Until another red-haired young man who came to the duty room of the knight order earlier than everyone else appeared, Yun Tian greeted him with bright eyes.

"Yo, Reinhardt, let's go, let's go to morning exercises!"

The red-haired young man who came, Reinhardt was not surprised to see Yun Tian walking towards him, but looked at him helplessly and sighed:

"It's a good thing for you to show up in the duty room on time every day, but Yun Tian, ​​how about taking a break once in a while?"

"Cultivation is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. Although the pure exercise in our realm is useless, we must not forget the habit. It represents our original intention and is also a manifestation of our will."

It was rare for Yun Tian to throw out a bunch of great truths, but the next sentence immediately revealed his true purpose.

"Since you don't like exercising, let's go to practice, just right, that's exactly what I think."

"No...we've been practicing duels for the past few days."

Looking at such a cloudy sky, even Reinhardt couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed.

During these three days, except for the necessary things to do, Yun Tian spent the rest of the time looking for various excuses to pull him into sparring.

The morning is morning exercise, and the excuse after breakfast is to digest food. In the morning, I will find Reinhardt during the regular exercise time of the knights.

Eat until noon, then start a new cycle.

Even though Reinhardt didn't dislike sparring with Yuntian, such too frequent times still made him unable to complain.

As long as he is caught by Yun Tian without a good excuse, he will not be able to get away for a whole day.

Fortunately, today's Reinhardt prepared a perfect excuse, and it was impossible for Yun Tian to practice duel with him.

"I just met Phyllis on the way here, and he asked me to tell you to go to Duke Karsten's mansion after breakfast. His Excellency the Duke seems to have something to discuss with you."

Hearing Reinhardt's words, Yun Tian paused.

"Duke, Crusch Karsten?"

Yun Tian knew that what he was waiting for had come.

1797 Negotiation

Located in the deepest part of Noble Street on the upper floor of the Royal Capital, there is a particularly luxurious building - Duke Karsten's residence.

Although this is only an annex used by the Duke when he stayed in the capital, both the scale and the luxury of the interior decoration are far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

However, the overly decorated interior was not the Duke's personal interest.

When staying in the capital, there is always an endless stream of guests visiting the Duke, whether it is as a status symbol or respect and etiquette for the guests, this level is considered necessary.

Sitting in the reception room, Yun Tian thought about it while looking at the layout of the room.

at this time

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

The door of the reception room opened, and Crusch, the Duke of the Kingdom dressed in men's attire, walked in with Felice.

After apologizing to Yuntian, Crusch sat directly opposite him, while Phyllis stood aside without speaking.

"Qing is now the sword of the kingdom, and his status is not inferior to mine. It should be my side to visit. However, today's matter is quite special, please forgive me."

"I understand." Yun Tian nodded.

There are too many topics that they want to talk about today. Although Yuntian's home is near Noble Street, it is still outside Noble Street after all.

To be on the safe side, Crusch's duke's mansion is more suitable.

"I don't think I need to elaborate on the purpose of calling you here today, so I'll just ask straight to the point."

Crusch's expression was very serious, she stared at Yuntian closely, and asked:

"His Royal Highness said that you have the ability to save him, is it true or not?"

Crusch's question was very straightforward, she neither believed what Felier said, nor did she believe Phyllis' suspicions and inferences not long ago.

She would use her own eyes to determine this.

Kazami's protection, this is Crusch's ability.

It is an ability that allows her to see and manipulate 'wind', more precisely, an ability to see invisible things such as 'breath' and 'temperament'.

With the power of this protection, Crusch can easily judge whether a person is lying or not.

Whether Yuntian has the ability to save Freee, as long as he answers this question directly, Crusch will be able to judge whether it is true or not.

Yun Tian is well aware of the protection that this princess possesses, and at the same time, he is quite emotional.

The combination of Freeye and Crusch, regardless of means or personality, their innate abilities are too superior to others.

A king who can lead himself and others to the right path by instinct, a duke of a kingdom who will never be deceived.

There is an indestructible bond between the two, plus Phyllis, the outstanding blue magician.

Even in this generation, the Juggernaut of Lugnica Kingdom is Reinhardt.

If Fourier is to succeed, then Lugnica will have at least a hundred years of rapid development.

King and minister, literature and martial arts, sword and magic can be said to have a fairly perfect framework.

Unfortunately. . .

"That's right, I do have a way to save His Highness the Prince."

Yuntian also answered Crusch head-on to this question without any evasion or cover-up.

To be honest, Yun Tian is too familiar with the ability to see through lies.

The gods of the earth wrong world, the god of disobedience in the godslayer world, and Yuntian have come all the way, and they have long had a perfect way to deal with this inability to lie.

Therefore, before Crusch and Phyllis got excited, he added:

"However, the more powerful the ability, the more expensive it is."

These words instantly calmed Crusch, who hadn't had time to get excited, as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his head.

She was silent for a moment, then said:

"I understand that this has always been the truth in the world. If you didn't have a serious price or flaw, you wouldn't be silent until now... So, what is the price?"

Hearing this question, Yun Tian shook his head.

Instead of answering Crusch directly, he changed the subject and started another topic from his own point of view.

"I have almost no understanding of the curse, so it is impossible to succeed if I solve the curse directly, even if I understand the curse, there is a great possibility of failure.

"So, before you look forward to it, it's better to be psychologically prepared for the worst."

Yuntian's words were only aimed at 'cursing' and 'cursing', he didn't lie about this matter, and Crusch was logically led by him to understand in the wrong direction.

"That is to say... will it fail?"

"..." Yun Tian replied silently.

Kursh paused, his expression shrouded in haze visible to the naked eye, and then continued to ask, seemingly unwillingly:

"What about the probability of failure?"

This time, Yun Tian silently shook his head.

"Is that so?" In Crusch's eyes, this was undoubtedly a 'not optimistic' answer.

But anyway, hope is better than nothing.

Crusch wasn't overwhelmed by the negative emotions rising from the bottom of her heart, she straightened out her emotions in an instant, and asked:

"What do you need? Whether it's curse information or the cooperation of a therapist, including Phyllis, I can adjust it as you like..."

"I want the sacrament of the Immortal King." Yun Tian said calmly.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the reception room fell into a stagnation.

Crusch stared at Yuntian, and Phyllis couldn't hold back and asked directly:

"where are you from...?!"

"Not long ago, there was a rebellion under the Duke of Karsten, and there were 'moving corpses'."

Yun Tian interrupted Phyllis, and said calmly:

"Although you have issued a gag order, it's not like there's no way to find out, and Phyllis, the word 'resurrection' appeared that day. I'm not stupid."

Listening to Yun Tian's words, Phyllis fell into silence again.

Why didn't he have the idea of ​​resurrecting His Royal Highness Felier with a forbidden secret technique, but

"That method was rejected by His Royal Highness, otherwise, I can also..."

Phyllis's tone was full of unwillingness, the pain of not being able to save the important person had almost driven him crazy during this period of time.

"On this point, I can assure you that the method of treating His Royal Highness Freye will not be the technique of the dead, and His Highness himself knows about it."

"If it's not the art of the dead, it could be..."

"Ferris!" It was Crusch who interrupted him this time.

The princess glanced over with sharp eyes and reminded:

"His Highness has told us not to go into the details of Yun Tianqing's method of treatment is one of the prerequisites for the two sides to reach an agreement."

After finishing speaking, Kursh sighed, changed his tone, and said to Phyllis relatively gently:

"The sacrament of the undead king is something left to you by your father, so the decision is in your hands, Phyllis, I will not interfere with this matter."

"I..." Phyllis looked at Crusch, then at Yuntian, and held her chest with her right hand in silence for a long time.

Where he covered it, inside his clothes was the blood-stained black manual.

1798 talk

"Ferris is not here, and the official negotiations have ended. The next step is not Duke Crusch Karsten, but Crusch's request."

Sitting opposite each other, Crusch's voice reached Yuntian's ears.

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