"For the value of four hundred holy gold coins, it is very simple to find a place for you, and I can clean up a lot."

Saying that, Yun Tian put a key on the table.

"How do you choose?"

Felt remained silent and did not answer.

After a while, the girl silently picked up the key, turned around and went upstairs with the package in her arms.

At the last moment of turning around, the words she left rang in Yuntian's ears.

"Thank you."

. . . . . .

There weren't many things, so it didn't take long for Felut to clean up the room.

After she finished, Yun Tian took her out of the house and walked towards the city.

"However, do you have to dress so fancy?"

Felut walked beside Yuntian, and at the same time couldn't help looking at him.

"Do you think I think so? This outfit won't interfere with your actions, but it's unexpectedly troublesome to wear."

Yun Tian was wearing the uniform of a guard knight at this time. The white knight uniform with a cloak, combined with Yun Tian's appearance and imposing manner, made him the focus of everyone's eyes.

This is the first time Felut sees Yuntian wearing a knight uniform.

She also admitted that she was really handsome.

However, the show bag is also a real show bag.

After the sense of presence is strong to a certain extent, combined with the eye-catching white clothes and gold ornaments, it is a bit dazzling.

Not only Felut, but everyone on the street had similar thoughts after seeing Yuntian, it was like a hero who came out of a bard's story.

Dazzling doesn't look like someone who lives in the same world as them.

Under normal circumstances, Yun Tian is not willing to do this, so he often deliberately restrains his aura and sense of presence to achieve a state where he will not be noticed.

But this time it was for Felt.

such as


Passing by the side of the street, the patrolling guards saw Yun Tian approaching at a glance, and the captain immediately led the team to salute him.

With the identity of a guard knight and the sword of the kingdom, Yun Tian's appearance may not be clear to the general public, but the guards and knights certainly will not be ignorant.

"Thank you." Yun Tian nodded to them.

Then, as if seeing through the curiosity and doubts in their eyes, he explained:

"This is the child of my acquaintance's family. It's not easy to discipline because it's used to being wild, so please ask me to take care of it for a few days."

. . .

. . .

. . .


I have always used the ellipsis in this book. . .

Someone asked in the comment area before, so I will ask

. . .


Which of these two do you prefer?

Personally, I am more comfortable with it. . .

Because of the font, I think... this one will be a very small mess

If there are many people who like... this, then I will try my best to change it, and use... this kind of

There are not many people who think there are problems, so I still use it. . .this

1807 jobs

"This, what a shame!"

"You deserve it, take it."

"No, no, no, you can come to me for help, it is enough for me to honor my ancestors, how dare I take your money again."

"There's nothing to be afraid of. I'm also an ordinary commissioner, so there's no need to worry too much."

In the prosperous area of ​​Wangdu City, in a store in a slightly corner, Yuntian sat opposite a middle-aged man who looked very capable.

Only the two of them were present, while Felut stayed outside and was led by other employees to get familiar with the environment.

"I didn't come to you to ask you to take care of Felut deliberately. There are other requirements. The money is not so easy to earn."

"This..." The middle-aged man, Marcus still seemed a little hesitant.

It is not necessarily a good thing or a bad thing to help the nobles, but Yuntian has the status of a guard knight, and the status of a "knight" is still very trustworthy for people in this kingdom.

If Yuntian didn't take money, but only ordered things to be done, then Marcus would nod immediately, and would do things as perfectly as possible without saying a word.

It doesn't matter if you can't do it well, at most you will be judged as incompetent and scolded.

But if the money was collected, it would be different.

If the matter of collecting money is not handled well, the consequences...

That's what Marcus hesitated about.

He hesitated for a while, and finally decided to believe in the character of the guard knight, and took over two money bags, one big and one small.

Seeing him accepting the money, Yun Tian nodded his head.

Yun Tian naturally knew what Marcus was worried about, but he still insisted on paying.

One is to characterize the matter as a transaction, and the other is to let Marcus understand that it is profitable to trade with him.

One thing does not bother the two masters, the person in front of him, Yuntian is not only looking for Felut.

"So, what are your orders? About the girl outside, or something else?"

"Both, let's talk about Felut first."

Yun Tian thought about his choice of words. With his current status, some words would be unnecessarily pondered by others, which would cause inexplicable misunderstandings.

Yuntian has encountered similar things more than once, so he said after serious thinking:

"Felut is the granddaughter of an acquaintance of mine. As you know, I have only recently become the Sword of the Kingdom."

Yun Tian spread his hands, made a helpless expression and gave Marcus a "you understand" look.

Marcus paused, then showed a clear look, and replied:

"It's inevitable that you will become so successful overnight. You have worked hard."

This kind of thing is too common in the kingdom where there are nobles. It is nothing more than seeing acquaintances stepping up to the sky, and relatives and friends from the past no matter what the relationship is will appear.

Some begging for money, some begging for officials, Marcus can imagine that Yuntian must have been troubled by similar things recently.

In fact, his guess could not be wrong.

Ever since Yuntian became the sword of the kingdom, in the past few days, the number of people visiting the door may not have been continuous, but it can be called continuous.

However, Yuntian has been chasing and intercepting Reinhardt recently, and he is not at home at all.

He didn't even have a maid or servant in his family, so [-]% of the people who came to visit were rejected, and it was difficult to say anything.

After all, Yun Tian's reason was to report to the duty room of the knight order, which is his obligation as a knight guard, you can't ask others to put down their kingdom duties and wait at home to greet you, right?

"It would seem ruthless to reject all of them, and I didn't want to rely on power to randomly arrange people into Wangcheng, so I chose someone who was less troublesome to take over."

"Do you want your granddaughter to find a job in the capital and settle down? Indeed, in your capacity, this is a matter of convenience."

Marcus nodded, but turned to ask with a little hesitation:

"It's just Master Yuntian, I don't think that child...may be suitable."

The words were very cryptic, and Marcus didn't specifically point out what was inappropriate.

Maybe it's not suitable for my store, or maybe it's not suitable for Wangdu.

Marcus, who is experienced, has his own way of looking at people. He can tell at a glance that Felut is definitely not the kind of character who will work honestly.

"That's what I'm going to say too."

Yun Tian pointed to the smaller purse at Marcus's hand, and said:

"You just need to arrange her to work normally, stay if you can use it, and fire if you can't use it, so I will have an excuse for her grandfather."

Hearing Yun Tian's words, Marcus was stunned for a moment, and then he sighed with a bit of bitterness and helplessness on his expression:

"You're asking me to take the blame."

"If you take the money and blame it, the other party won't come to you."

"But it's also something that offends people. In our business, connections are more important than anything else."

"So, I've brought you another reward."

Saying that, Yun Tian pointed to the big money bag.

"Afterwards, I will arrange for someone to come over and connect with you, and we should be able to cooperate further."

"Cooperation?! Did you mean that!"

As soon as the words fell, Marcus almost stood up excitedly.

Yun Tian also nodded, affirming his thoughts.

"It is to cooperate with the industries under Kingdom Sword. For you, this should be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

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