In the environment of a different world in the Middle Ages, where the education popularization cannot be compared with modern society, such people are really a minority.

Literacy, reading, broad horizons, and rich knowledge are the basic attributes that everyone has in modern society, and they are a manifestation of ability in this world.

"My dream since childhood is to own a store of my own, if you can fulfill your promise..."

Otto's dream is not the kind of street vendors or small shops that can be seen casually on the roadside. What he wants to open is a real big shop with a signature, a well-known chamber of commerce that can be famous all over the kingdom.

But the meal has to be eaten one bite at a time, and the road has to be taken step by step.

Otto originally wanted to save money, first find a suitable city to open a medium-sized or small store, and develop it into a dream.

But now, an excellent opportunity is in front of him.

Located in the royal capital, opening a large store is almost a step up to the sky for a businessman.

Most importantly, there will be high-ranking nobles behind the shop as background backers!

Otto doesn't mind other people's gossip, and he himself knows that the reason why he chose to come to Yuntian at this time is because the news of the 'Kingdom Sword' has started to ferment.

Without this news, Otto would definitely not have made up his mind so quickly.

He admits that his current behavior is very utilitarian, but even so, Otto wants to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Otto Suwen, I am willing to serve you!"

Otto stood up and bowed seriously to Yuntian.

Seeing his appearance, Yun Tian nodded and asked:

"The promise I made will not be taken back, so Otto, have you chosen your position yet?"

"Eh?! Ah, no..."

As if he didn't expect Yun Tian to agree so simply, Otto was taken aback for a moment, then scratched his head in a panic, and said:

"Not yet."

In his opinion, he did not agree to recruit Yuntian before he became the sword of the kingdom, but now that someone else has just made a fortune, he will come to him immediately, and he will probably be regarded as a villain.

Comparing his heart to his heart, if it were Otto himself, he would definitely think more about appointing such a person.

He was actually prepared to be rejected today, and he also prepared a plan to persuade Yuntian.

Since Otto left home, he has never told anyone about himself, so no one knows that he has both blessings and a pretty good talent for magic.

No matter where it is placed, it can be reused by virtue of his ability.

But now, none of the prepared remarks were used, and Otto was a little at a loss.

This kind of behavior of judging the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain made him a little ashamed and at the same time began to admire Yuntian from the bottom of his heart.

Yuntian didn't care about Otto's various little thoughts.

Knowing the plot of the original novel, Yun Tian knew Otto well to some extent.

Whether he is trustworthy or not, and what his ability is, Yuntian knows it well.

Furthermore, with the power of destiny, it is impossible for an ordinary person like Otto who has not entered the extraordinary to make any waves here in Yuntian.

Even a verbal agreement has a powerful binding force unimaginable by ordinary people.

This application of the power of fate is thanks to Remilia in Gensokyo, and Yuntian has gradually begun to use the power of fate now.

"It doesn't matter if you don't choose the location to open the store. You can choose slowly these few days. Later, I will write you a warrant on my behalf. You can enter and exit Noble Street freely."

Otto was so touched by Yuntian's words that he was speechless. From this moment on, the relationship between the two of them was confirmed.

Only a contract or agreement was needed, and Otto officially became a subordinate or retainer of the new Sword of the Kingdom. This employment relationship was protected by the laws of the Kingdom of Lugnica.

Yuntian had already prepared for this, and the contract had just been brought along with the tea tray.

Seeing Otto read it carefully and signed his name, Yuntian smiled.

Standing up, he patted the young man on the shoulder in relief, and Yun Tian led him to the study with Otto's face in a daze.

Pressing his shoulders to let him sit in front of the desk, Yun Tianyu said earnestly:

"I'll leave these to you."

Otto looked at the documents as high as a hill on the table, and then at Yuntian who turned and left without any hesitation.

For a while, I fell into doubt and confusion about life.

1796 Duke's Invitation

"Master Yuntian, do you just want to find someone to help with government affairs?!"

Time passed, and it was almost dinner time in a flash.

In the hall, Otto sat slumped on the sofa, complaining to Yuntian with a burnt-out appearance.

The respect and nervousness earlier, I don't know where it was thrown at this moment.

There is only one word in Otto's mind now, tired!

"That's not true. To be honest, when I agreed to take over the status of Sword of the Kingdom, I didn't realize that the upper-level nobles needed to handle government affairs."

Yun Tian put down the documents processed by Otto, looked at him and said:

"I'm looking for you because I have other arrangements, but I'm not in a hurry. It just so happens that the Sage Council sent documents."

"So I became a perfect tool man." Otto complained.

But then he also sighed, and said with great emotion:

"I've also been hearing that the nobles are very busy recently, but I just found out today that they are actually so busy.

"Although the content of the document is very simple, this kind of quantity actually needs to be completed in one afternoon. The life of the nobles is not as easy as imagined."

While feeling emotional, Otto picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip of tea.

Hearing his words, Yun Tian said coldly:

"No, those documents were delivered at noon, and the requested time is within two days."

"Eh? Two days?? But didn't you say...?!"

"That's right, what I told you was an afternoon." Yun Tian nodded confidently, his arrogance made Otto speechless.

But then, Yun Tian also explained:

"You have to find a place to open a store tomorrow, so you won't have much time to deal with these tasks, right?"

"That's right, but... that should be your job, Mr. Yuntian?"

"Well, it's your job from today on, I'm very optimistic about you, Otto!"

"Do I have any other options than to obey?"


"...Observe." Otto sighed deeply, once again falling into doubt and confusion about his future life.

Yun Tian glanced at him, smiled and did not speak.

It has to be said that at least in terms of handling government affairs, Otto is more talented than he imagined.

It was completed in one afternoon. In fact, Yuntian was just joking at first, and wanted to test Otto's ability by the way.

Only after knowing exactly how much work can be done in one afternoon, Yuntian can arrange Otto's work reasonably.

This was given to him by Fenn in the wrong world, and it was regarded as a trick of the black-hearted boss.

As a result, Yuntian didn't expect that Otto actually finished processing all the documents in one afternoon.

He checked it just now, and the annotations on all the documents were unexpectedly serious, not the kind of handling that just writes and deals with things.

This made Yun Tian start to re-examine this gray-haired young man named "God of War" in the original book.

He is more capable than Yun Tian thought.

"It's getting almost dark, do you want to stay for dinner?"

Yun Tian casually took out his pocket watch to check the time, and then said to Otto.

It could be seen that he was a little moved, and Otto also knew that Yun Tian's words meant that he was valued, but after hesitating for a while, he still refused.

"I'm sorry, I need to go back to the hotel, Froof... my earth dragon companion is still waiting for me."

Otto came alone today, but as a traveling merchant, his earth dragon remained in the hotel.

If Otto stayed for dinner without telling the hotel in advance, the earth dragon named Frouf would probably starve.

"In that case, I won't keep you."

Yun Tian nodded, and then handed the prepared envelope to Otto.

"This is a pass for Noble Street, and inside the envelope is a badge that symbolizes the identity of the Sword of the Kingdom.

"You don't need to come here these few days, just find a place to open a store in the city, and find a suitable house to live in by the way.

"Come and report to me after you find the place, and I will give you the gold coins for buying shops and houses."

Otto took the envelope and found it heavy.

In addition to the paper voucher and a badge that symbolizes status, there are more than a dozen holy gold coins inside.

Holding the envelope tightly, Otto bowed deeply.

"Otto will always remember your gratitude to me."

. . . . . .

After that, roughly two days passed.

During the period, Yun Tian went to deliver the documents to the Sage Association, and showed up at the restaurant of the Knights Order on time for three meals a day, and fed Alaba by the way.

Other than that, he only did one thing.

Go to the duty room of the Knights every day to guard Reinhardt.

For example, it is the same today.

Early in the morning, Yuntian rode Alaba to the duty room of the knight order earlier than anyone else, and after sending Alaba to the dragon house, he stood at the door and waited silently.

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