doesn't even matter whether it is a curse or not.

It doesn't matter whether it's a curse or a virus in front of items that are rated as S-level.

If you can't even do this, the Pure Rubik's Cube won't be worthy of an S-level evaluation.

But as Yun Tian said, how to explain the origin of the Pure Rubik's Cube?

If it is not clear, it will cause a series of reactions, doubts about the source, doubts about the identity, vigilance about the purpose, etc. There are too many problems that may be caused.

Moreover, the use of a pure Rubik's cube leads to a third problem.

That is the price!

A kingdom is still a big country that stands on the mainland and divides the world with three other countries. It is impossible for it to have no way to counter the curse within it.

At least it is impossible for ordinary curses to have such a big impact, otherwise it is impossible for this kingdom to exist for such a long time.

Being able to bypass all detection mechanisms and make all methods ineffective, even Phyllis, the most outstanding blue magician in the mainland, was helpless, and the whole country went up and down for more than a month without even a clue.

Such a curse, without even thinking about it, the level must not be too low.

It's not that the pure Rubik's Cube has no consumption, the minus sign in the evaluation is because of the exaggerated consumption, if it wasn't for this serious shortcoming, Yuntian wouldn't be able to afford such a precious item.

So here comes the question, how many energy gems will this curse consume Yuntian?

A grade B?Or two?

Will it even be a B+ or . . . A-?

Yuntian does have a lot of B and B+ grade energy gems in his hands now, and there are eleven of them.

A drop or two doesn't sound like much.

But don’t forget, that’s because there was an unexpected harvest in the world of Gensokyo last time. These energy gems are the guarantee to purify the black dragon’s meat, and they are real treasures that can be used to improve the strength of the body.

The former Wanying Jingjing was at this level, and the former Black Furnace Demon Sword was only B+.

Using a B+ energy gem is equivalent to consuming a pure star-like weapon of the same level as the Black Furnace Demon Sword.

Such a high price, in exchange for what?

is a stranger's recovery.

So, you saved the prince, can you save the king?Can you save other members of the royal family who have not yet died?

Several people?Dozens of people?How many high-level energy gems will this consume?

And although unlikely, what if the curse is an A-?

Different from the state of the black dragon corpse that has been completely fused with the root of flesh and blood, the current curse in the Lugnica royal family is external interference.

There is no ability to replenish and no source of self-recovery.

Yuntian can get rid of the A-level curse by consuming and accumulating a large number of energy gems, as long as it is weakened to a certain level, and the rest is left to Phyllis.

But in that case, how many energy gems would be consumed to weaken the A-level curse?

In order to save a stranger who has never met, even the other party did not appear in the original book, and the theory of innate favorability is even more untenable.

Is such a big price worth it?

Yun Tian once questioned himself, and came up with an answer that wasn't worth it.

That's why he chose to stand by and watch.

But now, facing Freer's inquiry, Yun Tian described three reasons to him.

Then, the same question was given to the other party to answer.

"Is it worth it? Or, how do you make me feel that saving you is worthwhile?"

1792 Dragon Blood

"Dangers, troubles, and disproportionate costs and benefits. Indeed, if Yu looked at this matter from your perspective, he might draw a similar conclusion."

After listening to Yuntian's words, Ferrier was silent for a while.

Then he shook his head with a sigh, and said with emotion and helplessness:

"In other words, whether Yu can be saved depends on whether he can give you a satisfactory reason and reward."

A reason enough to convince Yuntian, or a reward that can impress Yuntian, is it possible for Yuntian to ignore all the above-mentioned problems and save Foleyer.

In terms of quantitative comparison of its value, at least it must exceed B+ level energy gems.

However, the premise of all this must be based on the fact that Yuntian has only three reasons.


"There is a fourth reason, but let's talk about it after you can convince me, Your Highness."

"It's still there, this is really..." Follier was stunned for a moment, then shook his head helplessly and sighed.

He guessed that Yuntian had his own reasons for not saving Lugnica's royal family, but he didn't expect there to be so many reasons.

After sighing a little, Ferrier straightened his expression and seriously thought about Yuntian's words.

First of all, Yun Tian had to be persuaded to do it, otherwise there would be no way to talk about it.

"From the perspective of the kingdom, considering the necessity of the royal family's continuation, perhaps Yu's status is not enough to use it as a reward, but if it is said that the rewards that can compare with the value of members of the royal family, the only chips that Yu can use are 'it' ' is."


"You should have heard about it, the treasure kept by the royal family of Lugnica——dragon's blood."

Yun Tian was a little surprised by what Ferrier said.

To be honest, he actually didn't think that the other party could come up with anything to impress him. In Yuntian's view, Ferrier might be able to convince himself with some words.

Unexpectedly, something unexpected will suddenly appear.

"The royal family has the dragon blood of the 'Dragon' Polkenika?"

If it was true, then Yuntian really had to reconsider this matter.

There is no doubt that Shenlong's dragon blood must start with A-level materials, and it is completely sufficient to exchange it for B-level gemstones, and it can even be said to make a lot of money.

However, for Yun Tian's questioning, Freee shook his head.

He didn't explain it directly, but first expounded a legend that many people in the Kingdom of Lugnica knew.

"According to legend, the dragon bestowed three treasures on the Lugnica royal family, one is the 'covenant' to protect the kingdom, the other is the 'Dragon Calendar Stone' that shows the destiny, and the third is the proof of the covenant between humans and dragons, which was given to Lugnica. 'Dragon's blood' kept by the royal family of Gurnica.

"Give fertility to the withered land, give new life to the established destruction, cure the helpless disease, and disperse the indelible despair. This is the dragon's blood tide of the great dragon, the dragon Bolkenika."

At this point in the words, Foleyer suddenly paused, and then changed the subject to talk about a seemingly unrelated matter.

"People nowadays think that the true dragon refers to the only divine dragon, but few people know that there was actually more than one true dragon in the long past."

Hearing this, Yun Tian suddenly understood the meaning of Freee's words.

There is more than one real dragon, and the legend describes that only the dragon gave a piece of dragon blood to the Lugnica royal family for safekeeping.

Most importantly, the kind of hyperbole that portrays the effects of Dragon's Blood.

"The dragon's blood held by the royal family of Lugnica did not originate from the dragon Bolkenika, and..."

Don't forget, Yun Tian also has dragon blood in his hand.

Although there is a difference between the dragon species and the dragon family in essence, the six-winged black dragon in the ground is at least world-class, and the life level has completed the transformation, even if it is not as good as the dragon family, it will not be too bad.

Therefore, others don't know, but Yuntian is well aware of the effect of 'Dragon's Blood'.

The specific effect may vary from dragon to dragon, but the key is the upper limit.

Fertilizing the earth and curing diseases is still a thing of the past, but if the words of destroying new life and dispelling despair are not exaggerated, the most likely result that Yuntian can think of is

"Dragon blood comes from a dead real dragon, and is the final crystallization of its life and power."

Regarding the knowledge, differences, and application methods of special biological blood, Yun Tian learned it from the pill in the main god's space.

Because it will be used when drawing blood.

The blood that contains power, even if it comes from the same person, will be very different.

Take Yuntian himself as an example, his blood can be used to trade with pills, used as a material for A-level potions, and it can also help people to draw divine patterns and reproduce the abilities of gods.

Blood with this effect is also an extremely precious treasure.

But it doesn't mean that a tube of blood drawn casually from Yuntian's body is a treasure. This kind of ordinary blood does contain a certain amount of power, which is of great effect to ordinary people.

However, this level of blood is not enough if you want to use it to prepare A-level potions or help people to draw divine patterns.

Yaowan and Yuntian once said that the important thing is 'energy' and 'nature', not the blood itself.

It is actually the same with other body tissues or indescribable fluids, but it is not as easy to use and accept as blood.

In order to meet the standard required by the pill, every time Yun Tian was drained of blood by him, he would fall into weakness for a period of time.

The same reasoning applies to the corpse of the black dragon or even the dragon Bolkenika.

If the legend that Flier just said is true, handing over that level of blood essence is likely to cause irreversible damage to Shenlong itself.

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