Phyllis left the table to copy the sacrament of the Undead King, and he finally agreed to give it to Yuntian, but it was not the original but a handwritten copy.

The sacrament of the undead king was left by Phyllis' father, and Yuntian didn't have the consciousness to ask for the original.

"Can you tell me how likely it is to fail? Yuntian."

Crusch's face showed obvious tension and a little wavering.

Expression management is a compulsory course for her duke, and Crusch has never shown such a gaffe expression in front of others, even when Ferrier fell ill.

She is a duke, the highest nobleman, one of the pillars of the kingdom, who cannot and will not be allowed to show weakness.

But at this moment, when Ferrier might have a glimmer of life, she couldn't help it after all.

"I actually want to tell you that the success rate is [-]%, Miss Crusch."

Yun Tian looked at her, then shook his head and said:

"The only thing I can assure you is that His Royal Highness Freyer will not die. The most likely possibility is that he will fall into a long sleep. This is the limit."

"Eternal sleep..." Crusch fell silent.

An incurable disease 'Sleeping Beauty' was prevalent in the Kingdom of Lugnica, and patients would sleep like a vegetative state without waking up.

The most famous patient is the mother of the current 'juggernaut' Reinhardt, who has been sleeping for more than 15 years.

Therefore, Crusch intuitively understood what the "long sleep" in Yuntian's words meant.

After a short silence, the princess shook her head and sighed:

"This is already the best result. At least the person is still alive, and there will always be a day when he can be cured."

Having said that, she paused, and then asked:

"Then, since His Royal Highness Flier can be saved, is it the same for His Majesty the King?"

"Yes, the same method works, as do other members of the royal family, it's just..."

Yun Tian nodded at first, and then spread his hands in the middle of speaking, making a 'you understand' expression.

"Does it take time?" Crusch understood what he meant.

Yun Tian used to excuse that he didn't understand the curse, so it was necessary to spend time understanding the curse.

No one can say how long this kind of research will last, but nowadays, the physical condition of most members of the royal family is not optimistic, and [-]% of them may not be able to last until then.

"Since this is the case, His Majesty the King should give priority..."

"Miss Crusch, His Royal Highness should have told you about this."

Yuntian interrupted Crusch's words.

"Indeed." Immediately, Crusch sighed.

Yun Tian didn't want to cause trouble for his upper body, so the origin of the method was unknown. Under such circumstances, it was impossible to directly perform experimental treatment on His Majesty the King.

That will inevitably face questions and doubts from the Sage Council and even all the upper and lower nobles in the kingdom.


[The method developed by Phyllis has been successfully verified in Flier]

This excuse is what Yuntian needs, and it can completely remove him from this matter.

As for the aftermath of treating Freer, no, there would be no aftermath then.

Fourier will inevitably be the last to die, this can be guaranteed by Yuntian, who has begun to grasp the concepts of nature and life.

The essence of the curse is to let the vitality flow away, and Yuntian can hang Freee's life without purifying the curse.

At that time, when the so-called 'research is over', the only one left in the royal family will be Flier.

Very ruthless decision.

But just like what he said from the very beginning, Yuntian only intends to save Folier alone.

"...Let's change the subject." Crusch was the one who interrupted the conversation.

She picked up the wine bottle on the table in front of herself and Yun Tian, ​​poured a glass of wine for them, and then asked:

"Want to add ice?"

"No, that's fine." Yun Tian shook his head, then took the wine glass naturally.

After doing this action, he froze for a moment.

The reaction was too obvious, Crusch asked slightly surprised after seeing it:

"Any questions?"

"No, I just suddenly thought of one... I guess it's an acquaintance of a friend."

Yun Tian shook his head, and explained with a helpless expression:

"Before I changed it, I would definitely decline this glass of wine and choose tea instead, but thanks to a certain acquaintance, I am not as opposed to wine now as I used to be."

Hearing what Yuntian said, Crusch also showed a slight smile and said:

"I drink often. At first, I couldn't help it as a nobleman, but I got used to it later. I often ask Phyllis to accompany me for a drink on a pleasant night."

Crusch picked up the wine glass and shook it lightly, the amber liquor swayed and spun along with it, and the ice cubes in the glass collided with each other making a soft sound.

After admiring it, Crusch put the wine glass to his lips, sniffed it lightly, and took a sip.

A series of movements are natural and skillful, and it can be seen that what she said about drinking often is not a lie.

"You should be practicing swordsmanship. As a swordsman, it's better to drink less alcohol." Seeing this, Yun Tian couldn't help reminding.

However, Crusch glanced at the wine glass in his hand, and said half-jokingly:

"You're not convincing right now."

"Ah..." Yun Tian was stunned, then shook his head with a broken smile, and sighed:

"Indeed, I am no longer qualified to speak of others."

After a little self-deprecating, he explained one more sentence.

"With my current physical fitness, it's impossible for ordinary drinks to paralyze my spirit, but you are different, Miss Crusch."

"I understand, thanks for the advice." Crusch also nodded.

She is not the kind of person who doesn't listen to advice, and she drinks only lightly, and rarely gets drunk.

Phyllis, the therapist, talked a lot about the effects of alcohol on the body and mind.

"I've also heard some rumors about you, some of which are related to your physique. If it's convenient, can I ask?"

Crusch swung his wine glass, and cast a questioning look at Yuntian.

She had seen the dragon sword unsheathed in the throne hall, so Crusch would not have any doubts about Yuntian's strength.

It is precisely because of this that some rumors and rumors that were not taken seriously before become worth mentioning.

Yuntian is now the sword of the kingdom, and together with Crusch, he is the highest-ranking noble in Lugnica. There are not many important officials who can compare with their status.

Knowing and making friends with new dignitaries can be regarded as the Duke's self-cultivation.

"Physical, if it were someone else, I would directly say it was a blessing, but for Ms. Crusch, such an excuse would not be acceptable."

Yun Tian also knew about those rumors about him.

In addition to the exaggerated appetite, when I went to pick the earth dragon with Julius that day, there were also other knights who were in charge of guarding and feeding.

Pressing the earth dragon with one hand, this rumor is the most widely circulated rumor outside of the big stomach king after Yuntian became the sword of the kingdom.

"However, it is very troublesome to explain. It is a relatively special ability. If it can be understood in terms of protection, it will be of great help."

Yun Tian took a sip of wine and didn't intend to explain in detail.

"Compared to delving deeper into the source of your abilities, I'm more surprised that the rumors are actually true."

Crusch didn't intend to delve into it, but seeing her looking Yuntian up and down, it was obviously hard to imagine that humans could suppress the earth dragon with pure flesh.

1799 Arrival and letter

"Extraordinary physical quality." Crusch sighed, although it was rare, there was still a hint of envy in his tone.

As a swordsman as well, she is very aware of how great the increase in physical strength is.

Whether it is Yuntian or Reinhardt, the way they can improve their physique to the monster level is an important part of their own strength.

"In terms of physique, Ms. Crusch is good enough in the eyes of ordinary people. At least there are only a few of the knight guards who can beat you. Presumably, you have been exercising all the time."

"of course."

Crusch nodded, then looked at Yuntian hesitantly, and couldn't help asking:

"You don't seem surprised by my sword practice?"

"Why the surprise?" Yun Tian was a little puzzled by this question.

After all, it's just practicing a sword, so there's no surprise.

"Women are not suitable for wielding swords. I was often told that since I was a child. The daughter of the Karsten family is obviously a weak woman, but she is crazy about swordsmanship. She prefers wielding swords and swords to enjoying flowers. When it comes to the Duke's family, I have to Talk about that silly girl."

Crusch explained to Yuntian mockingly, then paused before continuing:

"Few people would think that my sword practice is a normal thing."

Hearing what she said, Yun Tian smiled.

"I know more than one woman who is good at swordsmanship, maybe that's why I think it's normal."

"Oh? A female swordsman? Please introduce me if you have the chance."

Crusch's eyes lit up a little after hearing Yuntian's words, as if he might have found a confidant.

"If there is a chance, I will." To this, Yun Tian could only say this.

None of the female swordsmen he knew were from this world, and the only one, Edelweiss, was not around now.

In order to prevent Crusch from continuing to question, Yuntian took the initiative to change the topic and said:

"However, today's evaluation of Miss Crusch is far from what it used to be. The streets and alleys are full of praise, saying that the current princess is a hero who will go down in history."

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