
Not the appearance, but an instinctive feeling.

The moment you see him, you can recognize that he is definitely not from here, that he definitely does not belong to this rotten slum.

It's kind of, fundamentally something.

1803 mentality

"Appearance and clothing, demeanor and movement, it's really an important part of how a person looks."

As the voice slowly sounded, Yuntian's posture changed from leaning against the wall to standing, and walked towards Felut step by step.

"But there are other things that are more important than that.

"Handsome scumbags, slickly dressed trash, perverts who have knowledge but use it in various despicable things, such people are not uncommon."

Yun Tian stood in front of Felut and asked:

"Which do you think is better between them and the people in the slums?"

Felut didn't speak, and Yuntian actually didn't intend to ask her to answer, so he went on talking directly.

"At least, the residents of the slums are still desperately alive, and some people don't even deserve to live."

As he spoke, Yun Tian reached out and patted the girl's head through the hood.

"It's not actions or manners that matter, it's thoughts, beliefs.

"When you're thinking, 'Would it be shabby for me to do this', you've drawn a line between yourself and other people.

"You know that you are in the position you hate the most, so you keep denying this."

No matter how unwilling Felut is and how she looks down on other people in the slum, she also knows and understands that she is just one of them.

That's why she tried to prove that she was different from these people, in the way she could.

For example, look up.

There is nothing wrong with this, or in other words, it is also a proof of Felut's hard work.

However, she got one thing wrong.

"Whether you belong to a slum or not, and whether you are the same as the residents of a slum, this is not something that can be changed through proof."

As the words fell, Yun Tian began to undergo some inexplicable changes.

Obviously his appearance hasn't changed at all, but his sense of presence begins to swell rapidly.

At this moment, looking at Yuntian, Felut seemed to see the center of the world with his own eyes.

Grand, vast.

It's hard to imagine that this is a word used to describe people, but the girl who has not read much can only think of such words at this moment.

She really, didn't know how to describe the feeling of this moment.

"This is the real difference. It does not require proof or approval, but an objective fact."

The imposing Yuntian told Felut with practical actions what it means to be truly different.

"Everyone has momentum or temperament, the difference is just more or less.

"To get rid of the slum label, the first thing you have to change is the self-perception that you're 'shabby'."

When you yourself think you are poor, no matter what you do, it is impossible to change anything.

The first thing to undergo transformation is the mentality.

. . . . . .

After finishing the conversation, Yuntian and Felut walked out again.

While walking, Yun Tian tidied up his attire casually.

It has to be said that the water control technique is still very convenient in this respect.

A little dust was taken away by the water, and the messy hair was smoothed out. After changing back to normal clothes, Yuntian returned to its original clean appearance.

Seeing this 'transformation technique', Felut was speechless for a while, and couldn't help asking:

"Is this magic?"

"Barely count." Yun Tian let the water flow around his hand, showed it for a while, and then dispersed it.

"Do you want to learn?"

"Would you like to teach me?"

"It's not impossible, but what can you pay for tuition?"

Taking care of Felut is regarded as the entrustment of Lord Roma. According to the rules of the stolen goods warehouse, one to twenty percent of a transaction is usually taken as a reward.

Calculated, it is also a huge sum of two hundred to four hundred holy gold coins.

However, this obviously does not include the cost of Yuntian's personal teaching, or in other words, if you want to hire Yuntian to teach people with money, this amount is really not enough.

Coming out of Yuntian's hand is also a B-level guarantee, and he can be regarded as a strong player in the kingdom.

Hundreds of holy gold coins can't buy such a good thing.

Obviously, Felut couldn't afford the corresponding reward.

After thinking hard, the girl suddenly raised her head and asked tentatively:



The fist landed decisively on the girl's head, and Yun Tian's angry voice sounded at the same time.

"There's a lot of shit going on in your head."

"It hurts! Didn't you say you want to be paid? I don't have anything now, the only thing left is my body. You're aiming at this, perverted knight!"

"I was going to reject you, can't you hear it!"

"If you don't teach, then you don't teach, what a detour, hypocrisy!"

"Tsk..." Yun Tian curled his lips, deciding not to argue with the other party.

However, at this moment, he suddenly remembered something, and then he turned his eyes to Felut, and looked him up and down.

"?!" Seen by Yun Tian, ​​Felut stopped, with a vigilant expression on his face.

"You won't come for real, perverted knight!"

"Who is the pervert...Forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with you." Yun Tian felt his blood pressure rise a bit, raised his eyebrows and changed the subject.

"You have protection, right?"

"How do you know... ah." Felut just wanted to ask, and then recalled the scene of breaking into the stolen goods warehouse when they first met.

The ability of protection varies from person to person. Some people know what their abilities are innately, and some people may not be able to accurately understand their ability to protect themselves throughout their lives.

Felt is the latter at this stage.

She knew that she possessed protection and could apply it easily, but she didn't know what specific protection was, its detailed abilities, and what things she could do.

It can be said that Felut is not fully aware of his own protection, but can use it instinctively.

This point, currently only Lord Rom knows.

But last time, because of his anxiety, Felut rushed into the stolen goods warehouse with the power of his protection. Obviously, that kind of speed is not what a girl who grew up in a slum should have.

Yun Tian is not stupid, even if he doesn't have the information of the original book, he can still make a good guess.

Knowing that he couldn't be fooled, Felut thought about it and admitted it directly.

"That kind of natural strength, right? Let me tell you first, I have only a half-knowledge myself, so I can't answer your question."

. . . . . .

Regarding protection, Yuntian and Felut reached a simple agreement.

They didn't talk for too long, and soon, the two continued to set off.

However, as he walked, Felut noticed something was wrong.

The two walked through the capital all the way, and during the period they took a taxi and walked from the outermost edge to the depths.

Seeing that it was almost approaching Noble Street, Yun Tian still didn't intend to stop.

Finally, the girl couldn't help but asked in a low voice:

"Where are you taking me? Noble Street is ahead."

Yuntian didn't tell Felut about the itinerary, and Lord Roma had told Felut before, telling her to listen to Yuntian and not to make trouble for him.

So Felt didn't ask.

But now, this is close to Noble Street.

"Of course, go to where I live first." Yun Tian glanced at the girl.

"At least let you take a shower and change your clothes first, otherwise you won't be kicked out when you go to work because of the smell on your body."

1804 won't work

"You live here?!"

Felt looked at the big iron gate in front of him, then turned his head and looked into the distance along the road at the gate.

Within sight, you can already see the white wall that symbolizes the boundary between the urban area and Noble Street.

Twitching the corners of his mouth, Felt reconfirmed:

"Aren't you a knight?"

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