"I'm a knight, well, let's count it as a position." Yun Tian responded to the girl while taking out the key.

"Are you kidding me? When will knights be able to live near Noble Street! Aren't all the people living here are quasi-nobles? The family has at least three generations of kingdom knights to be eligible to buy the outermost location in this area."

"Huh? Don't you know? Rom didn't tell you my identity?"

With a click, Yun Tian opened the gate of the courtyard and looked back at Felut at the same time.

"Master Roma just told me that you are a knight, and your character is worthy of guarantee. I am not interested in listening to the rest of the long-winded chatter and complaints."

"I see." Yun Tian nodded clearly.

"In that case, let me introduce myself."

Yun Tian took out a badge from his arms, tossed it lightly and showed it to Felut, saying:

"Belongs to the Knights of the Guards, the current sword of the Kingdom of Lugnica, Yuntian."

"The guard... the king, the sword of the kingdom?!"

Felt looked at the badge engraved with the pattern of dragon and knight sword, and he froze in place, not knowing how to react.

Ever since Yuntian went to the stolen goods warehouse last time, Lord Roma has been persuading Felut to leave with Yuntian.

Caught between her dream and her family, the girl has been worrying about this sudden and important decision all this time, and has no intention of caring about any information at all.

But even so, Felut had heard a little about someone inheriting the Kingdom Sword.

The kingdom's deliberate publicity has made the fact that "the birth of a new generation of the strongest sword comparable to the sword master" almost a household name.

The king drew his sword before the king, and the dragon sword unsheathed. These stories are the most talked about things during this period.

Felut never dreamed that the unscrupulous knight in front of him who secretly went to the loot warehouse to smuggle a large amount of gold was the legendary sword of the kingdom? !

"This kingdom is over, a knight like you can climb up." After a moment of silence, Felut sighed.

"...Did you misunderstand me?"

Yun Tian rubbed his forehead, the girl who had something to say in the conversation felt a headache and helplessness.

"Smuggling, violence, perverts, and... wow, it's huge!"

Hearing Yuntian's words, Felut counted his impressions of Yuntian one by one with his fingers, but halfway through the count, the girl was startled by the sudden protruding head.

"Oh?" Alaba walked to the door and poked his head out to ask Yuntian.

"I'm talking to someone, let's go in."

Yun Tian touched Alaba's head, and introduced to the dumbfounded Felut:

"This is my earth dragon partner, named Alaba."

"Earth dragon... Shouldn't a knight's partner be a dragon?"

"It's true that Alaba rides a dragon."

"Riding a dragon? Are you sure?!"

Felut looked at Alaba, whose size was not much bigger than the large earth dragon that was pulling goods, and couldn't believe that it was a riding dragon.

In this regard, Yuntian could only helplessly spread his hands.

During this period of time, Alaba has rapidly grown from a figure as tall as one person to a big guy who is taller than two people, and it seems that there is still a growing trend.

It is indeed completely out of the category of the smaller dragon riding species.

Of course, food intake has also risen linearly.

Perhaps because of race relations, the effect of black dragon meat on Alaba was far greater than that of Yuntian.

Yuntian feels that it won't take long for Alaba to get rid of his identity as a dragon and begin to transform.

However, this matter is really difficult to explain to others.

Yuntian said that

"He just ate too much and got fat."

"I believe you ghost!" Felut immediately cast a contemptuous look.

"Aw!" Alaba snorted dissatisfiedly, and hit the ground with her thick tail, leaving a deep mark.

. . . . . .

"There's a bathroom on the first floor, over there."

Walking into the house, there are three living rooms on the first floor, two of which are single rooms and one is a multi-person room, and each room has a bathroom.

These three rooms are actually prepared for servants, but in the background, Yuntian's family does not employ anyone, so they have been vacant for a long time.

Yun Tian brought Felut to a private room, and said:

"I'll wait for you in the living room. After washing, we'll chat for a while, and then I'll take you to the next place to work."

After finishing speaking, Yun Tian paused for a while, and asked one more question as if thinking of something.

"Want me to teach you how to use it?"

"Huh?!" Felut obviously misunderstood.

"I don't need you to help me take a bath, perverted knight!"

Saying so, the girl took the change of clothes that Yun Tian handed over, made a face at him, and walked into the room.

Only a 'click' was heard, and the door was locked from the inside.

Seeing this, Yun Tian helplessly shook his head.

He didn't leave immediately, but stood at the door and waited quietly for a while.

About 10 minutes later, there was movement in the room where there was no sound all this time.


What sounded was the sound of the door lock being opened.

In the next second, the blond head poked out, and looked left and right like a thief.

Then, Felut saw Yuntian leaning against the door looking at her with a half-smile.

His expression froze for a moment, and a blush from embarrassment appeared on Felut's face.

The girl struggled for a long time before she managed to squeeze out two words.

"Teach me."

"Didn't someone say that I don't need my help?" Yun Tian obviously wouldn't let go of this opportunity, and shook his head teasingly.

"I, didn't I misunderstand." Felut's voice was very low, very confident.

"Tsk tsk tsk, misunderstanding. Speaking of which, someone called me a pervert more than once along the way? It's inappropriate to let a pervert go into the bathroom with you."

"You bastard... I know it! I apologize, I was wrong! I shouldn't call you a pervert, Mr. Knight, you have a lot of adults, don't be as knowledgeable as me, okay!"

Felt gritted his teeth and muttered viciously every single word.

Yun Tian nodded in satisfaction, and then asked:

"So, why did you come out to find me?"

"#! I don't know how to use it!"

That's right, Felt will not use the equipment in the bathroom.

Yun Tian actually guessed this point, otherwise he wouldn't have specifically asked if he wanted to teach.

Who can't take a shower, excuse!

Felt thought so, but after she walked into the bathroom, she regretted it.

The bathroom equipment in Yuntian's house is made of magic stone crafts. These things are not very popular among the common people, so they are considered expensive and rare.

Felut was born in a slum, and it is impossible to use the equipment in the bathroom.

Not to mention her, even Yun Tian, ​​who is used to modern equipment, had to grope for a long time before he was able to use it.

Yun Tian has been waiting at the door, knowing that the girl must come out to seek help.

1805 New look

Magic stone craft, this is a special craft industry in the Re0 world.

It sounds a bit like the magic stone industry in the wrong world, but in essence it is something completely different.

The magic stone industry in the wrong world was born on the basis of monster magic stones produced in dungeons, and it is a new energy application.

Just like electricity, wind power, fire power, etc., they are actually a category of industry.

But Re0's magic stone technology is different.

This is a processing technology based on the unique magic ore of this world, and it is not an industry in the traditional sense.

Magic ore is a collective name for magic crystals containing mana, with different attributes, affected by land, environment, creatures, etc., and there are many kinds of magic ores produced.

Among them, the most typical and popular one is the magic ore for lighting 'Ragmet Ore' that was introduced.

Artisans who have mastered magic stone crafts can process different types of ores and make magic stone crafts for different purposes.

The effect is excellent and the strength is excellent. As long as it is not deliberately damaged or used in the wrong way, it will not be a problem to last for several years or even ten years.

In this day and age, the value of such commodities is needless to say.

Magic crystal lamps for lighting, magic crystals that replace clocks to display time, and bathing equipment that can control hot and cold water, etc.

The magic stone technology of Lugnica Kingdom is in a stage of continuous improvement, and magic ore is also one of the most valuable resources.

But it is precisely because of this that the price of magic stone handicrafts remains high, far from reaching the standard that can be popularized.

This is also related to the limited output of magic ore. In addition to self-exploitation of magic ore in Lugnica Kingdom, most of them rely on imports.

The city-state of Kararaki in the west and the holy kingdom of Gustico in the north are the main sources of magic ore, and the holy kingdom accounts for the majority.

Not only that, the number of craftsmen who master the craft of magic stone processing is not many in Lugnica.

As long as the magic ore is processed, it cannot be restarted, and the only way to fail is to destroy it.

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