Yuntian didn't think that Shenlong would do that. The reason why the covenant has a deterrent effect on other big countries is because of Shenlong's terrifying power.

If you lower your own strength for the sake of the covenant, isn't that putting the cart before the horse.

Coupled with Fourier's hint, Yuntian can basically confirm his guess.

"Regarding this matter, Yu can't say anything, and I can't give you any positive or negative answers. Everything is based on your guesses that you don't know whether they are true or false, so that the conversation can continue."

Freer pointed out the reason for the sudden ambiguity, and Yuntian nodded in no surprise.

It is impossible for such important secrets of the royal family not to have some preventive measures against leakage, and methods such as contracts are not incomprehensible in this magical world.

However, at this moment, Yun Tian suddenly realized a problem and said:

"Since the royal family has such a treasure, why not use it to lift the curse? Is it invalid or can't be used?"

"This is what Yu Zheng wants to tell you. The situation about 'dragon's blood' may be more complicated than you imagined, but generally speaking, it is the latter. The Lugnica family cannot use dragon's blood at will."

Fourier didn't seem to know much about what he was about to say, he frowned and fell into a brief silence, as if he was carefully recalling the contents of his memory.

1793 The Fourth Reason

"The last echo of the heart, the blood of the real dragon was poured into the vessel, and that blood, the blood of the real dragon, was entrusted in the royal city as a proof of the covenant between humans and dragons.

"As I said before, the dragon's blood is the proof and symbol of the covenant, and it is a sacred object entrusted by the dragon to the Lugnica family for safekeeping."

Followed by the memory, Flier explained little by little.

"So logically speaking, the Lugnica family cannot use dragon blood at will.

"The Dragon Covenant is something that absolutely cannot be lost, and the necessity for the existence of the Lugnica royal family is also based on the covenant.

"If the dragon's blood is used to ensure the continuation of the royal family, but the sacred object that proves the covenant disappears, then the cart before the horse."

It sounds really unreasonable, but considering the special nature of the Kingdom of Lugnica, there is nothing to do if this happens.

This is now the Qinlong Kingdom, a country where Shenlong is above all else.

This situation is not all bad.

After all, the state of the ideal country where the royal family is paralyzed and the whole country hopes for the safety of the royal family is also thanks to the Dragon Covenant.

To change a country, it is nothing more than a change of person sitting on the throne every minute, it is not a big deal at all.

The life and death of the old royal family?

Who cares in the face of power disputes.

Of course, there was another reason for not using dragon's blood.

"Although dragon blood is a symbol, it is not as rare as a drop of human blood. The body shape of a real dragon is very different from that of a human being."

The Lugnica royal family and the Council of Sages are not all pedantic people. It is not difficult to think of a tricky way to use a little bit of dragon blood to ensure that even one member of the royal family survives.

But that's exactly the crux of the problem.

"The blood of the real dragon, if it really has the effect in the legend, it is not something that mortals can use."

This sentence was said by Yun Tian, ​​who had already guessed the result of the members of Lugnica's royal family using the dragon's blood.

If it was a real dragon, Yuntian even speculated that the other party might be A+, and conservatively estimated that it was also a strong creature of A level.

The crystallization of life and power gathered by such a strong man before his death, even Yun Tian had to treat it cautiously. How could people like the Lugnica royal family who are not even in the supernatural realm have the ability to use it.

It shouldn't be difficult to understand why too much is too much.

"Either it is blown up by the huge energy, or it is eroded by the nature contained in the dragon's blood. Even if it is not dead, the best result is to be infected by the dragon's blood. The concept of being a human being is subverted and twisted into a nondescript monster."

Yun Tian looked at Freee's silent expression, and sighed:

"Presumably you have tried it, but the result should not even appear the 'best result' I said."

Mortals delusional to absorb the power of A-level, there is only one result without a miracle.

Even Yun Tian and Edelweiss have only dared to eat meat when eating black dragon meat so far. Do you think they don't want to move that dragon heart? They can't move it.

As the circulation center of the whole black dragon, the heart of magic power, the black dragon heart not only takes a huge amount of consumption to purify, but also the energy contained in it is enough to scare Yun Tian and Edelweiss.

Quantity you can dilute, can 'quality'?

"That's not something that mortals can touch."

"You are right. It is a symbolic sacred object, and there is no correct way to use it among the Lugnica family."

Fourier agreed with Yun Tian's statement, but then said:

"I can't use it, but it doesn't mean that 'Dragon's Blood' itself has no value. It is still a priceless treasure."

This point is correct, and Yun Tian also has to admit that if Foleyer can really offer the real dragon's blood as a reward, then he really has to hesitate for a while.

The Lugnica royal family doesn't know how to use it, and Yuntian actually doesn't know how to use it either.

However, there are people in the Lord God Space who know how to use it. If they take it to find pills, Yuntian will definitely be able to obtain a brand new A-level or even A+-level medicine.

In particular, this crystal of life and power originating from the dragon race is most likely to be the type of potion that improves strength.

As soon as "strength" is mentioned, it will stab Zhong Yuntian's heart.

"...I have to admit, Your Highness, you convinced me."

Yun Tian pondered for a long time, and finally said:

"If the reward is dragon's blood, then it will indeed make me seriously consider this matter."

"Hearing what you said, Yu Ye was really relieved."

Ferrier looked at Yuntian, sighed as he said, and then asked:

"So now, can you tell Yu the last reason?"

Hearing Freer's question, Yun Tian thought for a while, with a nasty smile on the corner of his mouth, and said:

"The fourth reason is that I need the destruction of the Lugnica royal family."

"?!" The moment the voice fell, Freee's breath was stagnant, and his wide eyes were full of astonishment.

But in the next second, he paused inexplicably, and immediately pressed his forehead with his hand, and said to Yun Tian with a weak expression:

"Don't scare Yu like this. Yu's mental state is as you can see. If you scare him any more, he will die."

"The omen of blood is really a terrifying talent. Can you guess the truth by feeling like this? Obviously, I'm not lying."

"Usually not so often, maybe it's because of dying. Recently, there have been a lot of 'intuition' triggers. Besides, the rest of the 'intuition' is not just for judging authenticity."

The Lion King's innate blood sign can guide Freee to make correct judgments and decisions. From the very beginning, his "intuition" told him to trust Yuntian.

Therefore, no matter how outrageous what Yun Tian said or did, Freer would completely believe it, because his talent 'told' him that this is the way to salvation.

"So, what's the truth?"

Fourier took a breather, his condition can be said to be declining every day.

Today I chatted with Yuntian for so long, negotiating and thinking, almost forcing myself to overdraw my little vitality.

Seeing this, Yun Tian didn't say anything else, and said:

"My target is the Sin Archbishop of the Witch Cult. Their whereabouts are erratic, and I am sure that after the Lugnica royal family is destroyed, they will take the initiative to appear on the stage."

"The Witch Cult and the Archbishop of Sin?! Are you sure?" Hearing the words that he never thought of anyway, Freee exclaimed in surprise.

"Your Highness, you can understand it as an ability similar to the omen of blood. I have a lot of confidence in this matter."

"If it's from the Witch Cult, then the curse on Yu's body could be..." Because of Yun Tian's words, Freee suddenly thought of many possibilities.

However, after glancing at Yun Tian, ​​he finally didn't ask anything.

His intuition told himself that even if he asked, Yuntian would not answer him, and Folier also knew that Yuntian had concealed this reason.

But none of that matters, what matters. . .

"The demise of the royal family is not the key point. The key point is that the future development cannot change, so that the Witch Cult can be successfully brought to the stage, right?"

1794 Obligations and helpers

As a notorious organization, the Witch Cult is almost recognized as synonymous with evil and danger in today's world.

With the ultimate goal of resurrecting the evil witch who destroyed the world in the past, they wreak havoc everywhere in the world. All the four major countries hate these unreasonable villains.

The crusade against the Witch Cult is one of the few things that can allow the four major powers to reach an agreement without any differences.

However, the Witch Cult is still active all over the world to this day, destroying and killing wantonly under the hostility of the four major powers.

The fundamental reason is that their whereabouts cannot be captured.

Not to mention the Sin Archbishop who leads the Witch Cult, even ordinary believers are difficult to catch, and it can even be said that they have almost never been caught.

The members of Witch Cult have a prop called 'Gospel Book', which will show their own destiny and guide the actions of Witch Cult members.

It is this ability similar to predicting the future that makes them extremely difficult.

Even if they are pushed into a desperate situation, those lunatic believers will not hesitate to choose their own means to commit suicide or die with the enemy.

In this world, there are countless people who hate the Witch Cult and want to eradicate them completely.

Yun Tian's words made Freer feel that he was one of these people.

For this, Yun Tian didn't try to explain too much, but just followed what Friel said.

"His Royal Highness is right. It doesn't matter whether the Lugnica royal family is destroyed or not. What matters is the development after that."

The Archbishop of Sin is indeed one of Yuntian's goals, but apart from this, there are also factors of side missions in it.

Go to the sanctuary to participate in the trial, if possible, Yuntian does not want to give up this task.

When it comes to the sanctuary, one person must be mentioned, that is, the 'frontier boss' Roswaal who Yuntian once met in the throne hall.

Roswaal has a "Book of Wisdom" in his hand, which records the fate of some worlds and his personal destiny.

The Gospel taught by the Witch is an inferior and defective product of the Book of Wisdom.

For a long time, for his own purpose, all actions of Roswaal have been carried out according to the content shown in the book of wisdom.

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