Then, he took out a beige robe from the portable pocket, compared Felut's height, and waved off the extra length of the hem.

Put the robe on the girl and pull up the hood.

Yun Tian looked again and couldn't tell who it was, he could only recognize a petite figure who might not be very old, and nodded in satisfaction.

"It's barely a problem to go to the street like this, let's go... Well, do you want to say goodbye?"

Felut was a little dazed by Yuntian's flowing movements. When he came back to his senses, not only was his body-protecting weapon taken away, but he also had an extra piece of clothing on him.

She subconsciously wanted to break free, but after trying, she was surprised to find that even though Yun Tian didn't use much force to hold her hand, she just couldn't break free.

He can only be forced to be honest until Yun Tian lets go.

1802 Different

In the end, Felut still didn't say goodbye to Lord Roma.

In my own words, it's 'it's not that I won't come back, anyway, I'm in the city, and I'm not worried that something will happen to the old man'.

However, although the girl tried her best to hide it, Yun Tian could still see the sadness in her heart, but she didn't expose it.

For Felut, this is also the first time to leave 'home' and 'relatives'.

After all, her goal is to gain a real foothold in the capital. If she wants to get rid of her status as a poor man, it depends on whether she can adapt.

Before that, both Master Luo Mu and Yun Tian had given the same judgment, they could not go back.

There are only two results for Felut to return to the slums again, one is to go back to visit relatives after successfully integrating into normal life, and the other is to be driven back by Yuntian after failure.

"I said, aren't you a knight-lord?"

Walking on the road, the girl who had been following Yun Tian suddenly spoke to him.

But as soon as the words came out, Yun Tian interrupted her first.

"My name is Yun Tian. You can call me by my name directly, but it's best not to call me this guy, Lord Knight, or Master Knight."

The problem with addressing is that on the one hand, it's rude to call something like 'this guy'.

"If you're going to develop normal relationships, it's best to learn to be polite and courteous to others."

On the other hand, titles such as Lord Knight and Master actually reflect his identity from the side.

Unless Felut intends to stay and work with Yuntian, or become his retainer, Yuntian doesn't suggest her to call it that.

Sometimes, some inconspicuous little habits will affect people's thinking after a long time.

Of course, the most important thing is Felt's tone.

Born in a slum, she has no liking for knights, nobles and the like, and it can even be said that she has a kind of hostility.

The 'Master Knight' she said was different from the polite words of ordinary people, it was closer to ridicule and eccentricity.

To be honest, it doesn't sound very comfortable.

Of course, it doesn't matter in the slums, but outside, such a way of speaking can easily cause problems.

So it is possible to offend someone or be isolated by others.

It is difficult to get rid of this habit that has been formed over ten years in the process of growing up, so Yuntian simply asked Felut to change his name directly.

At least in this way there will be no unnecessary misunderstandings.

"Hmm..." Felut was actually very smart, and immediately understood the meaning of Yuntian's words.

He didn't argue or complain, but unexpectedly hesitated for a moment, and then said:

"Cloud, cloud sky."

The girl knew very well that she could no longer face the open road of the royal capital with her usual casual attitude.

The change of identity and mentality means that many things are different.

Don't look at the normal expression on Felut's face, but his heart is actually quite nervous, full of hesitation and worry about the future.

"very good."

Yun Tian nodded, and then asked:

"What did you want to tell me just now?"

"I just want to ask, why is your come you keep looking at the ground when you walk, even though you are a knight?"

Hearing Felut's question, Yuntian blinked, and then asked back:

"Isn't it common sense to pay attention to your feet when you walk?"

"But, wouldn't that be...ah, no...nothing."

In the middle of the conversation, Felut didn't know what Felut was thinking of, so he unilaterally interrupted the topic.

Seeing her performance, Yun Tian sighed, and said earnestly:

"You know Felt, there are two kinds of people that I hate the most in my life, one is the one who only speaks half the words,"

After the voice fell, the air froze for a moment.

Felut, who listened carefully to his words, waited for a while, and asked subconsciously after finding that there was nothing to say:

"What about the other?"

"Huh? Another kind?" Yun Tian looked at the girl blankly, making an expression of 'what are you talking about'.

"#! You bastard! Are you kidding me!"

"I just wanted to tell you that your behavior was as nasty as I am now."

Yun Tian spread his hands, making Felut stunned for a moment.

The girl opened her mouth, and then tried to scratch her head with her hands, only to find that she was wearing a hood, and the movement of raising her hands froze in place, making her look very embarrassed.

After a few seconds, the girl put down her hand and said as if nothing happened:

"It's kind of shabby to walk with your head down, I just wanted to say this, but thinking of you as a knight, just..."

Felut didn't finish his sentence, but the meaning was expressed clearly.

After Yun Tian finished listening, he smiled and replied:

"Next time you want to scratch your head, you can take off the hood first."

"#! Long-winded! I want you to take care of it!"

Felut, who has fried fur, unexpectedly has the feeling of a wild cat, and the reaction after teasing is very in line with expectations, which is very interesting.

Of course, too much is too much.

After teasing, Yun Tian still answered the girl's question.

"So, do you think I'm shabby?"


"But I do have the habit of paying attention to my feet when I walk."

"This is..." Felut didn't know what to say, and after thinking for a long time, he could only use his original idea as an example.

"People in the slums are like this. They walk with their heads down all the time. From head to toe, they are full of the atmosphere of being defeated."

Felt's words revealed dissatisfaction and even hostility.

"They have long adapted to life here, and they don't even have the courage to try to leave or solve the status quo. I hate people like them the most."

When Yun Tian came to the slums last time, he wanted to communicate with the residents because he was asking for directions.

In fact, for the people here, it can be regarded as an opportunity.

As long as you come up to talk and make a good relationship, you may be able to brazenly beg for some pay or work.

After all, even though Yun Tian was wearing casual clothes, his clean appearance and demeanor made it clear that he was not an ordinary person, and he was wearing a sword around his waist.

But in the end, until Yuntian lured him with gold coins, no one was willing to come forward to talk to him.

They didn't even try it.

Don't reach out when the opportunity is in front of you, or dare not reach out.

Because they know that even if they get paid, they will be targeted by too many people, and even if they get the job, they can't do it well.

This is the world in their eyes, the reality in their eyes.

There is no way, there is nothing to do, the reality is always cruel.

Saying this, he didn't even have the slightest intention to change. Felut couldn't understand this kind of behavior.

In her eyes, that was just an excuse to give up on herself.

The light in the girl's red eyes is not dimmed, she is really out of tune with the people here, and it is precisely because of this that Lord Luo Mu hopes that Yuntian can give her a chance.

"I don't have the idea of ​​dying of old age in this kind of place. I will seize the opportunity and try my best to get out of here, so... that's why I left with you like this."

Listening to the girl's words and seeing her serious expression, Yun Tian paused.

After thinking for a while, he took out a very worn-out piece of clothing from his pocket.

This was thrown in after a certain battle by him, and he didn't deal with it. There are still a few similar clothes.

It was scratched by swords and stained with dust and blood, far worse than the clothes worn by people in the slums.

Yun Tian took off his coat, changed into this ragged clothes, messed up his hair, and rubbed some dust on his face.

All of a sudden, he changed from a clean appearance to the one after the rough and tumble.

Such a Yuntian looked at Felut, with an invariable smile still on the corner of his mouth. He walked to the wall, leaning against the wall like the people in the slums in his impression, lowered his head, and looked at him with slightly raised eyes. felut.

With ten years of experience as an adventurer, methods such as camouflage are just random tricks for Yun Tian.

He learned it perfectly, but

"Do you think I'm one of the ghetto?"

Hearing Yuntian's question, Felut looked at the appearance and state that he had been familiar with for more than ten years, and obviously couldn't see any difference, but the girl couldn't answer 'yes' no matter what.

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